Your Favorite Food/Drink of All Time

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RandyV Rias' Husband
Favorite Food: Homemade Lumpia
Favorite Drink: Arizona Ice Tea
I don't think I drink anything else ever since my friend got me into drinking Arizona Ice Tea. סּ_סּ
Xillia Full Time Waifu.
Food would be Mama's homemade Pho.

As for drinks, it's a contest between Orange Juice, Sprite, Iced/Milk Tea, or Brita Filtered Water
Kuro vi Lolitannia wrote...
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The best. Instant noodle. Ever.

Sadly, dangerous for the body, but honestly I can eat 10 servings of this specific brand, whether it's fried or boiled.

I agree with you so much. omg
I'd have to say my favorite drink of all time would be green tea, or iced green tea.
Food would have to be eel sushi, or eel fried rice <3
Jello and grapes and dr pepper and Budweiser and I also like fries as a side dish.
Instant noodles, variety changes on the mood, though there is this one recipe of house-made noodles I can eat all day....

Drink? Tea, specifically 铁观音
Favorite Food: Arroz con Habichuelas y Pernil. Throw in some Platano Maduro and I'm a happy dude.

Favorite Drink: Alcoholic Malta.

This all ends up being comfort food.

My American version is all about microwave cheeseburgers and 40'oz bottles of St. Ides malt liquor.
Rather than narrowing it down to a dish, I will just say noodles. They are literally impossible to screw up. I will eat them raw, toasted, burnt, overboiled; it doesn't matter. But eggs are a close second, two perfect foods.

Definitely hot leaf juice for beverage. Even though there's so many teas out there, a few dozen of which I have tried, I always come back to minty green teas.
For food I'd have to say Hungarian Goulash, its pretty amazing stuff if the cook knows how to make it right.

For drink I'm stuck between milk and Arizona green tea.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
My absolute favorite food is Fettuccine Alfredo.

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Favorite drink would be Dr. Pepper.
French Fries/Blackberry Smoothies
goshvjin 「fappin' and snackin'」
favorite foods: a medium rare steak, chicken alfredo with broccoli and mushrooms, and red apples.
favorite drinks: blueberry white tea, decaf black coffee, and jack and cokes.
meat and veggies in sauce over rice pref spicy

cherry dr perpper

i could live off this stuff if i got water in between every meal
Favorite food?

Favorite Drink: I just got into this Gfuel stuff its pretty good but I'm sure it will kill me like everything else.
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