Is suicide a legitimate solution?

ecchigaijin wrote...

Why is my advice stupid?

Because most people suffering from real depression do not have a it to go through , so your advice doesn't even make sens .

You make the assumption I haven't been through depression?

Trust me , if you had , you wouldn't be saying things like you did in your previous comments . Why ? Because you would know that these advices won't change a thing .

That I haven't had suicidal thoughts?

I'll just talk through my hat here and say what i think the problem is with you :

You have no idea what depression is . You went through hard shit in the past , you wanted to give up and kill yourself , but you didn't because it was a coward thing to do . And now you assume that everyone suffering from depression suffers the same way you suffered . But no, you've never been depressive , you confuse beign sad with being depressive .

I have, but have always been able to think of the others I could help make better. Be it family, friends, or even a stranger, you can always help improve someone's life by being alive.

We live now in an selfish society where our own happiness is way more important than the one of others . Most people do not think like you . Most people do not want to make others life better . So why is the guy saying "i am selfish" a coward , but not the rest of the society ?

I wish the people I've lost could be alive and using the life that such a selfish arrogant prick wants to throw away.

It's really interesting to see that this comment comes back again , a really interesting patern .

It's kinda funny if you think abouth it . There's you saying to a suicidal guy to not kill himsef . Your motivation is that you can't accept death of those you loved . And on the other side there is the suicidal guy that suffers so much that he made peace with death.

Aren't you the selfish arrogant prick for not beign able to accept death and not letting him die ?

The one in denial of it is trying to convince someone who made peace with it .
I find this really ironic .
lordisgaea4 wrote...

1) Because most people suffering from real depression do not have a it to go through , so your advice doesn't even make sens .

You make the assumption I haven't been through depression?

2) Trust me , if you had , you wouldn't be saying things like you did in your previous comments . Why ? Because you would know that these advices won't change a thing .

That I haven't had suicidal thoughts?

3)I'll just talk through my hat here and say what i think the problem is with you :

You have no idea what depression is . You went through hard shit in the past , you wanted to give up and kill yourself , but you didn't because it was a coward thing to do . And now you assume that everyone suffering from depression suffers the same way you suffered . But no, you've never been depressive , you confuse beign sad with being depressive .

I have, but have always been able to think of the others I could help make better. Be it family, friends, or even a stranger, you can always help improve someone's life by being alive.

4)We live now in an selfish society where our own happiness is way more important than the one of others . Most people do not think like you . Most people do not want to make others life better . So why is the guy saying "i am selfish" a coward , but not the rest of the society ?

I wish the people I've lost could be alive and using the life that such a selfish arrogant prick wants to throw away.

5)It's really interesting to see that this comment comes back again , a really interesting patern .

It's kinda funny if you think abouth it . There's you saying to a suicidal guy to not kill himsef . Your motivation is that you can't accept death of those you loved . And on the other side there is the suicidal guy that suffers so much that he made peace with death.

Aren't you the selfish arrogant prick for not beign able to accept death and not letting him die ?

The one in denial of it is trying to convince someone who made peace with it .
I find this really ironic .

1) Sure, depression IS something you have to fight, be it with medication, or therapy. It might be something you always deal with, but dealing with it - and not giving in to thoughts of ending it - that's quite a bit IT to go through. So I'd say the advice makes sense, but whatever, perhaps it's not spelled out quite nicely enough for you to understand. I tried.

2) So if I've been through depression, this means I would never give anyone tough advice to follow? Sure. It's hard advice to follow, not IMPOSSIBLE.

3) Again, thanks for assuming what I have and have not been through. Think what you like. You don't know anything, but it's interesting to see your guesses.

4) Most people are selfish, so this excuses your ultimate selfish action? No. Why do you answer selfishness with more selfishness? Whatever excuse you need, I suppose.

5) Your statement makes no sense. I'm not saying that he shouldn't die because I couldn't accept it (otherwise I wouldn't have given the idea on how to make the most of their death were they to go through with it), instead, I went through and told them how to be helpful to others, even should they go through with the selfish act. But I dig how you ignored that entirely to make your point which makes no sense.
"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."
This is a tough question.

I took the time to read through most of the comments made in this thread and ultimately was able to challenge a lot of the beliefs I held about the topic. Yet still, I truly believe suicide to be an illegitimate solution to most problems. I emphasize the "most" part because it is important to understand that there are no absolute truths in this world, except for maybe the aforementioned statement.

I believe that a person is not truly complete without people around him or her. Who we are is determined by both the actions/decisions we commit as well as the perceptions of said actions by the people around us (derived from the consequences that the said actions/decisions had on those individuals). In other words, in some shape or form our decisions do not only affect the individual making the choice. If that statement is a bit to spiritual or for those who can appreciate scientific facts a lot more, I defer to epigenetics and how the choices made by one individual can have a genetic affect on that individual's genetic offspring; be it in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. generations.

Should government establish some sort of legal precedence for suicide? Yes, because the reality is there are individuals who commit suicide and the subsequent ramifications must be considered, particularly to such relevant things as heritance, life-insurance, imposed-costs via funeral processions, etc. Should government determine whether suicide be made legal/illegal or merit some sort of punishment? No because then you start to get into the role of government and how the rights of the government should never supercede the rights of the individual, especially the rights to make decisions/ act in such a manner that does not impose a significant risk to anyone besides the individual in question (see Mills).

Regarding the comments made on depression,I have been through depression. My depression lasted a year and, still to this day, I am still trying to deal with the consequences of that episode. My experience with it was ugly because my predisposition was negative to the point that decisions deemed detrimental under ordinary circumstances seemed not only plausible, but logical. One solution that I often thought about was suicide. Prior to my depression, at some point in my life, my mother had confessed to me that she had strongly considered suicide 3 times during her depression-to the point that she found herself holding a blade to her wrist. I remembered this confession often times during my depression and grew angry with both her and myself, because I realized that should I commit suicide, someone else would suffer. I had neglected my friends and did not allow myself to be ocntacted by anyone, I went from dorming with a friend to living by myself, isolated because my "negative predisposition" made me believe this to be a logical solution. I had no one to go to beccause I myself had closed all avenues for help. I began to drink to self-medicate because alcohol made me numb. Still, I was only able to get help when I decided to get help, when I told myself to get my head out of my ass because I didn't know what I was doing. I got help when i accepted that there are many things in this world I couldn't control, such as the circustances that led me to depression, but taking hold of my life and seeing a therapist was something I could control.

I have no right to tell someone whether or not he/she should commit suicide. The fact that I am not an individual with a terminal condition substantiates this. However, it is my responsibility, should I come across someone who is considering it to make sure every option has been exhausted before suicide is committed. Often times, all that individual is looking for is a way out.
When you're done,
you're done.
i would say yes and no if my friend was thinking about it i would try to stop him but when a guy/girl has had a hard life for like 20 years just every day is pain i could see them doing it and i know ppl say that's just the easy way. if you think about it there whole life was hard this is the one thing they can do that's easy.
Hm. I was just discussing how I used to constantly think about suicide in another topic.

Back on topic, no, I do not believe it is a legitimate "solution", or rather, I do not believe it is a "solution" at all, because, technically speaking, whatever problems you had in life remain unsolved, even if you die, unless you solve them in your lifetime.

I do, on the other hand, believe that it is a legitimate "last resort" escapism for one's problems, when it becomes to hard to handle - however, on the topic of escapism, just escaping from your problems solves nothing. If you live to see those same problems again, you'll see that most of them have grown larger or become worse in some way.

Once again, nothing was solved by using escapism to avoid one's own problems. I firmly believe that even if you can't face a problem head-on, it would be wiser to take the steps necessary to solve your problems, rather than escape, even if it takes much longer to do so.

However, I am by no means claiming that I uphold my firm beliefs with my own actions as an example all the time. In fact, it would be more accurate if I said that is rarely the case. Some of my problems today have been hanging around for several years, but I have opted out of trying to solve them, and knowing my personality, even though I will never truly forget these problems, I will probably not solve them for a long time, if at all.

So, everyone should do what they feel is best, keeping in mind that escapism will only increase your problems, and their severity. If you can endure that, then that is fine.

Another problem I see with suicide, isn't just that it solves none of your personal problems, but it creates more problems, mostly for your immediate family, and causes trouble to most of the people who have been involved with you.

I think that even if you believe your problems are too hard to bear, and you think you have nothing left to live for - wait and see. It takes a few days of careful, calm, objective thought to truly find out if you have anything left to live for.

Lastly, Though I've thought about suicide on countless occasions, I've stopped myself by taking time beforehand, and thinking carefully about what it is I really have in life, and how it compares to what others have been through. Does it make my life absolutely unbearable, in reality? Are the lives of others with similar issues so unbearable that suicide is a welcome source or escapism?

The answer is nearly always, and most likely will always continue to be, no. Because I believe that once you die, it's over. But where there's life, there's hope that things will turn out better.
I've seen a recent news about a man who committed suicide in China because his girlfriend was nagging him to do more shopping when he's already tired and stressed. I noticed that the most common type of person to go through with killing themselves are the stressed, negative ones. The suicides I commonly hear about is the " spur of the moment" ones, like their stressed and unhappy, then boom! douchebag boyfriend (who, in this scenario, is the sample person's only life emotional foothold) dumps her. She then proceeds to a bridge, jumps, then is found dead by the river mouth the next morning. Like the chinese guy: unhappy, tired of carrying his slave-driver girlfriends' bags, then gf demands to shop more before they rest. Boom, jumped from the 7th floor of the mall, drops dead.

I think people who plan their suicide are the ones who are more unable to go through with it, since I personally think that planners tend to look forward and foresee the shit they'll be leaving behind if they die.
If one is truly incapable of accomplishing anything even physically, then yes I believe suicide is a viable option. But, if one does not exhaust all other options first, I would not think twice to look down on them. It is not called the coward's way out for nothing you know.
From Wendy O. Williams suicide note-

"I don't believe that people should take their own lives without deep and thoughtful reflection over a considerable period of time. I do believe strongly, however, that the right to do so is one of the most fundamental rights that anyone in a free society should have."

this is exactly how i feel about suicide.
no. its just running away. if you have a religion then you should get closer to it because most people you see there are there to help you. if you don't you should.

suicide just hurts your self and everyone around you.
Self preservation at its maximum. I think most effective manner to prevent that are your friends. Some attention can change things radically..
Old thread new post:

Well I think that suicide is a legitimate solution. Because is you're feeling sad and you kill yourself then you don't feel sad anymore, you feel nothing. However, I think that suicide is one of the most if not the most cowardly ways of dealing with anything. Unless you are in like constant physical pain, or you are already terminal, there's really no excuse for killing yourself. You could argue that emotional pain is just as bad. I think that's an exaggeration, but I've never had clinical depression so maybe I can't comment on whether or not it's the same.

I often think that I would never want to be like 80 years old in a retirement home with a diaper full of shit, wasting away without even the ability to think properly. I always told myself I would do some kind of crazy life endangering stunt, and keep doing them until I died. But lately I've been thinking that since we have an eternity to be dead, I should try and enjoy my life while it lasts. I don't know what I'll end up doing.
I say that if we are to end our lives.... we die for something, die for something meaningful or if the alternative is a much more painful death.

Suicide hurts everyone as it reverberates around everyone: Friends and Family.

There's also this fact (if you even believe in this concept anyway if you are an atheist feel free to skip) whats gonna happen in the afterlife to you? What are you going to do when you are faced with this fact and are (again depending on your beliefs) judged by your god?

In the end dont just die a meaningless death unless its a natural one.
Ultimately your life is your own so if you wish to take it and, weather that's a good decision or not, is up to you and you alone. Others may try to persuade you not to but the decision is yours.

Weather suicide is a legitimate solution is hard to say. From the point of view of those left behind most would say no but the point of view that really matters is the one we will never know. The one who actually committed the act. We can't ask them weather they are happy with the decision they made so I guess we will never know.
life gets hard and never lets up ive had suicidal thoughts before and sometimes still do. On one occasion I almost went through with it but something went wrong and it didn't work. What im trying to say is that it wount go away over night you may live with for awhile and i whish I could say life will get better but I cannot speak for everyone. Find your own reason to move through life.

p.s Ive wanted to get this off my chest none of my friends and family know this about me just wanted to share and finally put it out there
Suicide is not a solution, or an escape. It is an end.
Suicide is not cowardly, or selfish, it just an end.

It took the unlikely event of your parents to meet and conceive you. It was the same unlikely event that brought them into existence as well. And for generations of ancestry, and millenniums of evolution, survival and breeding…

There are an unfathomable number of reasons why you shouldn’t be living right now.
But only one reason, and only one possibility that you are here, and that you are breathing.

As Ken Robinson quoted the Dalai Lama: “To be born at all is a miracle”
There is always something worth living for, because this is all there is.

There is no heaven, there is no afterlife. When you die, your consciousness is erased while the universe continues to expand. Your molecular structure breaks down to mix in with the environment, and while you are infinitely sleeping you spread out to become a part of everything.

Suddenly plants will grow that were once you. Clouds will form that retain the memory of your smile. Stars will begin and end, the lights in the sky will go dim. Life will flourish and die until that final day when everything that once was will never be ever again.

For all of those who have, who may or who are considering suicide, please don’t ever let this go. You must hold onto that reason to live.
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
To tell you the truth, its either one, but it depends on what the person chooses. Some people say its a solution or an end to a problem, others say its a way out or an escape to his/her problems in everyday life.

Some people think its right to end their own lives depending on the situation they're in. Like some of the posts mentioned above, Illnesses and problems with our bodies that leaves us in physical pain or paralysis would take a toll on our minds and then it would look good to end our lives, since we putting our care-taking and well-being onto someone else shoulders. This type of suicide I completely agree with, as long as the person is willing to go with it and can get others to see what they're going through.

Then there are times that if someone you knew and was close to passed away, some individuals feel as if they would rather be with them in the afterlife instead of being alive. This type of suicide I disagree with, because its temporary. We've all seen people come and go as time goes by. Reality and God works in mysterious ways. That's why there are others to talk to while the person is going through this predicament. This is the reason why I think this type of suicide should be talked though before it happens.

Then to sum it all up, Suicide is a solution to "a" problem, but it's up to the person's choice to make it legitimate for them to carry it out. Also it depends on the person's choice and how their situation led up to their decision, and if it relies on others to take care of their well being.
All the combative "I'm too deep and your too shallow," and the "you don't know what it's like," post's I've noticed while skimming here are disgusting. Why kill yourself when you can feed your ego, right? Nice little abusive way to avoid your own knife and make up for all the attention you "deserve" from others. I'm sure it'll pull you right out of depression if you keep it going.

My bottom line though?

Suicide isn't a right you have.

I'm pretty good at drawing, though I'm not the best I know. I acknowledge that there are people I know who are better than me, but at the same time, if I hate my own drawings because of that, people who acknowledge that I'm better than them will hate their art as well. Self respect is a responsibility. If you need other people to appreciate you to respect yourself, it's not self respect, it's others respect. You don't get peoples affections so you can be lifted up, you stand on your own two feet and have people give you affection as a reward for doing so.

I'm sick and tired of this "I'm a good person on the inside" bullshit people and media love to puke out. It's not whats on the inside that counts, it's what you do. I could be a sick lolicon that wants to rape every last child he sees on the inside, but if I invent the cure for cancer without doing that sort of thing, am I a bad person? Hell no. If I invent the cure for cancer in my head, do I deserve to have people come sit at my lunch table? As if. As much as I prefer vanilla to netorare, that's the problem with allot of these soft mangas and romantic animes; happiness is handed to people for no reason.

If you're an old man, in pain and on the verge of death, I'll cut you slack. It's fair enough to forget about your relatives and ask the doctor to take you out at that point (not that that's legal though), but I am so sick of kids telling me they want to kill themselves because they accidentally had someones kids. People who are goddamed parents, acting like they're allowed to jump off a bridge or something. Burdens aren't excuses to die, they're reasons to exist.

I'm a pretty hard person to anger, even on the internet, but I really want to yell at my monitor each time I see something like "you clearly have never been depressed," even if it hasn't been said to me personally, but last I checked yelling at your monitor was against forum rules here. Acting like you're deeper or more deserving than everyone else is just a cheap way to make you feel more important that does nothing more than throw other people onto the blade you sharpened to kill yourself. It's not fixing a problem, it's giving it to someone else, and to be honest I don't think it really gets it off you either.

All the time I'll see my facebook "friends" posting statuses about how they need to be taken more seriously, and how they aren't "another attention seeker". Why do they fear looking like an attention seeker? Because they see other people that way. People who fear being judged have a tendency to be judgmental. Your fears can come from your own actions just as easily as anyone elses. The fact is, if you're not seeking attention, that's why you're depressed. However most of these types of statuses I see absolutely are attention seeking posts anyway, with little disclaimers at the top saying "please take seriously" even though the original poster clearly won't take anyone seriously who doesn't act like a yesman.

Don't kill yourself. You're important to someone else, like it or not. It's not something that has to be proven; even if you have no idea if you mean anything to someone else, there's always the chance, and I'm not going to even risk hurting someone else just so I can get out. Who are you helping when you kill yourself? If you actually want to die, yourself, and noone else. I've had friends lose relatives and loved ones to suicide, and they weren't the same afterwards. That isn't something anyone deserves, and all it does is make it easier for them to follow in suit.
Suicide as a means to the end for those with depression is definitely not a legitimate solution. I've been suicidal in the past, and I have friends with diagnosed depression who are still suicidal. They are incredibly talented and intelligent individuals, and the ending of their own lives would be a travesty.

Assisted suicide for those suffering with disabling conditions is another matter entirely and something that I strongly believe in. I also don't buy in to the idea of "don't do it because you'll upset someone" in either case. It's an incredibly selfish thought process.