Nuclear Power

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Nuclear Power

Total Votes : 47
Deleta wrote...
Fusion is incredibly hard to achieve and will not come out of the experiment stages for a long time and in the end we will probably use more electricity getting the machine to work then it will actually produce...

The one at Oxfordshire at the moment can only be controlled for 30 seconds, which isn't enought time to activate perpetual fusion. They are currently building a larger more powerful fusion reactor in France, which maybe the first one of its kind to reach perpetual fusion. They also predicted that by 2050, they will have fusion reactors (not many) powering homes.
Nuclear Power is a must.

In the name of progress, we must move towards energy-based energy sources and away from corporeal shit. After all, we can only have so much oil.

Besides, if we don't get over our fear of nuclear reactors, how the hell are we gonna power our Gundams?

Progress demands it.
Reokue wrote...
I also realize that technology needs to be developed for dealing with the waste bi-product.


Thats the problem, the bi-products don't go away till we're all dead.

Solar,wind, and water are great sources of energy that aren't going away for along time.

Wind-- In Chicago people put new adaptable wind generators on top of buildings. which is helping a lot seeing as though it's the windy city and because of the building amplify the wind power.

Solar-- New small flexible photovaltaic cells have been made so they can be built right onto roof tiles. Yeah it's real and it captures more sunlight than the old bulky ones. Also their a lot more durable and obviously more flexible.

Water- Off the coast of Florida deep ocean currents are being harnessed with turbines. Pretty freaking sweet. *^__^*
Nuclear power is good but not that good...
There's still deadly risk...

Power sources like York mention is safer and we got plenty of that in the world, we should just focus on that first...
We should play safe...
Better safe than BOOM!
Nuclear power is a fine idea. The environmentalist movement in America is basically "give us power but, you can't do anything new or different about it". No new oil refineries or new drilling leading to larges quantities of oil laying under or within American jurisdiction and yet we can't touch it because the environmentalist will scream bloody fucking murder.

So America tries Solar, Wind, hydro,etc

One the wind turbines are being shot down because "They distort the countryside and make it an eyesore". Okay, they shot that one down how about

Hydroelectric dams? We won't be able to build a new dam because it'll flood little bucky the beavers habitat and the other wildlife in the area. Well Fuck that one is shot down by the environmentalist. How about

Nuclear power? Damnit! Not every nuclear power plant is going to go all Chernobyl on us. The waste it creates is minuscule compared to..Oh come the fuck on! Well, what else we got?

Coal? Ha Ha Ha no. They hate the idea with a fiery passion.

Solar then? Damn, it all the bloody hell its really fucking expensive and old works well in certain areas. Jeebus fucking Christ people!

Shale to oil? Biodiesel? Good old fashioned Petroleum? Hydrogen? Ethanol?
No, makes the landscape ugly. Its a pipe dream. Getting expensive and we're trying to get off it. Too expensive for the average consumer. A fucking retarded idea and the person who thought that we should burn our food to fuel our cars should be shot execution style on public tv.

So, they want us to provide them power because their entitled to it but, we can't do anything new or create anything new so..well we're screwed

Also Cold Fusion is the Philosophers stone equivalent in Nuclear research. They believe it can happen but, so far nadda has happened.

Yay, we're all screwed!
how about we just make a storage facility on the moon or something....hell you dont even have to build it. just pick a big ass crater and put a net over it.
sora851 wrote...
how about we just make a storage facility on the moon or something....hell you dont even have to build it. just pick a big ass crater and put a net over it.

Yes but then we're using fuel to get the waste their. Waste of time, money, and resources thats why we can't do that.
York wrote...
sora851 wrote...
how about we just make a storage facility on the moon or something....hell you dont even have to build it. just pick a big ass crater and put a net over it.

Yes but then we're using fuel to get the waste their. Waste of time, money, and resources thats why we can't do that.

yea....and i guess if there was ever a problem and the rocket crashed into the ocean there would be alot of problems for all the little fishys
Waar FAKKU Moderator
just wanted to mention the wind/solar power ideas aren't plausible, the amount of solar panels and wind turbines that would be required to meet our need would cover Jupiter's surface (if it were solid) twice... the tiny amount of power generated by these make them unfeasible. Would be nice though
Waar wrote...
just wanted to mention the wind/solar power ideas aren't plausible, the amount of solar panels and wind turbines that would be required to meet our need would cover Jupiter's surface (if it were solid) twice... the tiny amount of power generated by these make them unfeasible. Would be nice though

Thats the beauty of it waar. We're improving so much in that field that that fact is old and useless. Also nobody said that we had to use only one energy source. Thats why I like these Neoenergy sources because they all just get converted to electricity. *^__^*
The biggest problem with nuclear power is not the meltdown..

It is transporting nuclear waste to the storage facility. If the facility is in Nevada and your nuclear plant is in New York, you have to get it from point A to point B. People do not like the idea of a big truck of nuclear waste driving past their neighborhood. Even one wreck out of a thousand would cause an uproar since the stuff is toxic for thousands of years. No amount of safe factory facts can get past toxic waste going though your city.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
York wrote...
Waar wrote...
just wanted to mention the wind/solar power ideas aren't plausible, the amount of solar panels and wind turbines that would be required to meet our need would cover Jupiter's surface (if it were solid) twice... the tiny amount of power generated by these make them unfeasible. Would be nice though

Thats the beauty of it waar. We're improving so much in that field that that fact is old and useless. Also nobody said that we had to use only one energy source. Thats why I like these Neoenergy sources because they all just get converted to electricity. *^__^*

while your point is true and I would love if we could employ these the fact that all 3 of the combines "clean" forms of energy would still not be able to produce 10% of what we need even if we covered the planet in solar panels/ wind turbines. We're going to have to continue to use other forms to create electricity for our growing population; until fusion can be perfected of course.

What I would like to know is how safe is fusion power? I really don't know anything about it but from what i remember when playing Simcity (LOL) was the fusion power plants would have a tendency to blow up.
I don't know about fusion plants. I don't even think they exist since the idea of cold fusion is like the philosophers stone/holy grail. I think all we have is fission plants nowadays.
Using nuclear energy is not really bad, unless you do have proper security.
The lockdown does pretty much everything as was already said.

We do not want the Chernobyl incident to repeat again now, do we ?
Nuclear power is misunderstood - everyone thinks that it's this unsafe thing that would go off if anything went wrong. We learned our lession from Chernobyl - in fact, most nuclear power plants are actually SAFER than coal, oil, or hydroelectric power, simply because of the failsafes, amount of control rods used, the amount of backups, and the general stability of the power itself.

My relatives live near a nuclear power plant, and they are grateful that it isn't a coal or oil plant, in that the only emissions given out by a NPP are water vapor and nuclear waste, (Which, let's be honest, people overhype this too - We have places to store it.) compared to fossil fuel based plants, which pump out THOUSANDS of pounds of CO2 every day. My 2 cents.
Nuclear energy is acceptable but we need to find a better source quickly because, like gas,there isn't very much material left on earth with which to use.
Kais86 wrote...
Nuclear energy is acceptable but we need to find a better source quickly because, like gas,there isn't very much material left on earth with which to use.

Maybe one day we'll start mining material from the space (asteroids, the moon, other planets, etc)
But I guess transporting them to Earth will prove to be a difficulty as well...hmmm...
Net_Spectator wrote...
Kais86 wrote...
Nuclear energy is acceptable but we need to find a better source quickly because, like gas,there isn't very much material left on earth with which to use.

Maybe one day we'll start mining material from the space (asteroids, the moon, other planets, etc)
But I guess transporting them to Earth will prove to be a difficulty as well...hmmm...

More efficient versions of the 3 cleanest versions of energy production that we have now would do fine.
i'm concerned of the nuke disposal after they're used.
instead of nukes,plasmagasification should be used's still in development stages,but its in near future.
it demolishes trash and producing energy at the same it if you wants the detail.
It's perfectly safe, people's just too scared. Only problems can occur now is out of human errors like what other people said.

And about that town Chernyoboll something? I believe I watched it on history channel several months ago, most of it is safe again to walk around in but still deserted. If you guys ever want to visit a city frozen in time, go there. It's pretty cool sight to see.

If there's gunna be a nuclear reactor put in my city where I live at, I wont be worried.
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