Who won E3?

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Who won E3?

Total Votes : 6,326
Bethesda is the best video game developer in my opinion...
They respect the fans unlike those noobs at EA.

Other than that I really like Gearbox and i am a fan of borderlands series..
i voted sony. out of loyalty. the only games i'm interested in are the new mass effect and whether the last guardian will ever be released.
I choose EA, only because they had the adorable, nervous, and genuine Swedish guy and Yarny.
The Real winners are from software, Velka bless them
Yeah Bethesda had it. One game but... it was the best. I cant wait till November!
Don't think there is much room for interpretations. Obviously Betesda won, I mean it's Fallout and it's comming THIS year

Forum Image: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lt3c3plX2l1r3ovdbo1_400.gif
HALO 5 !!!!!!!
Aneko-chan Random Game Developer
Forum Image: http://media.giphy.com/media/M1N930eguTV1S/giphy.gif

(Had to :) )
E3 was good, can't really say there was a winner. Every game looked cool, excited for most!
seriously, can't stand the remakes and sequels being the focus. I don't mind that they're making them, but i'd like the games industry to try something new.
TrixieTang wrote...
Bethesda won because of Fallout 4 and because they pissed off Anita Sarkeesian with the over-the-top violence in the new DOOM and Fallout games, yeah... apparently the DOOM and Fallout series are finally having violence added to them! *cough* Bloody Mess Perk *cough* BFG9000 *cough*

I am a Fallout fangirl though, so perhaps I may be a bit biased.

I can always appreciate when a company pisses off Anita Sarkissian
Sony or Bethesda

what's the point to include Microsoft, EA to this list, rly? :D
Bethesda due to there not being a car and a person talking instead of just a video ,and yay! for fallout, can't wait.
It's obvious who won, Sony of course, I mean c'mon that Final Fantasy VII Remake?! that's a showstopper right there!
I'm torn between Microsoft and Bethesda. I've never looked forward to a game more readily than Fallout 4. But between announcing the Xbone backwards compatibility and the HoloLens, I'd say Microsoft slayed.
dark souls 3 and finally a final fantasy 7 remake. My wallets going to be taking a beating soon
For me square enix win. Bcos of the ff7 remake hehe
Square Enix pretty much had all a lot of games that arguable brought the fans to their knees thanking God. Though most of the good ones where part of the Sony conference.
I'm so stoked for the fifth installment of Star Ocean. I was about to freak out for no one mentioning it, but a couple of you did. I really love the Star Ocean Series.
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