What's your favorite seasonal sport?

What's your favorite seasonal sport?

Total Votes : 3,592
I love basketball.
basketball... i like almost evary sport...

but i play basketball when i was in highschool (in the team of course)
Football/Soccer, cause I played for a local club on weekends.
Tough between American Football and Volleyball... I guess Football.
Ice Hockey born and raised a fan
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
I grew up in down town Toronoto, where the majority of people came from ether South America or the Middle east, so I never really got into traditional north American Sports. Most of my youth was spent playing Soccer. When the world Cup was being televised, every public TV in the Downtown area is surrounded by people cheering for teams with people they'd never met. I've always loved sports ability to bridge both language and cultural boundaries, and create a great sense of community ^^
Always been a diehard rugby fan, and for that matter a Rugby Player! In Second, I'd have to give it to American Football, mainly cuz I play that too, and enjoy watching it a lot. If not football, I'd have to give it to Basketball.
I'm a golf person myself. Great way to relax in my opinion and i've been playing since i was a little kid
Sports are... Eh to me. I like playing them and I'm indifferent to watching them.
I like to watch American Football, not so much college ball though.
I'm involved in many sports such as; "American" Football, Football/soccer, swimming, cycling, running, Archery, and wrestling. Though I like each of them equally, I put American football as my choice only because it's the season. Go Ravens!!
Basketball for me (´▽`)
YES! High five for anti-sports!
I don't like them, they're okay for having a good time if played with friends, but I don't watch seasonal sports on TV, specially soccer... it's like a religion here in Mexico, and I'm one of the weirdest of weirdos for being a guy and not liking it.
I happen to like watching cheer-leading competitions. Do dance competitions count too?
Am not that much into sports.
Sports are always to aggressive, no matter the sport, I'm to gentle to enjoy any of it.
Basketball, NBA only, Go heat!
Basketball love NBA intensity and my fav team New York Knicks! Also love NFL love 49rs