is death really the end?

Emilyx wrote...
inuyashaboy_92 wrote...
I've been thinking a lot about what happens after death and... it kind of scares the hell out of me. What if its over after death I mean I like the idea of reincarnation and/or heaven but what if when you die you slip into darkness forever what if when you die you just stop and you rot in the ground. Tell me what you think I don't care if you are religious or an atheist just say what you think because I really want to know.

the truth is, nothing happens after death. there is no afterlife, no heaven, no hell, no reincarnations. they are all just fantasies made up by scared people just like you to convince themselves that death is not the end.

To me no one can really say there is nothing after death cause well, you are alive. We don't know what comes next, if anything, when we die. With that idea in mind it should make you want to savor every moment of life more cause the uncertainty of death. If there is an afterlife I will deal with it when the time comes and if there isn't then I don't need to worry about all of it cause I will be dead.
Emilyx wrote...

the truth is, nothing happens after death. there is no afterlife, no heaven, no hell, no reincarnations. they are all just fantasies made up by scared people just like you to convince themselves that death is not the end.

Now while I agree that there is nothing after death, what you said about peoples beliefs pertaining to the afterlife as 'fantasies' is frankly just god-damn ignorant (a little irony there). You can't just assume the only reason someone believes in an afterlife is because they are scared of death. True, many people do look to religion in order to console themselves but it's beyond stupid to believe the only reason anyone believes in an afterlife is because they are fearful of death. If anything, it would make them fear it more since many religion teach the view that if you don't live your life to god X's liking you will be sent to eternal damnation.

Plenty of people believe in an afterlife because to them it is just the most logical thing. A common viewpoint is that if there is something as complex as human consciousness then it can't just disappear into nothing, I don't share that opinion but I can certainly understand why people have it and none of my conclusion based on why people think that have to do with being afraid. As I said, a fear of death isn't the only reason for why people believe in an afterlife, they could have been raised from birth to just accept there is an afterlife as well. That has nothing to do with fear, that's just being convinced that there is an afterlife based on everything your parents have ever taught you.

Plus you can never know what happens after death, you only go through it once (for all we know) and I am almost certain none of us have never been through it before. It's ignorant to assume people are just afraid, I'm afraid of death and completely disappearing but I don't turn to some religion to comfort myself.

In addition, some people believe in religion to give them a sense of right and wrong and to try and make sense of our world. That also has nothing to do with fear of death, they just want to know that there is something greater at work.
I personally don't see death as a scary thing and yes, i think death is the end for everybody. I personally think being dead is like being in deep sleep. You are unaware of yourself consciously, you don't dream, you simply can't tell if you exist. That is what i think being dead is like, so i don't think there is anything to fear about it.

What people fear mostly i think is the process of dying, feeling either emotional or physical pain. Also the notion that you will loose absolutely everything. Your friends, your family and your loved ones. All memories you have, all emotions you have ever felt will just 'vanish' and you will (as far as we know) never feel or have those things ever again in any way, shape or form.

When i said i don't fear death or being dead, i do not mean that i am ready to die any moment. Of coarse, like everybody else i want to live as long as possible and have as happy life as i possible can. But i wont let the idea of "what will happen to me after i die" get in the way of my living.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
I'm a Christian, so naturally I believe in an afterlife but by no means does that mean I am not afraid of death. I'm afraid because you only get to live once, and afterwards I'll never get to experience life in the sense I'll get the good with the bad. I'll never experience the trials and tribulations that life offers you. I'm afraid of missing those because I have no idea what anything will be like afterwards, I mean, It's all I've ever known and that's scary to think I may never have that again in the same random context that you encounter in life, in the afterlife it's generally thought not to be as random.

I see the afterlife as a sacrifice of everything you ever had in life for everything you have ever wanted and you know what they say "You don't know what you have until its gone".

So yes, I'm scared of death and the pain everyone associates with it, but not because I may stop existing and lose everything, it's because I may continue to exist but lose everything in the way I had it before.
When you die, technically you don't fully go away. You see, your rotten, decrepit body turns into a transfer of matter that continues the life cycle. The methane goes to the atmosphere , and your rotten juices leak out so critters can eat you. But joking aside, I believe that maybe there may be another world to exist with your matter transitioning to something else. Who knows, but don't fret hating death. You should embrace it.
well in my religion hell, and heaven exist.
sooo there's live after death, and you live for eternity either in hell or heaven
I by no means believe in any heavenly body, but I do know that after death you don't simply vanish you are instead recycled into that cosmos where yous atoms will help to form new life. So sure your not some sentient being in some grand afterlife party but you're still (around) after death.
Longevitay wrote...
I by no means believe in any heavenly body, but I do know that after death you don't simply vanish you are instead recycled into that cosmos where yous atoms will help to form new life. So sure your not some sentient being in some grand afterlife party but you're still (around) after death.

Maybe your bodys atoms are gonna stay, but you mind or consciousness are not.
we all Return to the Rukh ( Magi Logic )
They say death is just a passing. I think we'd be REAL dead if nobody ever thinks of us like in memories or whatever. As long as people remember you even if you're gone, then you're still alive in their minds and hearts. hahahaha hope this helps
I believe, as an atheist, that death really is the end of your consciousness, but not the end of your usefulness. Your body can be used as fertilizer for the ground to grow plants in, and I can grow a beautiful garden and eat delicious fruit, with your corpse as my fertilizer.

Thus, death is not the end - Your dead body can be used for many useful things. Also, the end doesn't really come, because the food made with your corpse as fertilizer ends up in my stomach, which then proceeds to end up in the waterways of the sewage treatment plant, which then proceeds to be separated into its useful base components, and the water is filtered clean, and returned to the water supplies, which I will later drink.
I believe that if you die, you'll go to this magical land called "Hell" where you will burn for all eternity.

Heaven is a fairy tale, and you all know it.

No, but seriously, death is the end. When you're dead, you're dead. What more do you think you can do? Nothing, right? Exactly. Because you're dead, Jim.
I am the type of person that believes in there being more after death. Some of it is religious and some of it comes from how I influenced as a child; the rest is what I personally my opinion.

I cannot give you any reason or rationales as to why I believe that there more after this life, but that's why I use the word opinion. To me this is my belief and I will roll with it until the day I die. If there is no further existence beyond my lifetime, then I can't admit I was wrong since I won't exist lol.

None the less, I just want to hope for the best in life and beyond because to me living a life full of depression and despair about what will or won't come is too sad. I am here and exsisting in this moment in time and I wish to continue to move on until I can't no more. I want to push myself further in life and if I can do so beyond this life then I will.

Just because other's don't think the same way, doesn't mean I judge them any differently. Everyone will believe what they want to and I wish to do the same.

I think there was a scene in the TV show "The Big Bang Theory" where Sheldon makes the statement to his mother that evolution is a fact. Sheldon's mother then state's to him, "and that is your opinion". I loved when I heard that line because regardless of what is said, everyone will have their opinion and belief on what is considered right. This is my opinion and belief regardless.
Well honestly when it comes to death. Life is too large to simply "end". There has to be an afterlife. Maybe our consciousness floats off to somewhere. Nothing ever truly ends it simply changes shapes and forms. So i think our soul moves on maybe to heaven maybe to hell. Depending on your deeds in life. Who knows maybe later on it gets sent back. Lind of like a cycle. That's kind of feasible considering that some people have been hypnotized to show "past lives" i dunno. I personally just think that there is something after this life and im looking foward to meeting my loved ones again. So yes there has to be a type of life after death. Hey if im wrong i wont be able to say i was. :)
WhiteLionLDM The True Virgin
for me i use to be sacred but i think its just the end after you go you have nothing to think about no problems or worries in life you just chill for ever im not religious or anything but if your a good person that's all that matters.
What a small question. Is life really the beginning?
dat bump

My "idea" about this is different from most people's. It's a little sci-fi and that might sound silly or unrealistic but I think it's a lot more fun than traditional views on the subject. And despite saying that I do believe it could happen.

I make a few assumptions:
  • There isn't a heaven or hell or limbo or anything of that sort.

  • When you are not alive you no longer feel the passage of time. Or anything. Your body loses function and your consciousness ceases. When you're sleeping you don't really experience the passage of time either, so why would you in the grave?

  • The universe will not "end".

  • Intelligent life will continue to exist and become more advanced, whether or not this refers to humans or other species.

So based on these assumptions I predict that when your life ends, you wake up in the distant future. Perhaps millions or billions of years have passed since your life ended. Science has solved many, many problems and intelligent life has even managed to bring the dead back. It's very difficult to predict the reasons why this might happen. Perhaps all of humanity died out and some extremely intelligent aliens discover us and desire to study our civilization. Maybe humans eventually solve countless problems and decide they want to give their ancestors a chance at living a better life. Who knows? So long as the universe never "ends" and conservation of matter holds, the possibility exists. Even if we're facing the possibility of every star in the universe burning out, intelligent life may eventually overcome that dark outcome.
Chat wrote...
What a small question. Is life really the beginning?

Your question is as small and essentially the same.
Coconutt wrote...
Chat wrote...
What a small question. Is life really the beginning?

Your questions is as small and essentially the same.

I'm fully aware, but it's worth showing people tend to look at this stuff from a one way perspective.
The best course of action is to build a personal afterdeath scenario and tuck it away safely in your mind. That way it won't get into the way you live, and will even be a pleasant thought.
Monster Girl
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