I just came to a realization.....

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rbz123 wrote...
HentaiElder wrote...
rbz123 wrote...
HentaiElder wrote...
Why not believe in a God.
Why not believe in santa claus and zombies?
HentaiElder wrote...
Though I follow no religion, I feel as though I should thank someone.
Thank yourself

Lol, i c wat u did thar.
All three aren't proven to exist, yet being happy with my life (for the most part), I believe in one. I mean, where else could we have come from.

For those who say Big Bang, wtf made the big bang appear?
This isn't directed at you per se, but sometimes people need to fucking realize that we can't have all the answers to the universe and "I don't know" is the best answer to questions like, "What created the universe?"

It's also a terrible fucking reason to believe in God.
"I do not know the answer, so clearly I should make something up that explains that, and everything else I don't know. That way, I never have to SAY I don't know when someone asks me something, I can just say, "God did it.""
Lying to yourself and to everyone else around you just because you can't be bothered is just plain wrong.
Religion just causes war, fear, hate, and separation from you and this world. If you believe in something and that makes you happy then that's ok.
But disagreeing with others and pushing your religion on others is not ok.
Well.... it seems the topic has gotten a little dangerous here......
Why should I bother with how the universe created...... Is knowing gives any good to my life.... I think myself as only one spec of dust in this whole world full of other humans..... God exist or not is something that has no relation to me.... nor it will affect anything in my life.... Though I will never believe in after life.... Okay.... When u die it ends... that`s the very reason I don`t believe God....so eventhough God truly exist... it won`t change anything... Well, maybe just I don`t believe God to I don`t care about God (well, only the change of statement.. I don`t need salvation...)
doesnt really matter what you believe in and whether or not you follow a religion. The important thing is that you live your life to the fullest and follow all legal and moral obligations. I believe there isnt a god or any high sentient overlord which looks over us. I dont believe that jesus is the son of god but i do believe his teachings that to respect your neighbours and follow the rules are important. Without these rules, mankind would be in anarchy and chaos with no one to trust.

Btw you guys dont believe in zombies? i do...
lathandien wrote...

Religion may not possibly be evil, as i mention before, some religion may be a barrier which seperates law to disorder. Look at right now, with religion(most notably the christian faith) most people go on with their lives without to worry about wat they go when they die because they believe in an afterlife. People would act with goodwill towards other because it is said in their bible or codex.

If these are taken away, people wold question their lives and most would be too depressed about dying to carry on. society would collapse to a warring state as their are no rights and wrongs in the world.
exterminatus wrote...
lathandien wrote...

If these are taken away, people wold question their lives and most would be too depressed about dying to carry on. society would collapse to a warring state as their are no rights and wrongs in the world.

because people are stupid! If people realize that after death there is nothing, that means they wont have a conscious, which means they wont suffer! It means they are NOTHING! People fear death, because of the classical fear of the unknown. If people (think they) know what is after death, then they will not be afraid. thats why the christians are insane, because they do not fear death!
I think in order not to fear death is to have heart warming legacies like your children or if you're cool, history that will echo through eternity like I've read on Vega(SFA3) ending.

If you research bible, you can see that despite the great words, will give command that nurtures evil, turn the other cheek and you could get smacked again, give to thieves and consider they begged, give with no partiality and then you become poor, opposing God's commands(yeah, Jesus rebels against his dad's harmless ideas and so, hated by God's original preachers), unconditioned love and that includes satan, me or some random ugly rapists in hentai). For jews though, I hate the stone to death idea of God.

If you're considering heaven, there's no angels in the sky. God did not shoot down astronauts yet they reached more that Babylon.

I wonder if Jesus will destroy anime, video game, j-pop merchandise.
HentaiElder wrote...
For those who say Big Bang, wtf made the big bang appear?

Not to sound mean or anything, but that is one hellava FAIL understanding of science, let alone of Big Bang cosmology and Abiogenesis.

While I realize that you're a deist and therefore you most likely don't really care about the details of such things, you should at least research them and learn more about it, if only to be smarter.

As for God, I am a defacto atheist; I do not believe in a god simply because I have no reason too.
However, I do DISbelieve the god(s) of all religions I have heard of thus far, ESPECIALLY the Judeo-Christian-Muslim God, and even if it were somehow proven that he did exsist, I would still turn my head from him in disgust of his revolting policies and biases.

There is no way I would ever worship something that hateful, even if it meant burning is hell.

Also, to answer OP: Who knows? Maybe.

Lastly, to Gentlepervert: With some paraphrasing, that is one damn quotable sentence.

"God did not shoot down the astronauts, yet they reached father into Heaven than Babel."
Imagine there's no religion? what would happen?
hmmm maybe muslims will stop killing christians and christians would stop killing muslims? why wont there be a single God....-_-
Arizth wrote...
Meh. Paganism is so much more fun.

MY gods regularly get drunk and beat the shit out of each other.

I am totally looking forward to Valhalla.

My Canaanite Baalism commands my cult to have regular orgies. I'm totally looking forward to our promised land!
*doesn't care*
hmmm. what a thought
heh, that would make me happy. i dont want anyone stalking my life, especially god. unless if he unconditionally prepares a heaven for me...*grins*

but he didn't do that. oh wait, there's no god to prepare a heaven for me....
ErrorProne wrote...
HentaiElder wrote...
For those who say Big Bang, wtf made the big bang appear?

Not to sound mean or anything, but that is one hellava FAIL understanding of science, let alone of Big Bang cosmology and Abiogenesis.

While I realize that you're a deist and therefore you most likely don't really care about the details of such things, you should at least research them and learn more about it, if only to be smarter.

As for God, I am a defacto atheist; I do not believe in a god simply because I have no reason too.
However, I do DISbelieve the god(s) of all religions I have heard of thus far, ESPECIALLY the Judeo-Christian-Muslim God, and even if it were somehow proven that he did exsist, I would still turn my head from him in disgust of his revolting policies and biases.

There is no way I would ever worship something that hateful, even if it meant burning is hell.

Also, to answer OP: Who knows? Maybe.

Lastly, to Gentlepervert: With some paraphrasing, that is one damn quotable sentence.

"God did not shoot down the astronauts, yet they reached father into Heaven than Babel."

1. You don't sound mean. Honestly, I could care less. What I feel and believe, I feel and believe.

2. As stupid as it may sound, the big bang doesn't interest me. There are certain things that I won't research if I don't believe in them. Not all things, but certain things. The big bang is one. It's sorta like a religion. Why try to understand it if you don't even believe in it or spend time studying it...? That's how I am with the big bang. So my knowledge on that is limited.

3. The rest is insignificant. So I have no response.
I am cathlic so I am religous but it's just a persons belifs eather you do or not. I may belive in god and someone might don't thats fine.
it's best not to worry and just live your life.
Space Cowboy wrote...
As an existential nihilist, I feel compelled to say, 'I don't care'.

"Fuck damnation, man! Fuck redemption! We are God's unwanted children? So be it!"

That pretty much goes double for me. I just don't care. Not in a sense of some mainstream idea of being an ass about it like too man people are, but I genuinely don't care. What happens, happens.
I belive that God exist somewhere. I mean someone has to create this world, and there are people who actually seen HIM, so thats how it is... I personally belive in God, but Im not practising a Cotholicism.
I personally accept that there is every possibility that one or more Gods do exist (whether He/They have forgotten us, have a plan and are redeeming us etc), but as long as people try to force it down my throat without a logical argument, I won't risk wasting my precious time.

Essentially for me, the afterlife is too risky an assumption. A good, fun life and possible eternal damnation, or a shit life with possible unimaginable reward?
More or less , I dont really care , because I dont belive. But if we really are this "God"'s unwanted children , who cares , acually I say he was right to abondon the world , because look at our governments and democracy and war and all the crimes that go on, Ill be 100% honest , im embarrassed to be human. The only SANE thing about this world are people who ARE sane and really know what reality and life is and what its all about. This is just my opinion though.
HentaiElder wrote...
You don't sound mean.


HentaiElder wrote...
As stupid as it may sound, the big bang doesn't interest me. There are certain things that I won't research if I don't believe in them. Not all things, but certain things. The big bang is one. It's sorta like a religion. Why try to understand it if you don't even believe in it or spend time studying it...? That's how I am with the big bang. So my knowledge on that is limited.

I disagree; I think that even if you don't believe something, you should study it if it is important. I studied religion (to a certain extent) eventhough I'm not a believer. I think that its important to learn for the sake of learning, but if you don't want to, I can't make you. I wouldn't want to even if I could, its your decision, not mine.

HentaiElder wrote...
The rest is insignificant. So I have no response.

And how!

swordmanXIII wrote...
I may belive in god and someone might don't thats fine.
it's best not to worry and just live your life.

I agree completely, live and let live I always say.
I was just throwing my two cents in.
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