Are you afraid of Death?

My opinion is you can only know how you feel about death when it's a serious possibility. I like to think I'm not scared (as would many). From what I remember when in a situation like that, I wasn't terrified of the possibility. I simply didn't want it to happen. I think when it does happen, instead of being scared I hope to be interested. Mainly In what may happen next. Will I meet a deity who can answer questions I have. Will I be reborn into another living bieng (Werewolf please). Or will I simply expierience nothingness. No consciousness, no everlasting blackness. The only thing I fear about death is the possibility of not knowing that it is happening. Yes tortured to death or being eaten alive by an anaconda can be pretty fucking scary but, dying in my sleep or a bullet to my unaware head is something that I fear.
I am not afraid of death, but I do not want to die. Dying is something that I have to do, no matter how I struggle or wish against it. As far as I believe in it, death is simply something we cannot comprehend, since an existence that is beyond life is impossible to imagine because we cannot relate to it. We fear the unknown, and so we fear the infinite possibilities that could lie after death, no matter what afterlife you believe in. There are also too many things to do in life, and to experience. But in the end, we all have to die, so we might as well die with no regrets.
The only thing I really fear, is what happens after death. I have so many things that come to mind and I end up scaring myself.
Religion for me is hard to believe since there is so many. I just don't know which one to believe. I definitely don't want to be tortured in hell for all eternity. And just the word "eternity" itself freaks me out. I know I'm definitely scared of how i'm gonna die. I really hope its painless :|
Damoz ~Not A User~
I am not afraid of death, it will come for me when its ready. Yes i am one of those people who would like to live forever, BUT death is inevitable at some point being a part of life and all.

Why should one fear what you cannot stop? I just want to make my mark in life so i can die in peace. And personally i don't care what death is like, when it gets to that maybe. But right now i am alive, why should i worry about it~
LtCliff FAKKU Ninja
It's so sad, but also... relieving. It does keep me up at night sometimes. If I an ever presented eternal life (not immortal), I would take it in a heart beat. And I know I will not be able to fathom the torment ahead.... no mortal can. But I would, and I would do great things.
Being scared of death is quite reasonable.
But I guess being scared of what WILL happen is just a waste of emotion/time.
I mean, it will happen. You should just face it and stare at it in the eye.

So am I scared of death? Kind of. LOL
Yes, death is my biggest fear.
Every time i think about it i say "i'm ready for you anytime" but when i recall what i said i say to myself "i wonder what i havent done yet". Im pretty young to even think about death, im 17, but i have seen in the news people my age dying everyday and everything just cancels itself out. i have still a life ahead of me and death stalking and watching my very moves ill be waiting for it when it comes.

There's a saying here: "live you're life like it was your last".
I realized that running away from the real reality for 24 years is awful.
All I did was playing games thinking that ''Everything is fine'' Well I am optimistic but forget to be realistic at times. I am sure that this despair exist in many of us. Just now it hurts just writing about it. Burning sorrow.
My soul tells me to not give up and I say agree because I want to try all I can without running from the truth this time. I cannot stand being broke again. We where born with time and ends with time. Makes the most of it or you will regret it when you start understanding yourself. Pleasure other desires instead of your own wont work in the long run. Listen to yourself and say: ''Is this what I really want, or am I just eating out of someone elses hand? Is this me''? Be honest to yourself first and then maybe people around you will come to you.
I am not ready to die. I still have so much I want to do. My greatest dream is to travel or move to Japan someday. That dream is all that really keeps me together now.
nikinefarious wrote...
I'm not ready to die by any means, but death is a fact of life. We have to accept our own mortality or we wind up living in fear of it. I'm not ready to die, I don't want to die ever, but it doesn't scare me and when it happens I think I will be okay. I don't really believe in the after life, my biggest concern about death is that I don't want my loved ones to mourn me.

I agree with what you're saying about not wanting it versus you not being afraid of it, but don't you think that kind of view is selfish? Not wanting someone to mourn you sounds a little self-centered. It seems like you don't want to feel the guilt of leaving others behind.

This brings me to my main point in response to this question. I, by no means, want to die, but circumstances determine how willing I am to accept it. To leave others in this world with a bad aftertaste would definitely not be something I would strive for, so to avoid that, make the most of life. That's what I would do to solve the issue.
Jeff-097: "Shade-Thr wrote...
nikinefarious wrote...
I'm not ready to die by any means, but death is a fact of life. We have to accept our own mortality or we wind up living in fear of it. I'm not ready to die, I don't want to die ever, but it doesn't scare me and when it happens I think I will be okay. I don't really believe in the after life, my biggest concern about death is that I don't want my loved ones to mourn me.

I agree with what you're saying about not wanting it versus you not being afraid of it, but don't you think that kind of view is selfish? Not wanting someone to mourn you sounds a little self-centered. It seems like you don't want to feel the guilt of leaving others behind.

Many people have this oppinion and I never saw it in a selfish way until now. Interestingly, don't you think it's sefless for someone to not cause others pain at their passing?
I'm not afraid of dying...I'm afraid of how I'm going to die...
yeah I am very much terrified. I would do anything to live forever really, even if its just my brain in a tank. But I guess the closest is to just live longer by being healthy. Or make the best out of what time you have I guess.
I'm not afraid of of death, but I'm terrified of dying right now. Death will come to me some day, that I know. And when I die, that's it...
I'm not afraid of death but I am worried I won't complete everything I want to before I die.
I'm not really afraid of death, its more of the fear of dying with regrets.
No. I've come within hours of dying more than once (I've seen a lot of hospital rooms growing up) and for a long time fought depression, so death doesn't scare me very much
One shouldn't be afraid to leave everything if they believe they've lived a fulfilling life. Death is an inevitable thing and personally I don't want to drag my life out to the point where I'd become a burden. I know people would be afraid of leaving loved ones behind but if you believe in Heaven and Hell, why would you be? It would just mean you're leaving them for an undefined period of time before their time comes as well and they meet you. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell though, personally I think its a ridiculous concept but I'd digress if I carry on. Returning to my original statement, you shouldn't be afraid if you lived a fulfilling life.

So am I afraid? Yes but won't be for long.
I'm afraid of unexpected death like getting shot or stabbed. If it's from an illness then at least I can mentally prepare myself for what's to come. I was raised believing in the afterlife and it comforts me occasionally when I start to think about death. Although sometimes, I get caught up thinking about the unknown that I begin to cry.
I'm proud to say I'm not scared of death cause like 2 days ago i was catching the bus to school and the bus comes at around 6 30 and i had to cross the street and i didn't look both ways and u know those streets that are separated by like u know the dividers with bushes in the middle i almost got hit 2 times and this chick said i almost died and i responded with like a boss.