Which visual novel would you like to own a hard copy of?

Which visual novel would you like to own a hard copy of?

Total Votes : 6,833
Voted Clannad cause I actual have a hard copy of it. Got the PS3 game.
Am I the only one who did not like the Fate/Stay Night anime??? I could not get past episode 7, I got really bored and found myself sidetracked while watching because it was so boring.
Kita Day 1 NaruHina Fan
Fate/stay Night. But mostly because it's the only one on the list I don't have a hard copy for anymore. Long story.

Shuffle! is still my favorite VN, though.
Id go for a hard copy of Clannad.

I already own a HC of Discipline and I must admit that its my favourite VN of them all, Spot on sexyness and full of lulz!! :D

But the one VN id LOVE to own is Yandere... (God I want to play it so HARD)
G-Senjou no Maou!!! XD
Caine wrote...
Sengoku Rance. Sure, the Type-moon stuff has the better story, and SWAN SONG is just wow, but Rance is just so fucking FUNNY. He's such a welcome break from the usual VN protagonist templates. You know, blank, naive or twisted. Rance is just a magnificent bastard and he knows it and loves it.

Also on the filth side, it has, like, over 100 sex scenes. That's something of a bonus.

Amen. VN protagonists are a dime a dozen but Rance's hilarious personality make the games so awesome in addition to the great gameplay.
Fate/stay Night!
Clannad would also be nice.
KasukiUchiha wrote...
Am I the only one who did not like the Fate/Stay Night anime??? I could not get past episode 7, I got really bored and found myself sidetracked while watching because it was so boring.

KasukiUchiha wrote...
Am I the only one who did not like the Fate/Stay Night anime???

KasukiUchiha wrote...
did not like the Fate/Stay Night anime???

KasukiUchiha wrote...
Fate/Stay Night anime???

KasukiUchiha wrote...


Oh wait... I'd like to get Tsukihime pls. I think an orig copy of those are rare nowadays
Sengoku Rance My man Rance. come on show some love.
Kannagiyo wrote...
Sengoku Rance : D

Although Daibanchou/Daiteikoku/new Rance would probably be ones i'd more gladly own.

But, none of those, including Sengoku Rance, are Visual Novels. They are ero-strategy games. From the pure VNs I'd have to pick Fate/Stay Night.

2 thumbs up!!!
It's a hard choice between Clannad or Fate/Stay Night. I wish could choose both. In terms of anime, FSN made me feel like i was swindled out of my money, while as Clannad made me know good anime when i see it.
Because it's impossible to find a hard copy of Clannad at my place, I bought the anime to satisfy myself a little. Sad, but this is reality.
Hard choice between Sengoku Rance or Tsukihime, I would have to say Sengoku Rance because the inbuilt battle system is constantly re playable.
I would choose "Shuffle!" but that wasn't on the list so I just pick my second fav.
Each of them have their own appeal in different way.
Clannad: Super touching, funny and heart warming.
Fate/Stay Night: Epic fight scenes, amazing story line.
Sengoku Rance: Awesome gameplay with so much replay value.
Swan Song: haven't tried ><
Tsukihime: Classic Type-moon game, amazing story line.


FSN FTW!! Unlimited Blade Works is the bomb!
Sengoku Rance since that is the only one I'm really interested in.
clannad because make me cry T.T
Fate Stay Night is greatest visual novel of the world
nakamurayui318 wrote...
Fate Stay Night is greatest visual novel of the world

Agreed. I would've picked Clannad if the visuals in it looked more like in the anime (I know the anime was based on the visual novel, but still..)
Monster Girl
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