Do you think that gun/cigarette manufacturing companies...?

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Should gun/cigarette manufacturing companies be held responsible?

Total Votes : 35
Xil Norse God of Sawdust
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
"Outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns"

Leave it to Fiery to place the final nail... Agreed with everything said

They have gun restrictions pretty strict. You can't have a police record. I think its the individual's fault if he goes and kills people with it. Besides, most of the cases of shootings, the guns were not bought from a store/company. It was bought through the black market.

Now if you're telling me I can't own a fucking gun to have a means of protecting myself, then that's just fucked up. Why blame the companies? Gun have been around since the 1800's. Its the person's responsibility what he does with that gun. Most people use it for a precaution, so they can have it for self defense. Don't be just looking at the shooting incidents and say "GUNS ARE BAD, THEY KILL." ITS NOT THE FUCKING GUN. Hell, are we going to start blaming sword companies if theres a guy who goes on a massacre with a machete?

Cigarettes....I say both have the blame. The person, themselves, picked up cigarettes and started smoking. Companies, add stuff in it to make it addictive. Its a fault on both sides. I'm a smoker myself, but I don't blame the companies, but rather myself for starting. Its an addictive substance that slowly kills you. Knowing so, we can't quit.
Honestly, I don't hold the companies liable for their products, but you hurt yourself by smoking, not by owning a gun.

@Illumi: firearms have been around since 1100 in China.
I made a rough estimate. Thanks for the update.
Well, for guns i don't believe the companies should be held responsible since it is those who use them recklessly that make them dangerous. Many rules and restrictions are in place to try to keep deaths and injuries to a minimum and guns can both be used to attack and protect, so it seems unfair that companies have to be held responsible for their product.

As for cigarettes, i fell they should hold some responsibility. My reason being that it is an addictive product that can actually kill their customers. Also, no one really benefits from the cigarettes, removing any good points it has. While, smokers get their fix, it is not really a benefit for themselves by smoking cause the cons outweigh the pros in the long run.
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