Next Generation Kills

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for millenia man has been always at war... be it civil, continental or global it doesnt matter. the big picture is slowly coming out: WHY DEVELOP DIFFERENT NEW WAYS OF KILLING WHEN YOU CAN USE THAT RESEARCH INTO PRESERVING LIFE AND OUR BLUE AND PURE HOMEWORLD? weapons evolve VERY quickly. from swords to assault rifles is what is happening right now. When the 2 very first nukes were built and dropped into Japan, it did nothing but create total annihilation, but it wasnt over yet. fallout created several deformities when the radiation scattered. when doing your mundane lives, you think all is there on the outside. you might think a barren piece of land is just for farming, but maybe deep underground there's a silo inside to conceal a missile that is capable of erasing an entire state in just a single button press. world war II was only capable of levelling an entire city with the combined force of saturation bombing and heavy artillery barrages, now maybe the next global war will take only one missile to level an entire continent... dont you think??

-just a fact to ponder-
You watch waaaaay too many movies. Either that or your delirious. But I have to agree that people could be spending their resources elsewhere. Gotta love the government right?
"We make war that we may live in peace." - Aristotle

In order to keep peace, the government has to have the power to stop any threat to the nation. If we don't, then there are many out there who will take advantage of a weak nation. There will always be those who prey on the weak. We just have to take the initiative to stop it.

I'm not saying this is a good thing, but it's the lesser of the two evils, since we're never going to achieve utopia on this planet...
PersonDude wrote...
"We make war that we may live in peace." - Aristotle

In order to keep peace, the government has to have the power to stop any threat to the nation. If we don't, then there are many out there who will take advantage of a weak nation. There will always be those who prey on the weak. We just have to take the initiative to stop it.

I'm not saying this is a good thing, but it's the lesser of the two evils, since we're never going to achieve utopia on this planet...

We could all just band together and take over the world after which we unite it in honor of the Fakku name. We can achieve a utopia that way right?
AJ27 wrote...
You watch waaaaay too many movies. Either that or your delirious. But I have to agree that people could be spending their resources elsewhere. Gotta love the government right?

im not being delirious nor im a movie fan.... im just noticing how the next global war would go... you think the MOAB kills only enemy troops and vehicles in the open? imagine if its used on the urban terrain when ground troops fail to liberate the city or artillery guns wont let them out... and one more thing PersonDude: if we stop them, why use a weapon that can obliterate innocent lives and property of a warring nation? they say its only used for 'stopping' them... AT WHAT COST? millions of lives gone?
zeKer_pencil wrote...
PersonDude: if we stop them, why use a weapon that can obliterate innocent lives and property of a warring nation? they say its only used for 'stopping' them... AT WHAT COST? millions of lives gone?

I doubt you have a better solution that's possible on this earth, with all the greed and power mongers in this world.

Also, you have to look at the end result. Would you have 1,000,000 lives lost, or 10,000,000? These are the statistics that are giving to military leaders. No, it's not an easy choice, and there are people who would like to save all 11,000,000, but life doesn't give us these alternatives...
true enough persondude.... but someday we'll all be erased amongst the infighting... true enough i dont have an alternative.... but ask yourself this: is it REALLY necessary? they say lets try to get power by ANY means... but WHAT means is that? i remembered a quote i read long ago though....

-the price of ascension to power is the great cost of human lives wasted on pointless squabbles-

i dunno who in the world said that but aint it the truth?
Though u can`t deny that conflict will never disappear in the world.... Better safe than sorry.... Not every people loves peace.... That`s why u need weapon to prevent the war lovers to stop....
Just face it. Mankind will destroy itself again and again and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Yeah nobody likes it but we just have to accept the fact that, for as long as humanity lives on, conflict will always be just around the corner.
We can't avoid war, pal...
even if we tried so hard...
Euphorianz wrote...
We can't avoid war, pal...
even if we tried so hard...

true we cant avoid something that is inevitable... but im saying is conventional war is always there, but there's always a possibility that it will go over 'conventional' means.... such as what im saying earlier it becomes a nuke, biohazard, neutron, total obliteration or whatnot and in the process we are going to be erased from existence... in the first place why couldnt they go develop something such as a never ending powersource? or maybe a new way to improve our technology w/o affecting anything....
Well u realize a never ending resource means that resources have a great enough power to destroy the world.....
yeah, weapon development nowadays...
nukes, biohazards, all sorts of that...
I hope they'll learn to respect each other, so we can avoid war and prevent the cause of the terrible weapon like that...
massive weaponry is such a devious thing...
for what matter did they develop such weapon that can annihilate many living,

all I can do is pray...
for peace, for us!
this is 1 reason why Gundam never stop to have new series

anyway.. with great power comes great responsibility.. however without great power, comes vulnerability..
still about power, people (or should i say a nation/state/kingdom) always need power to secure them from threats from the others, and because of this it feels like they're all racing for it..

It's also humans nature to be competitive.. if a person got a club, the other will make a sword.. seeing that person got a sword, the others will make a gun, and so on, making an infinite chain of weapon evolution..
war is inevitable, u can't run from something inevitable, but u can prevent that from happening
if u had a power, but with power come the lust and the greed for more power, the one that say's i'm gonna stop the war is the one that eventually make a war himself... the one with power think.. " if i can make all other bow down, then i already stop the war... and thus it begins the conquest "

but this this cycle will always goes on and on and on... it's some infinity loop...

if you wish to grow a tree u must plant the seed... if u want to stop / prevent war u must change the way of thinking of all the people live in this world...

[size=10]i'm just mumbling [/h]
dNextGen wrote...

if you wish to grow a tree u must plant the seed... if u want to stop / prevent war u must change the way of thinking of all the people live in this world...

which is impossible..
Shinichi Miyamoto wrote...
dNextGen wrote...

if you wish to grow a tree u must plant the seed... if u want to stop / prevent war u must change the way of thinking of all the people live in this world...

which is impossible..

This was what i was talking about, you could convince almost all of a population that war will never result to anything but there will always be that individual who goes and fucks it up for everyone else, poisoning the minds of the citizens.
Well... It is not individual u know..... not everyone like u believes there is peace after that.... And almost.... are u sure???
zeKer_pencil wrote...

The reason is that everyone thinks that everyone else is making better weapons so they have to make better ones. You see their worried about being conquered and destroyed. When people get scared they would rather have a weapon than a cure, because of fear people do crazy things and it's fear that makes weapons. It's a never ending cycle of they have better weapons so we need better weapons and this just makes more and more weapons.
zeKer_pencil wrote...
true we cant avoid something that is inevitable... but Im saying is conventional war is always there, but there's always a possibility that it will go over 'conventional' means.... such as what Im saying earlier it becomes a nuke, biohazard, neutron, total obliteration or whatnot and in the process we are going to be erased from existence... in the first place why couldnt they go develop something such as a never ending power source? or maybe a new way to improve our technology w/o affecting anything....

But with a never ending power source we would have people exploit it and use it to their own means. For instance that power source would have a heavy price and who pays it. Do the rich nations pay for everyone or is it a everyone for themselves. Soon there would be a debate over who runs that power source. This would just fuel more conflict and so people would make better weapons to gain control. We create weapons to fuel human ambition and as long as there are humans there will be people with ambitions that differ from others so there will always be conflict and war. But even with better weapons like Nukes and Bio weapons remember this "The struggle for survival is a war without end and War..... war never changes" Fallout 3 Narrator
Chazimo wrote...
Shinichi Miyamoto wrote...
dNextGen wrote...

if you wish to grow a tree u must plant the seed... if u want to stop / prevent war u must change the way of thinking of all the people live in this world...

which is impossible..

This was what i was talking about, you could convince almost all of a population that war will never result to anything but there will always be that individual who goes and fucks it up for everyone else, poisoning the minds of the citizens.

so as i said, it is a infinite loop, no one can change that, there's always someone that have a different thought than us...

and as gin said... fear can make people do crazy thing,

a quote from the hurt locker " war is like narcotics it make's u addicted to it"
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