[Locked] End of the World

Ok 4 a very long while now I've been hearing the end of d world is on December 21, 2012 for various reasons which I am much too lazy to write but I'm sure many of u know the grand majority of them. Anyway what do u guys think on d subject do u think there is any truth to it?
I don't think this is true at all, because NO MATTER how you look at it , nothing can tell the future , we dont live a fairty-tale kind of world like that , we live in Reality where everythings mainly based off science and research. AS for the world ending , It all depends on what happens in the future , in example , maybe even in 3 days we could be smashed into by a gigantic astroid , or all the polar icecaps could melt in the next year and we'll become over flooded. or governments could just become more dumber and decide to nuke eachother nonstop. But im 100% sure that no one can tell when the earth will end.

off-topic sidenote : my B-day is December 21 lol
Still 2012 should be oh what's d word....."interesting" lol

Anyway who else has an opinion on d matter?
awesome SD.. u'r now entitled with the King of Armageddon..

and about 2012. i'm sure there's a topic about this already.. as for my thought.. I don't believe it.. but note that, even if it's not scientifically proved, there's always a probability that it might happen.. what if a meteor crashed out of nowhere?.. or a new deadly diseases infected this world (like the newly found Swine Flu?) ? or something unimaginary like that?
....King of Armageddon... I LUV IT XD

Also while we are on d topic do you think is the most likely armageddon that will inevitably plague us humans meteor strike, global warming, aliens, etc
And also what is you favorite form of Armageddon (weirdest question ever right?) mine is Zombie infection (but not resident evil style I mean like in the book "Zombie Survival guide for those that have read it if not wiki it)
well , The 2 most possible outcomes that could occur that i think will be the worlds armageddon would be large astroid , or global warmming.

My favorite form of Armageddon would also be Zombie apocalypse lol , but I know thatll never happen >_>

Most opinions on this topic were discussed already, in the link posted above. The thread (that I included a link to) is relatively old though, so maybe it's better that you didn't necrobump.[/h]
Actualy zombie infection is quite possible. In fact there is a virus out there I forgot the name (I know this cus I'm a med student) that when if get it, it kills you and within 12 or so hours the virus reanimates ur body using only your brain and nervous system. And it can be spread only through bite or infected material getting onto open wounds. But unfortunately/fortunately it is so rare it doesn't pose much of a threat. Anyway mother natures a bitch sue does what she does wat she wants so believe of not it's entirely possilble
Sephorai wrote...
Actualy zombie infection is quite possible. In fact there is a virus out there I forgot the name (I know this cus I'm a med student) that when if get it, it kills you and within 12 or so hours the virus reanimates ur body using only your brain and nervous system. And it can be spread only through bite or infected material getting onto open wounds. But unfortunately/fortunately it is so rare it doesn't pose much of a threat. Anyway mother natures a bitch sue does what she does wat she wants so believe of not it's entirely possilble

that is very very intersting , well then , I hope Zombies WILL somehow be the Armageddon then lol
I thought the end of the world will be 31 Dec 2012..... wait untill 00:00 01second... the world will end.... 2012 world I mean
LOL idk but that is d cooolest plus I think I could survive that one u know. And having read the Zombie Survival Guide helps a bit (the virus in d book is fictional but it uses the same principals as d real one that name escapes me cus it's like 28 letters long). But then again that is the most crap you pants Armageddon
I don't know whether its true or not.. But it might be true.. If you learn Earth Science you will find out that the thing that causes the Earths gravity which is a rotation or some sort will change direction and causes the North and South pole to swap places.. Some scientist believe that this is what causes dinosaurs to go extinct.. It changes every million(s) of years.. Anyways, I am not going to go anywhere even if its true..
HentaiElder wrote...

Most opinions on this topic were discussed already, in the link posted above. The thread (that I included a link to) is relatively old though, so maybe it's better that you didn't necrobump.[/h]

Hey. I have an idea. Lets all learn how to read! Let's start by reading the above comment, and realize that what you guys are talking about has already been discussed!
lathandien wrote...
HentaiElder wrote...

Most opinions on this topic were discussed already, in the link posted above. The thread (that I included a link to) is relatively old though, so maybe it's better that you didn't necrobump.[/h]

Hey. I have an idea. Lets all learn how to read! Let's start by reading the above comment, and realize that what you guys are talking about has already been discussed!

Uhhh yeah, I also got an interesting idea for you mister.. why don't you take a look at the other thread and see that I posted the same thing.. Just keep the thread going.. Check it out before you dissed someone
I think it is that you are 30 times more likely to die from a meteorite then be struck by lightning.
Sephorai wrote...
LOL idk but that is d cooolest plus I think I could survive that one u know. And having read the Zombie Survival Guide helps a bit (the virus in d book is fictional but it uses the same principals as d real one that name escapes me cus it's like 28 letters long). But then again that is the most crap you pants Armageddon

No, that's definitely just what's in the ZSG, and while a prion virus is the most likely way for a "zombie" virus to exist and be transmitted, NO SUCH THING ACTUALLY EXISTS. Seriously, you can't reanimated dead bodies. Even if a "zombie" virus existed, it would probably be more like Rage Virus, like a mutated rabies virus.

I'm going to assume you are just trollin' for lulz or just seeing how many people will believe you, rather than actually being an idiot.

Also, learn how to searching, son.
First of all, who promoted it?

I'm actually got scared even though that I'm like toMaHomE here.

I've also heard about the April thing and got scared, it made people believe, and now it's not true, and so is forgiven.

If it doesn't happen, it could be fantastic subject to become anime.

We can't call who believes it fools, since it's a scary theory, there's logic.

It freaks me out that they base on Gregorian Calendar which is from the sword and magic thymes of knights and wizards from medieval Catholicism as decreed by Pope GregoryXII. It's Mayan, wtf, even Mayans probably don't give a damn about it.
honestly i couldnt care less about it.If the world ends fuck it at least i get to go to heaven right? Or,to be fair,whatever afterlife you all belive in.So why should i care so much, i have a nice life good hentai (fakku thank you i love you) and buds.But i do think it holds water so many different countrys nationalitys and belifs all point to that date so it should have something right?
End of the world from Mayan, space rocks or viruses invalidates Christian end of the world, therefore, no heaven. In the bible, the stars fell not comets or asteroids.

Miracle and gods, they're always in the past or after death. Things we can't observe with our sense, what we observe now is what their promoters tell. Why do Gods are on those situation?

There are also those from far beyond such as angels are in heaven(since there's stairway to heaven in genesis), it's stated when there are no spacecraft/satellite launch to get through heaven. And so at time, it's only what their promoters, tell not observed.

And there are these some partial, like God put create the sun, there's the sun but we had no idea but is told that created by God.

It's tempting and requires submission and that is only from promotion. The force of the belief contains temptation of heaven, big words, and believing with no proof.

God does nothing in the present unless with a other human's intervention. We can love him for being the creator, but being the creator is concealable, there are so many tests and he's the most but he choses the concealables. So a person worthy of heaven requires to be a sucker. It's something so urgent and requires to be a sucker. What does it prove believing on those?

Jesus gives commands that gets you screwed, in order to go to heaven. Though a bunch were harmless though.

And Earth isn't so weak to get all humans eradicated for a long time. Oh, of course if there's something supernatural that we all can't sense but the promoters do, maybe.
I am apologize for taking so long to realize that this is a repeat thread.

Identical thread found here: https://www.fakku.net/viewtopic.php?t=9926

Thus, I have no choice but to lock this particular thread.
Monster Girl
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