Who would win in a fist fight?

Who would win in a fist fight?

Total Votes : 6,580
nah son... rasengan, pokemon, and gomu gomu no mi ain't got nothin' on kamehameha.

No one can defeat Gary.
Only reason Goku has more votes is cause Krillin keeps dying and getting wished back to life to vote again.
Maybe Gary, but Goku can fart and almost blow up half a world I'll go with Goku
Gary Oak!!!!!
Eboclove wrote...
agw1caveman wrote...
Gary got 10 out of the 8 badges in Kanto, hes got dimension altering powers or something. Don't mess with him.

Forum Image: http://www.geekstir.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/gary-oak-632x483.jpg

Just for the record: In the anime they say (and multiple times at that) that you need 8 badges to qualify for the pokemon league, but that there are more than 8 gyms, they also show people with badges from different gyms than the ones Ash got his badges from... so theres no dimension altering, just gary beeing awesome and beating everything in his path (also, he never won the fight against Giovanni so if there werent more gyms that 8 he wouldnt have competed in the pokemon league because he would never have gotten his 8th badge)

I think most people here know this, it's just a joke.
agw1caveman wrote...
Eboclove wrote...
agw1caveman wrote...
Gary got 10 out of the 8 badges in Kanto, hes got dimension altering powers or something. Don't mess with him.

Forum Image: http://www.geekstir.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/gary-oak-632x483.jpg

Just for the record: In the anime they say (and multiple times at that) that you need 8 badges to qualify for the pokemon league, but that there are more than 8 gyms, they also show people with badges from different gyms than the ones Ash got his badges from... so theres no dimension altering, just gary beeing awesome and beating everything in his path (also, he never won the fight against Giovanni so if there werent more gyms that 8 he wouldnt have competed in the pokemon league because he would never have gotten his 8th badge)

I think most people here know this, it's just a joke.

You´d be amazed how many people there are who doesn´t, i´ve met a bunch of people thinking that the only badges obtainable are the ones you can get in the game, makes me kinda sad....
Adramelech wrote...
Only reason Goku has more votes is cause Krillin keeps dying and getting wished back to life to vote again.

Well Played. LOL
Goku. Know what I'm sayian
Fanboys are gonna rage...
I don't care what others says. Luffy is the best!

Gum gum no...
I've watched "Goku Vs Superman" so obviously Goku would win.
Ecchi-sama Vanilla Essence
Goku, which has shown to have as much power as a God. ;3
Ryssen wrote...
Always Oak.

That Gary Oak swag is too raw
In all honesty, Goku would pretty much beat anybody in a fist fight; HOWEVER, I'd be all for the Gary Oak fansquad. I mean seriously, I'd get to hang around with cute girls all the time, right?
I don't even know, how do you predict this? Even tho its obvious Naruto cant compare tho.