Which of these popular search engines do you use?

Which of these search engines do you use?

Total Votes : 7,021
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
I used to be a Yahoo or Ask (Jeeves) kind of guy, but once Google came around I made the switch completely. There are things I use Bing for (flight searches are awesome) but for literally everything else it's Google.

Google is awesome
Go Google or go home cause one day they are gonna rule the world, them and FAcebook. Can't wait to see if Facebook ever makes a search engine!
Google because that's how i found this place
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Google is all I've ever really used that's worked properly for me.
I use DuckDuckGo. It's amazing to search with bangs.
e.g. !wiki Shoes brings me directly to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoes without having to find it in a long list of results.
or !maps Destination A to Destination B brings me to Google Maps' direction section with both destinations already selected.

And it doesn't track you or puts you in a search bubble like Google and the other big search engines do.
GOOGLE all the way, I can't even imagine surviving my college and hentai double identity life without the helpful search engine of Gooooooooooooogle! xD
I find Google is the easiest to use.
I use google becuase it's easy to remember the name (ï½°ï½°;)
GOOGLE of course?
well google is more international and it's an older server then the other-so every one is more know about google
To me Google has to be everybodys best friend
Especially when it comes to finding porn \(^.^)/
at work we had a saying... "when in doubt... google it"
Pretty much only Google. They watch every thing you do but who cares?
Some are these are redundant, like MSN and Bing. And then you have AOL "Enhanced by Google".
google of course. When me and my friends don't know anything we say...."just ask google"
look at the chart aha! not surprising that google was most voted.
Google... for google chrome... even a popular anime parody for search engines...

since there are no other(for me) "why don't you (insert name of other search engines) it?"
Google Chrome is my browser of choice, so Google is the search engine I use.
Type something and hit enter to search? Best kinda of lazy searching! xD
Google enough said.