Your definition of a weebo...

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This is my first topic and I wanted to know what was in your opinion that makes the difference between a person interested in living in Japan and someone who thinks Japan is like "One of my Japanese animes!".
I got the idea from Sankaku Complex as the people of 2ch label ALL non-Japanese anime/manga fans as weebos...
Its all about humor, but I want it to be as honest as possible. I want to know what makes a weebo.
Okay I'll start:
1. If the only Japanese foods they know of are the ones featured in anime and manga if the brand is mentioned. Sushi, Pocky, and rice are not the only things the Japanese eat.
2. The only Japanese they know are the random exclamations of overly cute moe girls or some battle cry from some shonen anime. Buy My Japanese Coach if you want to learn that bad.
3. This annoys Spanish speakers too (since most people try to talk to someone after attaining a basic level of comprehension), but using inappropriate greetings learned from some anime as the characters are familiar with each other rather than you with that person.
4. The collecting of "samurai/ninja swords". Its just not cool.
5. Wearing clothing with an anime/manga character or having Kanji or Kana on the shirt. People wear things without knowing the meaning (Japanese make this mistake too as they have English on their cloths too).
Now to be honest I've never been, but I want to live there and give out some ideas for anime/manga that would be destroyed by American publishers as well as eat more authentic Japanese cuisine.
I missed my chance in high-school, but visiting a temple would make my day.
Urban Dictionary: "Someone who is obsessed with Japan/Japanese Culture/Anime, etc. and attempts to act as if they were Japanese, even though they're far from it. They use Japanese words but usually end up pronouncing them wrong and sounding like total assholes. You can find alot of these faggots clogging up the forums of Gaia Online, hanging out in the international aisle of the supermarket, or crowding the manga section of your local bookstore. "
Weeaboo. -Noun
Deluded Westerner who thinks that Japanese media is a realistic reflection of the country itself.

Related term-
Rbz wrote...
Urban Dictionary: "Someone who is obsessed with Japan/Japanese Culture/Anime, etc. and attempts to act as if they were Japanese, even though they're far from it. They use Japanese words but usually end up pronouncing them wrong and sounding like total assholes. You can find alot of these faggots clogging up the forums of Gaia Online, hanging out in the international aisle of the supermarket, or crowding the manga section of your local bookstore. "

I kind of wanted to avoid Urban Dictionary and read others opinion, but it is true. Also, anyone starting any new language pronounces it wrong.
Tegumi "im always cute"
It seems like you already have a pretty firm grasp on what makes a weeaboo. I doubt anyone is going to provide anything terribly enlightening.
Tegumi wrote...
It seems like you already have a pretty firm grasp on what makes a weeaboo. I doubt anyone is going to provide anything terribly enlightening.

Well I can't make a waifu comment since Otakus (who claim they are better) are the same as the average weebo on that subject.
Tegumi "im always cute"
Otakus and weeaboos are generally one and the same.
A weeaboo is basically someone who worships everything that comes out of Japan.
kgods wrote...
Weeaboo. -Noun
Deluded Westerner who thinks that Japanese media is a realistic reflection of the country itself.

Related term-

^ This...
A CTFG poster.

Generally I'm pretty sure you were looking for weeaboo.
The main difference between an otaku and a weeaboo and that a weeaboo loves everything japan down to the lifestyle and deeply wishes they were japanese, like a japanophile who has a focus on anime and games. Otakus don't really want to live in japan, they just like the unique culture/animation/media from Japan :
I am the defintion of weeboo
[z]NOFUTURE wrote...

Generally I'm pretty sure you were looking for weeaboo.
The main difference between an otaku and a weeaboo and that a weeaboo loves everything japan down to the lifestyle and deeply wishes they were japanese, like a japanophile who has a focus on anime and games. Otakus don't really want to live in japan, they just like the unique culture/animation/media from Japan :<


Otaku means someone who is insanely obsessed with something. The term came from Japan, but that doesn't mean it can't be used to describe someone outside of there. Being an otaku has nothing to do with just Japanese media, culture, anime, manga or whatever else, though it mainly for anime, manga and video games. It just means obsession. There are gun otakus, knives otaku, photography otakus...etc. People really need to stop misusing that term.
A person who honestly believes that becoming a whore for Japanese goods, services and/or media (Local baseball exempt) automatically translates into becoming more Japanese in a positive manner.

I say this because I had a friend who had an unusual interest in a particular Japanese baseball team. When he went over with their merchandise on his person, he was greeted with legitimate shock and excitement by the locals who supported the team. The guy was living the goddamn dream.
They have some affiliation with "anime." Why the fuck does it need a "proper" definition? So labeling would be easier? lol
lollercookiez wrote...
[z]NOFUTURE wrote...

Generally I'm pretty sure you were looking for weeaboo.
The main difference between an otaku and a weeaboo and that a weeaboo loves everything japan down to the lifestyle and deeply wishes they were japanese, like a japanophile who has a focus on anime and games. Otakus don't really want to live in japan, they just like the unique culture/animation/media from Japan :<


Otaku means someone who is insanely obsessed with something. The term came from Japan, but that doesn't mean it can't be used to describe someone outside of there. Being an otaku has nothing to do with just Japanese media, culture, anime, manga or whatever else, though it mainly for anime, manga and video games. It just means obsession. There are gun otakus, knives otaku, photography otakus...etc. People really need to stop misusing that term.

Well I was about to comment to that person but you beat me to it.
Anyhoo, I remember the "Gun Otaku" comment in Full Metal Panic in High School of the Dead.
Futanari wrote...
A person who honestly believes that becoming a whore for Japanese goods, services and/or media (Local baseball exempt) automatically translates into becoming more Japanese in a positive manner.

I say this because I had a friend who had an unusual interest in a particular Japanese baseball team. When he went over with their merchandise on his person, he was greeted with legitimate shock and excitement by the locals who supported the team. The guy was living the goddamn dream.

It seems baseball is more loved in Japan than America, but I don't watch it. I like boxing.
Good for your friend though! An experience like that must have been something to treasure.
lollercookiez wrote...
[z]NOFUTURE wrote...

Generally I'm pretty sure you were looking for weeaboo.
The main difference between an otaku and a weeaboo and that a weeaboo loves everything japan down to the lifestyle and deeply wishes they were japanese, like a japanophile who has a focus on anime and games. Otakus don't really want to live in japan, they just like the unique culture/animation/media from Japan :<


Otaku means someone who is insanely obsessed with something. The term came from Japan, but that doesn't mean it can't be used to describe someone outside of there. Being an otaku has nothing to do with just Japanese media, culture, anime, manga or whatever else, though it mainly for anime, manga and video games. It just means obsession. There are gun otakus, knives otaku, photography otakus...etc. People really need to stop misusing that term.

Oh, yeah you're right. People call people military, trains or guns otaku as well. Sorry, you're correct.
Well I've got some good ones, but here's some more:
6. Looks up only swears in Japanese just to insult their peers and(like one has mentioned) pronounces it wrong.
7. The only music they have on them are the most annoying anime themes and sings them aloud.... Badly...
You can appreciate Japanese culture and all that, but when you want to be Japanese and all that crap, you are a weeaboo.
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