Communism or Capitalist society, take your pick

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Im making this discussion about whether or not you like a communist society or capitalist. After doing my school assignment about capitalist society, i was curious about people's opinions.
If we're talking ideals, a communist society would be fantastic. But if we're talking about reality, then it has to be capitalism. Communism only works if people aren't greedy, and that is never going to happen.

Of course, capitalism is no cup of tea either, but it's easier to have capitalism and change some things than to have communism and not change things. There's really no room for change in communism. Share the wealth, and if it isn't shared, then it's not communism. But capitalism, you can add some socialist ideas and still have the same basic structure. It's still basically capitalism, even if you spread some money around.
every form of government has/had some good points and some bad points
according to history, from these two I would choose capitalism in today's form - i.e. France, UK etc. (not some capitalism systemes in late 19th century)
still, comunism is pretty good idea, but unapliccable in human society on current evolution level
I prefer Capitalism, communism only works in a smaller-scale community
Capitalism is like a free for all. Sometimes the individual gets fucked over and no one else cares.

Communism doesn't care what's best for the individual. It only cares about what's best for the masses.

Don't really have much of a preference for any, because ideals can always change. Then again, america isn't changing its ways anytime soon.
As an idealist, I'd wouldn't choose either, they're not perfect or just. Though communism is preferable to capitalism. I'd take something along the lines of a government controlled society, where the basic needs of all the people are met. But in order to achieve more, they will have to work toward it.

People would be rewarded for behaving in an altruistic manner, to a certain extent it would be like training a dog to perform tricks: the first few times he does it; he gets a treat. He continues to do it in the hope of getting a treat in future. By monitoring and limiting the assets that each person can achieve; you can get a vast majority of people working to a certain level. Wealth and power would not be disproportionate, health-care, food and shelter would be mandatory for everyone.

Those who applied themselves to work, would receive more based on the quality of said work and their dedication toward it. I don't believe that people will choose what will be a bare bones existence when the opportunity to work and earn the same as their fellow man is just around the corner.

This way there is liberty: the choice between work and death would not hang over people's heads. People are free to work as much as they please. If you want to succeed you play by the rules society has put in place for you, only in this instance the rules are just. Do not harm others, do what you can to make the life of your fellow man better.

Not everyone is equal, some people are better or more dedicated to one field than another. If people choose to work, they will be placed in the job where their talents can be best utilized. Someone who works to the same level, regardless of what job they do, will reap the same reward. Naturally if someone achieves a great scientific breakthrough they will be rightly lauded for their achievement.

Education would be of the utmost importance, and great investment would go in to providing the highest level of education possible. People are only free when their minds are liberated from the shackles of ignorance.
By now both ideals have been twisted so badly that they seem more revolting than anything else. Proves that they're majorly flawed I guess...

While I do come from a formerly communistic country, that is now (excuse my French) fucking hard working people in the ass, due to incompetent politicians and misinterpreted capitalism, I still think the we should stick to the latter. The civilized world we know today is build around capitalism and any attempt to change that would be seriously painful for everyone.
Capitalism also leaves much room for improvement and depends highly on competent people having power whereas communism, while being a beautiful idea (and one very close to my heart) has a tendency to degenerate very, very quickly.
A pity that mammoths are more common today that competent people with power...
U can always choose to use both. Where u leave the control of vital resources to government and others to the people. Well that`s what my country use, It is pretty bad in economic but at least with the low living cost and the lenient law where u can get pirate stuff without worrying of being captured. Its kinda great living here. So just fuse both.
communism causes me to give up too many of my much enjoyed freedoms. capitalism is the way to go. honestly i'd rather have my form of government. my friend and i developed one for when we rule the world in 4-5 years
Communism has its good points but it really sucks with how people are as a whole.So i would honestly rather have capitalism at least it works and doesnt just lead you to a life of near deppresion like poor i feel sorry for any communist countrys today it must suck having to deal with that.
Ok 1st let me say I am talking about Marx verison of Communism not the fucked up version countrys use today. See everyone should be equal and have all the same opportunities that everyone else has. So i'm going with Communism.

[Note]Karl Marx is a bangging name I mean with a K and an X thats just sweet. Oh and check the beard it's off the chain diddy got nohing on him.
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Communism sounds fantastic on paper, but no country has ever achieved the real Communist ideals.

In reality, Capitalist is the only way to go. I mean, it's against human nature to work hard for the sake of the country. That's why Communism never works out.
wow barley a day had passed and i got so many replies.

Anyway, my beliefs is that communism only works if the economy or country is in a certain crisis. Take WW2 for example in the soviet union, it was their almost fanatical belief in communism or peoples power that made them triumph. In war time, a single strong totalariun government can silence opposition and demand absolute loyalty. china is also an example, the rise of communism had united the people under a single government after so many centuries.

but in the post war period, communism cannot survive economically. In order for the economy to grow, private corporations must control the market and engage in active trade. that is why the soviet union failed as well as cuba, and North Korea. China is an exception because they after the soviet-china split,china managed to find America willing to help. Today, china is only communism in name and belief and is now rapidly moving into capitalism.

so to sum it up, communism cannot surivie in the post-war period.
Ambivalent Ecstasy wrote...
As an idealist, I'd wouldn't choose either, they're not perfect or just. Though communism is preferable to capitalism. I'd take something along the lines of a government controlled society, where the basic needs of all the people are met. But in order to achieve more, they will have to work toward it.

People would be rewarded for behaving in an altruistic manner, to a certain extent it would be like training a dog to perform tricks: the first few times he does it; he gets a treat. He continues to do it in the hope of getting a treat in future. By monitoring and limiting the assets that each person can achieve; you can get a vast majority of people working to a certain level. Wealth and power would not be disproportionate, health-care, food and shelter would be mandatory for everyone.

Those who applied themselves to work, would receive more based on the quality of said work and their dedication toward it. I don't believe that people will choose what will be a bare bones existence when the opportunity to work and earn the same as their fellow man is just around the corner.

This way there is liberty: the choice between work and death would not hang over people's heads. People are free to work as much as they please. If you want to succeed you play by the rules society has put in place for you, only in this instance the rules are just. Do not harm others, do what you can to make the life of your fellow man better.

Not everyone is equal, some people are better or more dedicated to one field than another. If people choose to work, they will be placed in the job where their talents can be best utilized. Someone who works to the same level, regardless of what job they do, will reap the same reward. Naturally if someone achieves a great scientific breakthrough they will be rightly lauded for their achievement.

Education would be of the utmost importance, and great investment would go in to providing the highest level of education possible. People are only free when their minds are liberated from the shackles of ignorance.

Well, you certainly are an idealist. And that entire society basically depends on your own personal view of what is right and just. Which may be the definition of idealism. Also, how would you deal with punishment?

As far as Capitalism v. Communism, it depends on if you mean them in an economic sense, or in a governing sense. It also depends on the people of the area in which it is being used, and the economic and political climate of both that area and the world at the time. I don't think it's as easy as saying one is better than they other.
It's been said that communism works as a government in times of war, and this is true, with sufficient nationalism and support for the war. For example, in the United States, during the Vietnam war or either Gulf wars, without the near complete and emphatic support of the people of the country, communism would fail completely. I don't believe communism would ever work in the United States. We are a people that really needs a better reason to do something than, "it's for your country," or, "it's for your fellow man." And that's the biggest problem I see in communism, typically, a lack of motivation for the citizens. That's why it only really works well in small groups of people that care about one another, or if it is a large group, one connected by strong nationalistic or other idealistic bonds. And it doesn't last very long.
Essentially a pleasant dream of the optimist that disregards human nature.
Capitalism is much more effective at producing results in a society lacking the powerful motivation of ideals or genuine concern for the other members of a community. It provides the motivation of money; a very powerful motivator indeed, in a world in which money is power.
The major flaw of capitalism, of course, is that many citizens can be left behind, and it can be very brutal for the poor and/or less capable people.
There is no system that can really motivate people well without the suffering of at least some of it's citizens. If you help the people who make less effort too much, then no one will have to make any effort, and society will not advance. If you only pay attention to those who advance in society, then many people who arr not capable of advancing like some others will suffer. And there is really no objective way to classify people so as only those who will not, rather than can not, will suffer for their failures.
It's a difficult subject that many, many people have been working on for thousands of years, and there will probably never be a perfect government.
Dante1214 wrote...
Well, you certainly are an idealist. And that entire society basically depends on your own personal view of what is right and just. Which may be the definition of idealism. Also, how would you deal with punishment?

Good question, well the idea of punishment does not really appeal to me as a person, but there must be something done to rehabilitate those who choose to commit crimes. I accept that even with a high level of education available to everyone, some people will still choose to work against society. But I would hope that people might see that they will be treated justly by this society and any action against it is only going to be detrimental to themselves.

What I would advocate is a form of rehabilitation camp, where people can learn why what they did was wrong and how it harmed those around him. If he was a murderer or other danger to society, then he would be separated from society indefinitely. As far as the rehabilitation camps go, until the reviewers are satisfied that the criminal has changed his or her ways, they will be kept there indefinitely.

If you want an example of the "punishment" for a particular type of crime, then feel free to ask.

Essentially Capitalism and Communism are both forms of Capitalism (capital driven economy), where they differ is in who has ownership or control of the capital, in the case of Communism, it's the state, and in the case of laissez-faire capitalism, the capital is under the control of large corporations and an extremely wealthy minority. The idea of a just economic structure for me; would be that each person who works, gets equity for his work. In the US an hour's labor is worth around $150 dollars, while the average wage is about $15.

Communism has been hurt greatly by the level of corruption within the state itself. People are not perfect, but when the leaders do not believe in communism then you can expect nothing better. Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot etc none of the leaders of "communism", actually believed in communism. In communist countries there was a motivation for people to work; Terror. People worked, but they slacked off when they felt it was safe or they met their quota.

In order to rule a great number of people, their ignorance must be maintained. My society does not exist to rule over others, but rather to give them a better, fair life.

Dante, what is your definition of a "just" society?

basically because i dont believe in a common good, there are only individuals.
GinIchimaru_09 wrote...

[Note]Karl Marx is a bangging name I mean with a K and an X thats just sweet. Oh and check the beard it's off the chain diddy got nohing on him.
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you want beard okay then.Forum Image: as for yes to communism yeah its a good idea....if the people running the communist country were trust worthy and lets face it when money is involed NO human bieng can be trusted.
Waar FAKKU Moderator

Go Canada (free health care)
Capitalism all day. It's where hard work and perseverance pay off.
Waar wrote...

Was that an option? Thought you had to pick one or the other? Always breaking the rules Waar.
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