What's your favorite current-gen gaming system?

What's your favorite current-gen gaming system?

Total Votes : 5,663
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Since you have PC listed as well, the vote obviously goes there.

Otherwise the DS and Wii would be possible choices too.
I own a PS3, but I have the most fun playing my DS. I have little time to sit at home and play a console so its refreshing to have a portable handheld with a great library of games and a 20 hr battery life to play games on the move.

Sadly, its mostly thanks to my R4, but I do own a library of games, albeit small, that I enjoy playing on occasion. Granted the DS doesn't have EVERY game I ever wanted to play, it does have a fair majority of the fun ones and that's what counts. Can't say the same for my PS3 which I have a smaller library for than my DS.

Difficult to find something truly worth $50-$60 for my low income and hectic schedule. =/
Xbox 360.
Prefer the Xbox controller to the PS.
Xbox 360.

Also, I still count in the good ol' PS2 (yeah I'm kinda old school).
A PC can be all of the consoles at the same time^^;
PS3 cuz free internet and online mode
Who the hell chose wii? Also, I don't PC game much because my PC is not the best. TT.TT
I have none for I'm poor, but if I had a choice it would be ps3.
Hell yeah! PC ftw! How else do we get our daily dose of fap on the net?! Fakku banzai!
pc master race
PC or XBox, difficult decision
Higufuuindo The Enlightened
PC of course, but I do like PS3 as well. But PC shall be the master race now and always.
So.. where's the PS Vita in this? No? PC it is!
I'd vote, but sadly I don't game enough T__T
and I only own a wii...
a wii...
PS3 for me. I've never liked the Xbox controller and the exclusive games of that system don't really impress me either. As for PC gaming, I only use my computer to play visual novels.
PC has dominance over all.
For me, PC, no question. After that though, PSP/DS kinda tie. I play lots of handheld games away from my computer. I just beat Mother 3 a few days ago, in fact.
PC has the most games and free multiplayer. Xbox has good multiplayer, but it's pay. It also has exclusive games. PS3 has decent games, free multiplayer, but shitty community. I have to go with PC.
Pc is my first choice because of games and steam. Console-wise I enjoy my PS3 more over my Xbox, however; I only own the Xbox for exclusive such as Halo. PS3, I've been enjoying Dark Souls and BlazBlue: CSE more because of the controller scheme and the D-pad for BB:CSE (I do need to get a fight stick...)
I reccommend xbox 360 because the online play is great and is worth paying for.