Wisdom teeth?

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Do you currently have wisdom teeth?

Total Votes : 37
Got mine pulled out several years back in high school... it freaking sucked. Made me sick for a week. Then another friend I knew had his pulled and he was hanging out with people the next day, lol. Different for everyone I guess.
Ahh this may sound weird...but I have a small mouth so I had to get 6 molars removed and my wisdom teeth and yeah...it sucks...the one tooth they pulled out didn't have the Novocaine set in long enough and they tried yanking it out, damn nearly shat myself, that's how painful it was.

But it gets better slowly, just make sure to not get the spaces infected!
Going to have mine taken out quite soon, in fact. Going for my first examination-only appointment today, actually.

I look forward to ice cream. But not to having to worry about my damn teeth getting unstraightened again! ;-;
I still got mine. "25" They are mostly out now, with the 4th still breaking skin. But so far they have all clear and set nicely.
Had all 4 surgically removed. No pain at all. Took a pain pill the first day and that was it.
My teeth are fiiiine. Haha people and their malformed mouths.
[font=segoe print bold]Oh, almost forgot.
Still have all four of 'em. (23)
I still have mine, I don't really care for them though
Mine have never hurt, and only one has completely broken through my gums.

they are crowding my other teeth a bit. so i might get them pulled if the rest of my teeth get too crooked.
Removed along with six other permanent (adult) teeth because my damn mouth is too f*ing small for all of them.

And don't you dare pick up that innuendo.
Enos29 Black Mouse Rising
No, because I was born without them so i think it's good that i don't have these problems. And I have still 2 or 3 milk teeth in my mouth which is really weird..
Damoz ~Not A User~
Have them, and they cause me no problems. So i won't bother~
Still have mine. I'm rather fortunate because the dentist told me that my wisdom teeth fit my mouth just fine.
I pulled mine out. That day will always be remembered in infamy.
I haven't gotten mine pulled out yet... It was hurting back in September 2011 and it went on for a week or two before it stopped. After that, it started hurting again around January for a day or two and about once after that.

Not sure if I'll have to pull it or not. If it gets to a point where I can no longer take it or eat properly, goodbye.
Got them, but they've never been a problem so no reason to deal with it.
I had all four extracted in one go. Took 12 shots of local anesthesia to get the job done. They had to shatter 2 of them because there was no other way of getting them out. To make matters worse, for some reason I was not able to get painkillers until the next day so I spent the whole time in agonizing pain. Even once i got the painkillers it was damn painful.
For alot of people there jaw to small, and having wisdom teeth brings alot of pain. so they have them pulled. not me I have mine, but never had an issue with them
Got mine removed. I was knocked out for the procedure. It was the best sleep I've ever had, and the Vicodin they gave me afterwards was nice too.
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