no, this is serious...

i know you've heard this news story, but i still can't wrap my head around it...

only in Kansas, I guess.
I don't get it. She clearly has some sort of mental issues. Phobias are one thing, but this just goes way beyond that.
I've heard of other cases like this ... but still, two years?! What was the boyfriend thinking?!
I'm very sorry but I can't take this seriously.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
2 years, that has got to be a world record for sitting on the toilet. Someone contact guiness book of world records!
WhiteLion wrote...
I don't get it. She clearly has some sort of mental issues. Phobias are one thing, but this just goes way beyond that.

This could have actually been brought on by some form of agoraphobia. I have heard that there is an actual phobia of leaving the bathroom. Although, it is beyond my comprehension how she could possibly sit in on a toilet seat long enough for the skin and muscles to actually form around it. I remember when I heard this for the first time it made me lol. It is serious, but still there is a level of unique humor about it that you can't resist. Hahaha... toilet humor.
That was just a little strange.
She must've had to take a fucking huge dump.
Wonder how she looks like now. She must have the toliet seat mark all over her ass haha.
She slept on the toilet too? didnt clean it in 2 years? crazy.
It just makes me wonder: where did he go to the bathroom? He must of had two restrooms in that trailer, lol.
fayemegan wrote...
It just makes me wonder: where did he go to the bathroom? He must of had two restrooms in that trailer, lol.

Or they had one of those weird fetishes...


I heard someone talking about this at work a while ago. Weird stuff, eh.
I'm still trying to figure out how the skin and muscles were able to grow around the seat. I mean she would have had to been really still for the entire time, unless she's extremely fat. There's just so many fucking questions that are raised from this whole thing. Its amazing really.
Kaimax Best Master-San
The Jesus wrote...
I'm still trying to figure out how the skin and muscles were able to grow around the seat.

I think it was caused by the skins adaptation to the surface after a long period of sitting. I once experience something similar, It was near school exams, my fingers kept gripping my pen while studying, everyday studying with my pen. After a while, the skin on my finger reshapes itself like the pen's surface, it stayed that way for a few days, and had "relapses" every time I grip a pen for a long period of time.

You could probably call it a "mini evolution".
Monster Girl
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