Which internet browser do you use?

Which internet browser do you use?

Total Votes : 8,066
Opera. It's the look/stlye that gets me, but mostly because of the tabs, 'cause I have like hundred of 'em.
Firefox, I'm more comfortable with it.
I voted to Internet Explorer for my opinion, but I also use Chrome(I am using it right now)... most of the time. The thing why I chose Internet Explorer because it's like a mother giving birth to another browser and getting adopted by millions of people to use(sorry if this didn't make any sense). Well that is all
I used to use Firefox... but then it began crashing, so now I use Chrome
luinthoron wrote...
Always been using Firefox. Nothing against Chrome either, but Firefox has all the extensions I constantly use.

same here, firefox has alot of useful extensions, but as some of them are now being modified to be able to run with chrome, i find myself gradually using chrome more often
always use firefox since high school, since firefox always give me plug-in that i needed
godsend The Pun Master
Yeah, I use firefox [base]. Incidentally, I didn't realize there was a web browser called Chome, despite it apparently garnering nearly half the votes in this poll. ;P
48% Chome (1,408 votes)

Technically, I use Waterfox -- it's the 64-bit version of firefox, and it kicks ass. 345 tabs open, and not even breaking a sweat. I've reached over 800 tabs before, and my computer started to slow down a little bit.
I use IE because i'm too lazy to get anything else and learn how to use it.
I use IE8 because it's the only thing that WORKS on my version of Windows XP Service Pack 3! :(
Chome its more fast...i guess
I don't have a computer, so i have to use mobile.
I've been using firefox for a while now. Chrome was still too broken when I stopped using IE a few years ago. Never tried it lately, though.
Chrome almost always, on my phone and everything. Love the bookmark and password syncing, though I use firefox whenever there's a plug in I need that chrome doesn't have
I use Both Chrome and Firefox, FF because it has all the nifty hotkeys and extensions that I NEED, and because Chrome has one single extension for a game that FF doesn't have.
Firefox is kinda good in some ways like private browsing =3=
Internet Explorer is what I use, because Firefox and Chrome never work, and both crash all the time on me.
Used to use Firefox until i switched to Chrome feels a little faster
I use both Firefox and chrome but if I had to choose between those 2.. I'd problebly pick chrome :3
Chrome is what I use until I visit ex.
Safari anyone? ...Ok :''(