Your Worst Nightmare? And How Do You Interpret It?

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I had a nightmare that repeated itself numerous times still to this day I occasionally get it.

there is a dead girl with ginger hair at the end of my bed I'm always trying to hide it from someone, I know that is they find it, it will be bad once I hide her I start fingering her then eventually go all the way....

freaks me the fuck out
Falling off at the rooftop of a skyscraper. Nope, I'm not dreaming of bungee jumping.
gabrielz wrote...
Falling off at the rooftop of a skyscraper. Nope, I'm not dreaming of bungee jumping.

Did you get that awful feeling in the pit of your stomach while falling?
I hate it when that happens.
against my 5 selves
one calls himself Magician,
other is Horologue, Guardian, Myrmidon, and Harlequin

they somehow represent my other side of mine
oh yeah, not all here are nightmares. i tend to have some fun with Myrmidon, getting her skirt ripped/ flipped/ just to show hers
gabrielz wrote...
Falling off at the rooftop of a skyscraper. Nope, I'm not dreaming of bungee jumping.

Did you get that awful feeling in the pit of your stomach while falling?
I hate it when that happens.

I actually felt that and it made me startled on my sleep.
Falling from an unknown place and I get the feeling of your stomach being pushed in.
I barely have any nightmares.

However, some dreams can be so eccentric and far-fetched, I enterpret them as nightmares.

Like, falling dreams. The ones that jerk you from your sleep, because you feel like you were walking and about to fall. Those scare me really bad.

Also, the worst dream was where my five year old cousin died. I don't remember how, but I woke up and the scene of a funeral with his picture above a casket and the priest's droning slowly reverberated through my mind. The next time I saw him, he got a really big hug.

I don't know how to interpret those.
The dream that strikes fear into the hearts of fakku members
The internet bans loli

Even morpheus can't do that, and the sandman is badass.
otakumax wrote...
The dream that strikes fear into the hearts of fakku members
The internet bans loli

Urghhh. straight to the heart...
Iam1vs100xp wrote...
otakumax wrote...
The dream that strikes fear into the hearts of fakku members
The internet bans loli

Urghhh. straight to the heart...

Another nightmare dream
If girls grew dicks
my worst night mare...a dream goes...

everyone walks on the sky...when I ask them..they ask back..why are you on the ground?...

weird dream eh...
no more loli and been replaced by futas
Last night. About me being a Prince in a Toad Kingdom. Everyone looked were toads. I wasn't my worst but still...
otakumax wrote...
The dream that strikes fear into the hearts of fakku members
The internet bans loli

Even morpheus can't do that, and the sandman is badass.

The Endless are triple-badasses imho. Morpheus is pro-loli -- that's why we keep dreaming if these moe girls. :D
A lot of my night mares are rather odd, as a child some and even now my most reoccurring nightmares were as follows.

1. Me being attacked by dark, shadowy figures vaguely resembling people or animals but with red eyes. Whenever I would try to scream in these nightmares i wouldn't make any sounds, and the weird thing is that they would always take place after I awoke from sleep.

Or others would involve me just sitting in a dark, lonely void, no monsters or demons, just darkness and emptiness.

I don't really know what to make of these nightmares though
I have had two dreams of seeing my 96 year old Grandma dead. First in my bed room and second in my pool and her face was blue/black. I think it means she will die soon. Makes me think I won’t be able to say good bye. This sucks because after she dies I will have no grandparents left.
The worst nightmares that i can remember are:
1. Im being chase by a tyrannosaurus, and while escaping i throw myself to a pool, apparently the animal cant catch me while Im under water, but I cant breath under water, so eventually I'll run out of air and will have to face the monster.
-Interpretation: I think it means that i keep running away from reality(the ugly reality), but eventually I'll have to face the "monster".
2. Im in a car with the woman I love(my best friend, but I told her that we shouldn't see each other anymore cause it was too painful) and we talk for a long time, and apparently we're very happy. Suddenly the car stops, she puts her head on my shoulder, and I told her "I miss you" and she replied "...I know" then she left the car and started walking towards her boyfriend, I tried to leave the car but I couldn't.
-Interpretation: I think that this was my subconscious telling me that I should get over her cause no matter how long I chase after her, I'll never catch her...

Its funny how a mere dream(fiction) can cause more pain than reality.
I wanted to put up smile.jpg story, but thoguht better =)

I can only actually remember one nightmare that strikes out in my memory

I was 5 years old when i had this dream

II was all alone in the house, and i found out there was this flying shark-fish thing floating around the house.

I was like all freaked out in the dream and managed to elude the shark thing many times.
I tried to exit my house but the door was locked from the outside.

In the end, in my dream, i Hid in what was virutally my mom's toilet in the dream.
I heard unnatural noises outside the door and waited for the time to come when that floating shark found me and tear me to pieces.

OK, Not your normal Amnesia - The Dark Descent story.

But i was 5 at that time.
I still remember the feeling of pure helplessness i felt in the dream.
My worst nightmare involved a pack of rabid wolves. I was stuck somewhere in the Yukon. And there were tall, skinny rabbits. And they were drinkin' heavily.

I can't interpret it!
My worst nightmare was, when I dreamt about my mother having lung cancer. The morning after that nightmare, I decided to stop smoking and I did it. I've quite smoking after eight excessive years, due to this dream.
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