Do women have it easier on the Internets?

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Do women have it easier on the Internets?

Total Votes : 42
Waar FAKKU Moderator
So I was wondering what you people think about the way women are treated on the internets, particularly in forums such as this one. Taking into to consideration all aspects of being online tell us what you think, I would love to hear from both male and female users. I wont post my opinion yet as I would like to avoid influencing others.
Women have it hard, since nobody believes they exist on the net to begin with. Although it's stupid, I think it is always fair to assume unless they have a picture, it's probably a guy. A believable picture. I have seen guys trying to pass themselves off as random models that are clearly not them. Hell, I know guys like that, and they are good at what they do. Probably the reason I'm so cynical about their existance, but it isn't like I care if it's a guy or a girl to begin with. I don't come online to hook up with people.
[size=10]Well since, for the most part, you usually have more males on a site than females (unless it's like lol), I assume they do have it easier. Since they're not the majority, they're more likely to be treated kindly or whatever.

Despite the misogynistic behavior/beliefs that you'll find on some sites, like 4Chan, women are, for the most part, valued (by straight men anyway). So I'd assume they have it easier. And since men seem to fall head over heels for women (sometimes) or play the roles of "Whiteknights", I'd expect it to be easier for them (women).

But who knows for sure? I guess you have to live both lives on the internet (the female and male life). Hopefully this post makes sense.

Random: I think I use too much commas. Post 777[/h]
Like HentaiElder said, there are usually a lot of White knight types on the internet who will defend women for whatever reason. Hell, there are even a lot of them on /b/, defending webcam whores. Can you believe that shit? Defending girls who take their clothes off for attention? I'm not saying the girls should be blasted, but as soon as you take your clothes off for money or attention, you give up the right to not be called a whore. I say this as a person who would like to make his own porno. I accept that I would be called a whore, and I don't mind.

That went off into a tangent. Anyways, people also don't argue with girls too often, I've seen. Either the guys start drooling over the fact that it's a girl or they seem to hold back and not argue as best they can, for whatever reason. I assume it's because they don't want to hurt the girl's feelings, or they don't want the girl to get extremely angry at them. Guys tend to be afraid of girls being emotional, I think.
Easier for the most part I'd say.

With the vast majority of active Internet users being guys and the basic (very very basic) principles of chivalry and good manners still present they usually get more attention and are less likely to be insulted.
Still if one truly tries to prove a point or influence someone's opinion they may find themselves a bit handicapped (though the same would apply for a guy trying to prove a chick wrong).

This is all assuming that they reveal their sex that is. If one attempts to keep anonymous about it and still mix in with the crowd difficulties may present themselves. Especially in forums such as ours ...

@Lamz0r : Indeed I am.
You want to try it? 8)

btw. dasiek... Ty jestes Polak?
Yes. There's shitloads of losers that try to hit on girls over the internet and actually are serious about it. It's funny to watch guys try to hit on girls and fail.

I know it very well because I've seen it happen plenty of times on world of warcraft, even gave em gifts and all.

Well cybering is fun.
HentaiElder wrote...
[size=10]Well since, for the most part, you usually have more males on a site than females (unless it's like lol), I assume they do have it easier. Since they're not the majority, they're more likely to be treated kindly or whatever.

Despite the misogynistic behavior/beliefs that you'll find on some sites, like 4Chan, women are, for the most part, valued (by straight men anyway). So I'd assume they have it easier. And since men seem to fall head over heels for women (sometimes) or play the roles of "Whiteknights", I'd expect it to be easier for them (women).

But who knows for sure? I guess you have to live both lives on the internet (the female and male life). Hopefully this post makes sense.

Random: I think I use too much commas. Post 777[/h]

pretty much mentioned almost everything i was about to say =P 2nded
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I think women have it easier in most situation to by honest. Sounds kinda strange coming from a girl.

Girls have the power of manipulation.
If there's a situation a girl doesn't want to be in, she can pull tears, or she can play dumb and/or innocent.

Granted, girls do have some things that are harder then guys do - but girls in locations have it easier.

Video games for example. I've tested this theory. I can get on as a female character and ask a question, and I'll get responded to, invited to a guild plus some items.

As a guy, I'm either ignored or laughed at.

Online - when I first joined Fakku. I expected to be pretty much a normal person on here, because I lurked the forums for a bit and noticed there were some pretty cool girls on here (Rayne and Rukia). But I had... how many pages of thread in my welcome thread?

Back then girls weren't really common on Fakku (at least to me it was) and guys were a little more excited to welcome girls to the site.

Now if you notice new girls, they have a little bit of a harder time, or at least more leery people. They won't hesitate to call a girl stupid or a troll - they won't fall for their adorable pictures of themselves from head to chest - and they just aren't as woooo! about it. I think Fakku has pretty much gotten used to female users on here. There's a pretty big handful now.

But it's a double standard. Guys can't insult girls because then you're an asshole. I take the internet pretty seriously, because to me this is me. It's me more talkative because what you guys see are my thoughts. I rarely speak my mind out loud unless I have to or with people I'm really comfortable with.

Girls get away with more things, enough said.
I agree with what seems to be the general idea here.
The is, that the internet is loaded with sad, lonely dudes who will fall over themselves defending a girl, as though they had never seen one before.
Forum Image:

This happens often enough in real life, too, though.
I think that it's getting to a point where most guys don't understand the difference between being civil and being a jackass when it comes to women.

Plus, women always talk about wanting to be equal to men and such, but then expect to be treated more gently and still try to do that female manipulation thing.
If they want to be equal, they should be prepared to be treated equally.
Otherwise, make the babies and the food and shut up about it.
well, woman is treated rather easy in internet, for example on my place, the people use woman char in online game always treated easy by another user, and some often give item and money for free, well many ppl has been fooled bcause the player is actually a guy...and in forum ppl often talk soft to someone that admit self as a "woman"(truth is a guy faking as a woman), my point is ppl often see the benefit as a woman in internet and misuse it
Hmm, I guess it depends on the person. If you're a woman and you understand that half the guys you meet online will stalk you and the other half won't believe you, then you may be able to use that knowledge to your advantage. However, if you're a naive little girl then you might have a harder time of it. Overall though, I guess I would say it's harder to be female on the internet because most of the people on the internet are misogynistic arseholes =).
i belive they have it easier for one if they state they are a girl then they will recive more respect then men and such around them due to how most people were brought up believing that you should always be nice to a woman.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
cooperboy321 wrote...
Hmm, I guess it depends on the person. If you're a woman and you understand that half the guys you meet online will stalk you and the other half won't believe you, then you may be able to use that knowledge to your advantage. However, if you're a naive little girl then you might have a harder time of it. Overall though, I guess I would say it's harder to be female on the internet because most of the people on the internet are misogynistic arseholes =).

it's funny but 75% of all assholes become different people when addressing a female. Almost bipolar in their treatment of people. Vagina has an odd effect on internet kids.
Depends on the situation. If a woman is trying to have an opinion of hers taken seriously, or is trying to make an honest suggestion about something, it's gotta be harder. Anywhere you look, as soon as a poster is revealed to be a woman, most threads instantly derail into off-topic posting, trolling, flame wars, etc.

However, if it's purely a social thing, any woman out there will have it easier, 100% of the time. Simply because of reasons previously stated; most of the internet (outside of myspace, facebook, etc) is made up generally of guys who instantly try to get inside said females pants, even though she might live on another continent.
I don't know, because i've yet asked a question about this subject to a women.

But what I say is that they're treated alot different from guys.
Different = Being Stalked, asked question if your hot , treated like some sort of God(ess)

But what i realy hate is when the get privileges in game and such just for being: ''A Girl'' ooooooohh.

Lets take some examples: CS: If a girl plays counterstrike or other fps you'll have your entire team chasing after her or the enemy team targeting her first in jealousy.
WoW: In an online game they have a much easier time finding groups or getting items they want.
Random Forums: Pretty much one of the places where you can see Guys/Girls being treated the same.

Though I'd like to say that I'm immune to this shit, I'm not. Though I'm not givin away free items or running after them druing and fps I admit that I usually like to target them first when playing fps. Probaly because deep inside my brain i count them as noobish ( aka free kill ).

Not to be confused: I've seen/meet alot of girls players way better than me.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
in general when playing a FPS i think girls are treated as a weak link, girl gamers are often said to be less skill than guys. I think that stereotype is quite true for the most part, thought obviously not pertaining to all women, just most.

It's more difficult for guys on a board to establish a sense of camaraderie with women, since they're seen as being "different," "rare," and perhaps even "anomalous."

And, then, when a girl does receive special treatment, she needs to consider whether the kindness is being dolled out by an online lurker looking for some action (physical or cyb0r).

Don't forget the fact that a few dudes, upon seeing random acts of kindness, instantly get pissy and bitch about how "women have it easier on the intarwebz, GAH, UNFAIR." One fakker even made the "flies on shit" analogy, which carries the implication that a girl is worthless in the first place. ;p

Oh, and if you claim you're a girl, your gender falls under instantaneous scrutiny-- "pics or gtfo" mentality. For instance, I posted a pic of myself and people were like "yea, right" whereas every other guys' pic was accepted as being a genuine, digital representation of themselves. <3
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
It's because generally attractive girls don't go on anime porn sites. Consider it a compliment, I think you're about the only girl who had to prove herself.
I don't think women have it easy on the internet as the phrase, "There are no girls on the internet." floats around. But I will give users the benefit of a doubt if they are or not.
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