Would you meet up with FAKKU users if you got a chance?

Would you meet up with FAKKU users if you got a chance?

Total Votes : 4,733
'No. Definitely not. Stay away. 50%' XD That made me laugh. Yeah I'd meet a few of them. Some seem to have a good sense of humour and if they're here, chances are they probably have an interest in anime/manga and those people can be pretty hard to come by. Sure some of them may be perverts but then I have a sick sense of humour so no complaints there.
Yeah in fact, I've already met quite a few! Jacob, Mike, Crazy Ben, Looky-Tan and mqny others!
FoolyDooly Bought With Mastercard
diktator wrote...
I dont know anyone here so nty

Isn't that like saying "I don't know anyone so I can't make any new friends". Why would you limit yourself like that

On a bigger note, I welcome meeting new people. Shout @ me if you're at NYCC :)
Why not meet all of the fakku! Family seems cool and if I don't like them oh well move on that's life can't like everyone but sure have a lot in common with some of them stay fappy my friends
i dont know anybody here, but i would love to meet anyone from here :-D
I'm pretty torn on this. I love meeting new people at conventions, but ya'll kind of scare me. I guess I wouldn't mind as long as I wasn't by myself.
i dont want to see the person whom I shared my lewd fantasies with. Let alone shake hands with that cum factory
I would like to me a few people and discuss about anime, mangas, and hentai(maybe).
depends on whom (1st time posting)
Only if it involves circle jerking
I wouldn't mind meeting and knowing people that do this the same as me. So yea it be my pleasure on meeting any of you it doesn't mean will talk about hentai all the time right
milkyjoe Milkiest of All
Of course, But only if they were decent and refined perverts, I can't stand those disgusting types
I certainly would like to if I ever gotten the luxury.
It could get abit awkward if most of our conversation involve hentai but heck who care, it's fun to talk about the same interest we have.
Hell yeah I would meet up with anyone of them.

I love this community. I don't know like anyone on this site but I feel like if I met up with them it would be cool. Fakku really does feel like a family
Some of the well know people on FAKKU! on the nicer people.
I would like to meet anyone in this community! I always felt the people fakku community where pretty cool!
Why not? There are some pretty cool dudes on here, the only issue is... I may or may not be 16, I'll wait a couple of years :P
Already have ;D
Met up with devs and damoz in melbourne. It was pretty awesome
I'd would love to meet you guys in person