Does existence need a beginning?

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FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Before I start, I'd like to point out that Astronomers estimate that the universe is about 13 billion years old. However, when I say existence, I'm not talking about the current "form" of the universe. I'm not even excluding the possibility that there are other universes out there. I'm referring to the matter and energy that makes up existence itself. We know how old the universe is, but we don't know how old matter and energy is (although we can measure how old matter is in their current form, just not their previous form). Then again, we learn in physics class that matter and energy can't be created or destroyed, so in a way they are immortal (thus has no real age). Its just that they change from one form into another. There are theories out there that matter and energy came from nothingness or they were created by God(s).

What is your take on it? Did existence have a beginning or has it always been around (and always will be)? If you feel existence had a beginning, then why do you feel it needs one, also vice versa.


I think existence just gets continuously recycled. One day the universe will either die or contract (I think its called the big crunch), then extract again (big bang). If the universe dies then matter and energy that made it up will be used to create new universes (I think black holes are gateways to other plains of existence, matter that makes up this universe will travel through those black holes and eventually big bangs will occur to create new universes.). I don't think existence needs a beginning because there isn't any evidence to support that it does. Matter and energy existed as one form or another, and I don't see why that will ever change.


Sorry in advance if this post is boring, doesn't make sense or both. I'm an amateur at these kinds of discussions.
I believe that Life in all its incarnations is cyclical. Planets die and redistribute matter throughout the universe, which after soaring through nothingness and colliding with other bits of floating matter, eventually become a new planet all its own, and thus begins a new world with new life. Only to one day die and start the process all over again.

I believe it's the same with the whole of existence itself. Constantly aging, dying, beginning, ending. Eventually our universe will collapse in on itself, then twist, warp, and spit out another universe all over again.

Basically, exactly what you said. xD

This is actually pretty comforting.
I think that the complete universe would follow the same principles as a regular system. Matter coalesces, compresses into large mass. At a certain point, enough mass is collected for gravity to aggravate other atomic forces. Gravity and fusion duke it out for x-million years.
A. Gravity wins. Black hole.
B. Fusion wins. Kaboom.

If Gaian life lives long enough to see the end, they'll be too far away to notice for another couple billion years.
Just to rectify something , the universe is expending and is not slowing down , it's accelerating so it will never contract .

Also , even if the universe came from nothing , it doesn't mean it has been created by a god .

For the topic question , i don't fucking care right now . I don't want to lose my time on a question that i know there's missing pieces of the puzzle , i'll try to get the pieces then finish the puzzle .
Keep in mind that it is possible that the past universes might have different rules compared to ours. I forgot where I heard about this theory. But it can mean that the way that universe began might have been from nothing at all, even if it doesn't make sense to our rules.

I strongly support the multiverse theory, especially with the infinite variations on every choice. Hell, the fact that it is possible that every fictional work can be another universe sounds good, but sounds more like hopeful thinking.
"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again."

There will never be an end. maybe. There is no reason for everything to continue. We might just be a hiccup of the void, noting more than an error in the total and eternal darkness.

But then again, if we are an error, errors repeat.

Interesting subject, thank you.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
I say it has a beginning.

Let me ask you a question.
Can you make a fork out of nothing? When I say nothing, I mean like, nothing, no ingredients to make, just an empty table and I demand a fork out of you.

I could be wrong, since my knowledge is extremely limited, and I assume that no one has found out about the mystery of the whole universe, and it's all nothing but theories.
devsonfire wrote...
I say it has a beginning.

Let me ask you a question.
Can you make a fork out of nothing? When I say nothing, I mean like, nothing, no ingredients to make, just an empty table and I demand a fork out of you.

I could be wrong, since my knowledge is extremely limited, and I assume that no one has found out about the mystery of the whole universe, and it's all nothing but theories.

Actually, wouldn't that make you think that there's no "beginning"? Since you can't make a fork out of nothing, it must mean that the ingredients for the fork have always been there.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Koyori wrote...
devsonfire wrote...
I say it has a beginning.

Let me ask you a question.
Can you make a fork out of nothing? When I say nothing, I mean like, nothing, no ingredients to make, just an empty table and I demand a fork out of you.

I could be wrong, since my knowledge is extremely limited, and I assume that no one has found out about the mystery of the whole universe, and it's all nothing but theories.

Actually, wouldn't that make you think that there's no "beginning"? Since you can't make a fork out of nothing, it must mean that the ingredients for the fork have always been there.

Well, if you wanna make a cycle of something, you need to have the ingredients first right? I mean, how can a cycle be there out of nowhere? Something must have happened for a cycle to happen. You follow?
devsonfire wrote...
Koyori wrote...
devsonfire wrote...
I say it has a beginning.

Let me ask you a question.
Can you make a fork out of nothing? When I say nothing, I mean like, nothing, no ingredients to make, just an empty table and I demand a fork out of you.

I could be wrong, since my knowledge is extremely limited, and I assume that no one has found out about the mystery of the whole universe, and it's all nothing but theories.

Actually, wouldn't that make you think that there's no "beginning"? Since you can't make a fork out of nothing, it must mean that the ingredients for the fork have always been there.

Well, if you wanna make a cycle of something, you need to have the ingredients first right? I mean, how can a cycle be there out of nowhere? Something must have happened for a cycle to happen. You follow?

When talking about our current universe and rules, sure, we need the ingredients. But if the past and future universes have different sets of rules, then one might not even need the ingredients or it can be a different process.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
The Randomness wrote...
devsonfire wrote...
Koyori wrote...
devsonfire wrote...
I say it has a beginning.

Let me ask you a question.
Can you make a fork out of nothing? When I say nothing, I mean like, nothing, no ingredients to make, just an empty table and I demand a fork out of you.

I could be wrong, since my knowledge is extremely limited, and I assume that no one has found out about the mystery of the whole universe, and it's all nothing but theories.

Actually, wouldn't that make you think that there's no "beginning"? Since you can't make a fork out of nothing, it must mean that the ingredients for the fork have always been there.

Well, if you wanna make a cycle of something, you need to have the ingredients first right? I mean, how can a cycle be there out of nowhere? Something must have happened for a cycle to happen. You follow?

When talking about our current universe and rules, sure, we need the ingredients. But if the past and future universes have different sets of rules, then one might not even need the ingredients or it can be a different process.

Well, I'm just assuming the way it is now, since no one can prove how the Universe really made, since all of them are just theories.
Lol... so now it approaches the realm of theoretical physics and logic.

Logically, existence require a beginning, but there are multiple theories. But everything results in an enigma.

First theory.
Existence may be the effect from a cause from another dimensional pocket or something of that nature. In typical cases, we would be observing the cause(beginning) preceding the effect(existence). However, if there is some type of outside force that creates the existence, we would see the effect precede the cause. Like a nuclear chain reaction. The excess of another dimension would create a massive chain reaction that would create something from nothing. Where does the beginning of that come from. But where did that item come from and did it have a beginning. This would result in a massive circle spanning all unknown multiverses. However, that in itself is a conumdrum. (effect preceding cause)

Second theory.
Our understanding of time is rudimentary at best. Currently we can only explain time in two-dimensional: past and future. Present being never really existent in the large scheme of things. Time in its most basic understanding is usually thought to be linear, but time in itself (if one believes the multiverse theory) cannot exist within normal Euclidian space. Time itself bends in ways that we may not understand. Perhaps, space-time existed as a single blob of antimatter in space, but a particle came thru a wormhole(located within the same Euclidian plane) and began the universe as we know it. This would result in the effect affecting a cause. Thus resulting in an enigma.

If you were to lazy to read the whole thing or unable to understand the theoretical hubbub: Logically and located with in a special linear Euclidian space, yes. It must. Speaking about the creation of the world, its an enigma as it would result in effect preceding a cause.
I do wanna say it have a beginning, but if you think like this,

how do space exist in the 1st place? Before the Big Bang happen 13 billion years ago space already here. What i mean by space was space time (known to most people as space or empty space in the night sky) thus giving another question do the time measurement on earth can be used to measured the time before the big bang? We do understand that a collision between two dimensional can caused a 'dimensional rift' or the big bang, but this also give another question, actually how long the existence of the other two dimensional has come to exist? perhaps even before the space were created. Black hole a strong gravity that can even surpassed the other superpower energy like electromagnet but inside those blackhole we don't have a single clue of it's nature, we do know it suck's thing and never let it out but do black hole suck Spacetime itself? If it can then the very nature of beginning of all existence can be found inside those black hole. Do the Blackhole has a spacetime inside?

But back to the original Question, does existence need a beginning? then i have to say yes unless it has been proven wrong.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
for me every existance needs a beginning.

Second is that i remembered something i watched from Discovery Science.

2 scientist put the Big Bang theory under suspicion. they said that its possible that The Big Bang is a reoccuring effect and it doesent happen in the middle of a galaxy. It can happen anywhere were conditions are met. They say thet the dark matter/dark energy is the key to the Big Bang itself at tehre are some evidence that proves theyr theory about big bang.
Data Zero wrote...
for me every existance needs a beginning.

Why ?
I would say so. Because for something to exist it has to be created or born, so it must be a result of something. Thus, everything needs a beginning.
If there was no beginning, Where would it come from than?
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
lordisgaea3 wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
for me every existance needs a beginning.

Why ?

Because i like to write stories.

But honestly. Its Unacceptable for me for thing just

cooldoggy11 wrote...
I would say so. Because for something to exist it has to be created or born, so it must be a result of something. Thus, everything needs a beginning.

Littshepkid wrote...
If there was no beginning, Where would it come from than?

The universe could be infinite and then wouldn't need a beginning .

If you think abouth it , it makes much sens that the universe is infinite . If it has been created , then there was a creator or at least an action that made the creation . Then what created the creator or what did the action of the creation ? You could answer that god created the universe and he is infinite but why if he can be infinite , could the universe not be too ?
This is something we will probably never know or truly understand. As I comprehend it though matter cannot be destroyed. So even if you change matter into something else (energy for example) it will still exist.

It seems more plausible that everything has already existed just in a different form or another until it formed into the physical and solid objects as we know them today.
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