Are you afraid of Death?

I'm not in any way afraid of death death is a natural part of life and i dont believe people should be afraid of it i know this may sound mean but i dont think people should bury the dead i know you dont want something to happen to the deceased remains but the dead give off new life also it says in the bible(sorry if this offends anyone) but jesus said to a young man wishing to follow him let the dead bury the dead everyone and everything must die all organisms die off to sustain new life
Death is unavoidable....If I die tomorrow so be it; at least I don't have to put up with shit in daily life. I usually don't think about it since there's too much I have to do but I be damned if someone tries to take my life; no one has that sole right unless I go crazy, caught up in serious bullshit, God, or If I want to take my life.

Yes, I fear death. Yes death is natural and a part of life...
But you know what else is a natural part of life, diseases, pain and suffering, poverty, and general unhappiness. But you know what, we can overcome these things, we have before. We have cured diseases, stopped the pain, brought wealth to the poor. Sure these things still exist and in frighteningly large amounts. But that is changing, it always has been, and will continue on for eons more. We have found ways around these things and we can do the same with death.

Not much more than a few centuries ago the average life span was around 30. Today it is around 70. Over time we have succeeded in further and further staving off death. That will continue. There are ways to live forever, though we lack the technology now, there are a lucky few who may live to see our lifespans increased by decades even centuries. I am speaking of those who have taken a leap of faith and cryogenically frozen themselves in the hopes that one day they could be awoken to whole new world. It is possible for you too with either enough money or a high enough standing in your particular field. I plan to work in cryogenics so that I too may one day see the future, for better or for worse, and may one day be rid of death eternally.

Off-subject I believe my obsession with immortality came to me when I was younger. I often watched Dragonball Z and shows like it where the main villain was always after immortality.

Daviel Orome wrote...
I will be immortal. Just need to find a way to make a very large sum of money, then I will buy immortality, Like I said before, Nano-bots, and Human Augmentation is the way to go.

Something along the lines of this person's plan would likely be my ideal
Shinryu-Rex wrote...

Yes, I fear death. Yes death is natural and a part of life...
But you know what else is a natural part of life, diseases, pain and suffering, poverty, and general unhappiness. But you know what, we can overcome these things, we have before. We have cured diseases, stopped the pain, brought wealth to the poor. Sure these things still exist and in frighteningly large amounts. But that is changing, it always has been, and will continue on for eons more. We have found ways around these things and we can do the same with death.

Not much more than a few centuries ago the average life span was around 30. Today it is around 70. Over time we have succeeded in further and further staving off death. That will continue. There are ways to live forever, though we lack the technology now, there are a lucky few who may live to see our lifespans increased by decades even centuries. I am speaking of those who have taken a leap of faith and cryogenically frozen themselves in the hopes that one day they could be awoken to whole new world. It is possible for you too with either enough money or a high enough standing in your particular field. I plan to work in cryogenics so that I too may one day see the future, for better or for worse, and may one day be rid of death eternally.

Off-subject I believe my obsession with immortality came to me when I was younger. I often watched Dragonball Z and shows like it where the main villain was always after immortality.

Daviel Orome wrote...
I will be immortal. Just need to find a way to make a very large sum of money, then I will buy immortality, Like I said before, Nano-bots, and Human Augmentation is the way to go.

Something along the lines of this person's plan would likely be my ideal

You can never get rid of death. Entropy will wipe all the sentient scum out of existence eventually
"You can never get rid of death. Entropy will wipe all the sentient scum out of existence eventually"

Entropy and the cooling of the universe will eventually wipe out all life in this universe however as Michio Kaku stated in this video,( by that point we may be able to escape this fate by jumping to a new universe, thus, avoiding mass extinction.
yes i am afraid of dying people that are saying they are not, i dont believe them because HOW are you gonna die nobody knows maybe its a really painfull way.
I am afraid of death, but I find comfort in the fact that it is unavoidable, everyone dies, and I will hopefully go in my sleep, or in the prescense of friends.
I'm not sure.

My grandfather died a couple of years ago. I wasn't in the city when he passed away, but my father was there at hos lasts moments.

my grandfather said to him in some moment: "son, I'm leaving really, really soon".

- are you afraid? Don't worry, I'll be here for you.

and my grandfather smiled and said to him: "I'm not afraid, I'm just worried about your mom. She'll get bored without taking care of me"

they laughed, and my grandfather fell asleep, and never woke up again.

I'm not really afraid of death, it's inevitable. I'll just be worried about the people who loved me, I don't want them to suffer for me.
I'm not quite sure if I truly fear death or not. I certainly don't want to die right now, that's for sure.
I think the reason that it unnerves me so much is the unknown. Not knowing what happens after, or if there even is an after. Would it just be blackness? Would it just be like powering off a computer? We have no idea.

The sad fact is, whether we like it or not, we will die someday.
I sure hope it's not just blackness.
Phew. Long time since I've touched the forums. I used to say I wasn't that when it comes it comes and this was after I had left Christianity where my biggest fear was what if I go to Hell. I never particularly thought about what comes after death(If one wasn't Christian)....but then I did. To this day it send s me into a small panic attack because I have no idea what will happen. Is there another plane? Or do I reincarnate? Or do I just sit there? In darkness? Do I stop existing? That one really scares me because I can't even wrap my head around it. And then I started thinking of my last moments(If I had met them at that very moment). As I set my mind to be in that situation, thinking that I was going to go 'Death I welcome you and I am not afraid' but no. I guess I had matured some or something and I was afraid as hell. I started thinking there was so much I hadn't done. So much I could see. And there was so much uncertainty. Both about the world I lived in, still wanting to know more, and about wherever the fuck I was going. And I was petrified. So yes. I am afraid of death. Be he a robed, scythe-carrying reaper, or an animal spirit, I am scared. I still am and I probably always will be.
Nope. Luckily since I'm nowhere near dying of old age which is what I naturally expect to die of, I have no fear of dying. If, by some chance an accident happens I won't be expecting it so I still wouldn't be scared. What I DO fear is contracting a disease or illness which affects me for the rest of my life such as cancer, but even then I don't think about it.
Eh, whatever happens, happens. The only thing that scares me is being bored and unable to read doujins for the rest of eternity.
Not really, no. I don't want to die yet because I have possibly another century of... stuff to look forward to, but it doesn't frighten me.

I have no belief in an afterlife (I kinda believe in ghosts, but I'm not totally convinced), and though some may find that frightening, I find it comforting. No more pain, suffering, or worries. Just peace.
Pain full death, yes. Other than that, no.
I consider Death(and aging) an inconvenience mainly because it acts as a limit on what can be done by giving us a time frame. I still consider it necessary since without it, we'd be overpopulated. Nevertheless, the way I see it, I would try to find a way to"work around Death" as to be more productive (whether this is moral or not is a completely different discussion). So in a sense, I am utterly terrified of it I don't want it to happen since I fear I will not have completely lived my potential but in other senses I embrace its biological function
I know that death is just apart of life, so its not that I'm scared of it. It's what I regret and what I feel guilty about before I die that scares me. I'd at least want to say I'm sorry to those that I've done wrong to or made feel bad. I probably won't get the chance to either, but its cool. Just gotta keep trying to forgive myself and forget. The things I regret are usually silly anyways, if I think about it.
Nano mites. human augmentation, and Nero transmitters will make us immortal. Some already here and some will be he with in 30 years
I'm not afraid of death. The only thing that I'm afraid of is not being able to achieve anything when I die.
Sorry for my poor english.
It's not the end I fear with each breath. It's life that scares me to death.
Drifter995 wrote...
To say you're not afraid of death, is lying to yourself and everyone else.

Why should everyone be afraid of death just because you are? I don't want to die, no, but I'm not afraid of it. I'd spend every moment fighting my death I could, but if it is was a situation where there was no way my death could be avoided, I wouldn't be afraid of it.