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are you waiting until you get married to lose "it"

Total Votes : 67
Unman well I'm waiting till I'm married to lose my v card (partly cause hentai got me scared) I'm not that big on religion and stuff bit I want to lose it to some one I love and will be with the rest of my life
My friend that ship sailed long ago...
This uhm.. How old are you? i'm just curious.

I actually wanted to wait for that special person too. But i gave it to my first love and he was just a jerk. You just realize it's not such a big deal after all because that person who you'll marry is probably not a virgin either. Besides, it does'nt guarantee you are going to be a succesful couple.

Sex is a nice thing and you should enjoy it with your partners as much as you can. But that's just me.

You are free to do whatever you want with it and if you want to save yourself until marriege because it's something important to you. Then do so.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Well, my religion tells me to wait for marriage, but honestly, I may just wait for the right moment with the right girl, even if it's before marriage.
I would say wait for the right girl/ guy. If they love you, and aren't jerks, and love you for you, go that one step further... otherwise you could only be together from sex. Well, at least that's what i assume... i've never really been in the latter (in a relationship for sex i mean)
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
I believe that when I develop a sexual relationship with another person, there will be a lot of emotional investment. For me, I feel that it is dangerous for me to do so, and I do not wish anyone to be heavily emotionally invested in me. It is too much responsibility, it requires maturity. If you have been receiving PMs from me or so happen to chance upon my posts, you would know that I don't have even a single iota of it.
I'm willing to wait 'till marriage, but the question is whether or not my gf could wait 'till marriage
I don't plan on ever getting married and even if I did, I wouldn't wait. Despite not really having anything more than a friend's relationship, I think sex is a pillar upon any other kind of relationship stands on(excluding family of course lol). This may just be my horny virgin self though lol. It's up to you to decide what's important in a relationship. High risk for low reward (Marriage in my opinion) doesn't appeal to me.
kitty93 wrote...
This uhm.. How old are you? i'm just curious.

I actually wanted to wait for that special person too. But i gave it to my first love and he was just a jerk. You just realize it's not such a big deal after all because that person who you'll marry is probably not a virgin either. Besides, it does'nt guarantee you are going to be a succesful couple.

Sex is a nice thing and you should enjoy it with your partners as much as you can. But that's just me.

You are free to do whatever you want with it and if you want to save yourself until marriege because it's something important to you. Then do so.

turned 18 in august
I gave my virginity to the person I chose. We're still together, and we already mutually chose the other. We're engaged.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
I'll wait until I'm married, even though I am a guy
Well. I waited, not till marriage but I waited. When bars and clubs and anywhere that sell liquor can't tell your age opportunities kinda sprout like mushrooms. But I still waited till I found someone I loved and cared for.
And it was worth it~
even though before youre married, so long as its the right girl.
I'm not waiting for any specific time or event to take place for me to say that it's okay. It's whenever it feels right. Sleep when you're tired, eat when you're hungry, and make love when you're in love. As long as that's what both parties desire. In the end it's just a choice.
I wish I had waited until I met my current partner instead of losing my "v plates" to a first class A-hole. But as my friend so lovingly puts it "you gonna ride the horse before you buy it" so it couldn't be all that bad... Not
For me anyway. My religion (catholic) tells us to wait for the wedding night, where man and wife become one, but they also don't frown on those who don't. It a very open, welcoming, forgiving atmosphere.

But it's all up to personal preference. Kudos to ya kids who wait for your special night with your other half :) it takes balls to say "no" to temptation.
Lollikittie wrote...
I gave my virginity to the person I chose. We're still together, and we already mutually chose the other. We're engaged.

Good luck and well I mean stuff like this too if its the right person I know it alright just has to be love
I don't think I will wait. I think people gotta connect emotionally, mentally, abd physical to be married in my opinion.
So I probably wouldn't marry someone unless that was apparent.
sorry i cat wait anymore i give it to him..
It doesn't matter to me. If things escalate so much that it leads to sex, then so be it.
Your poll doesn't contain a fitting answer for me, but I picked maybe.

I have no particular respect for marriage, although I very much plan on getting married. I think mutual love, or at least mutual attraction, would be necessary for me to have sex with someone.

kitty93 wrote...
Sex is a nice thing and you should enjoy it with your partners as much as you can. But that's just me.

You are free to do whatever you want with it and if you want to save yourself until marriege because it's something important to you. Then do so.

I agree with this fully.
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