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Pansexuality or Omnisexuality is the idea that person has romantic and sexual attractions to all gender identities and sexes.

Sounds a bit like bisexuality, doesn't it? Yet there are two more "points" that seem to encompass pansexuality.

1. Pansexuals are gender-blind - that gender and sex are irrelevant in the attraction towards others, that personality is the key factor in a relationship
2. Pansexuals deny the concepts of only two genders, as Pansexuals are open to relationships with individuals who do not identify themselves as male or female.

That sounds all well and good, particularly the first point - that I can accept. The second point though, what?

How can one deny the "concept" of two genders? That's impossible. Yes, I understand that they are more specifically referring to those people with gender crisis or the transsexual community at large. But that isn't really the point. Whether you identify yourself by what is in between your legs (or the lack thereof) is irrelevant to what gender you really are. You can have an emotional state that differs, but you are a gender. Saying otherwise just seems like some run-of-the-mill political statement to me.

That's always bothered me. One of the core believes of Pansexuality is based on some kind of fallacy. That, and I've seen to many people who are afraid of admitting or justify their bi-curiosity and chalk it up as some for of pansexualism. That isn't what it means!

I do appreciate the concept that pansexuals believe that gender is irrelevant and that it is the personality that is loved regardless of gender, but that is hardly a political statement that justifies the existence of pansexuality from what it really is - bisexuality.

I guess I just don't understand why the concept of pansexuality exists.
You see Tsurayu, if I may call you Tsurayu (which I am going to do anyways, Tsurayu). A pansexual is just someone who is cool with plowing chicks but being "socially" uncool with being attached to the concept of "taking one from behind."

Pansexual also doesn't come with the stereotypes of bisexual because it is a relatively new term. A fear of being bisexual? Probably. But they are entitled to their confused opinion and they can have it.
Honestly it sounds like a version of bi-sexual just taken to a new extreme.
I only fancy female looking men so the Pansexuality isn't in my nature. Twinks and traps are my likes.. im not opposed to more masculine looking men, i just prefer females and feminine men. I do believe that gender doesn't have a irrelevancy in love, sex and relationships.
It kinda sounds like this was created by gender bender couples that aren't really sure who they are. But in all honesty if they're happy who cares.
I think in all honesty there are quite a few people who consider themselves gender neutral. Like Classy said if they're happy with who they are why should we care?
Yes, there are some people who do not identify as neither male or female, or who identify as both. Think of stuff like the berdache or "two-spirit" traditions among certain indigenous cultures. There even was a recent archaeological find detailing how a male skeleton was given a burial that was usually reserved for women--that may be proof that the two-spirit tradition was alive thousands of years ago (see link). Biologically, there are intersex people (e.g. hermaphrodites) whose genitalia have the characteristics of both sexes. Gender expression is much more fluid than we acknowledge, and I think it does those people a disservice when we try to pigeonhole them into one of just two genders.
Whatever floats your boat I guess. Not my cup of tea at all though. I believe man with woman and no if ands or buts about it.
Tsurayu wrote...
How can one deny the "concept" of two genders? That's impossible.

Some food for thought:
"One interesting consequence of the developmental set-up is that during the very early stages of fetal life, before the sex hormones have had a chance to do their stuff, all humans are basically bisexual. Among other things, you have two sets of primitive plumbing--one male, one female. Only one set develops into a mature urogenital system, but you retain traces of the other for the rest of your life."

"That is why nipples are present in both sexes. It is the effect of the genes, the Y chromosome and the hormone testosterone that brings about the changes and masculinises the embryo. Testosterone promotes the growth of the penis and testicles. Because nipples are there before this process begins the nipples stay!
Male humans can and do produce milk, i.e., they can lactate. Male breasts contain all the structures needed to produce milk."

"In utero we all sort of start out as girls and as our sexual organs mature boys develop a penis... the penis develops from the same tissue that clitoris comes from. Depending on your chromosomes you will develop female or male genitalia... occasionally there is a mix up in the genetic code and you get ambiguous genitalia... thus a "hermaphrodite". The clitoris is said to have the same nerve endings as the penis and it's probably the most important sexual organ a female has when it comes to orgasm."

"The largest clitoris is reportedly 10 to 12 cm long, In which case it might as well be called a Penis."

Yet those pans probably want to feel "different". Which is quite silly.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
This is one of those discussions that it's hard for me to really talk about, because it's not one I understand well. I remember a long time ago there was someone trying to make it so public bathrooms weren't 'male' and 'female' because it put pressure on the gender confused. Things like this kind of piss me off because it's things like this that makes everything that shouldn't be complicated, complicated. If you have to hold something in order to take a piss, go to the mens room. If you don't, go to the women's restroom.

Hourou Musuko was a recent anime episode that really dealt with identifying with a gender, of both sexes and how society dealt with it. Though I do believe the reality is still much harsher for a male to dress up as a female than what he dealt with - it's still present. I couldn't fully understand why he felt like that, or why the female felt the need to be a male, but I think that's the point. I can't fully explain why I'd prefer to be a female other than I have the equipment for the job and I'm built to do what I do.

When it comes to pansexuality, I don't fully understand the difference between that and bisexual, other than being a little more of a snot about it. I don't see how the human psyche is capable of not discriminating against gender, because even if both genders can provide emotional support, there are things that men and female provide that are different emotionally, and for sure in the bed.

We call people who are prejudice ignorant and uneducated, but I cannot for the sake of me understand when people don't associate themselves with male or female. The only time I can really understand someone having a hard time coping is someone who wasn't born with just a normal XY or YY chromosone.
RushHourSucks wrote...
Whatever floats your boat I guess. Not my cup of tea at all though. I believe man with woman and no if ands or buts about it.

love is love and a hole is a hole
The difference i see between Pansexuality and Bisexuality is that, Men or Women who say they are Bisexual have a border line of them not being able to be sexually aroused to anything other than a human being. Pansexual people seem to be able to be aroused by anything that may crawl.

I, like the OP said, can't fathom how such a sexual connection can be made with anything outside our species.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
TakeshiSagara wrote...
The difference i see between Pansexuality and Bisexuality is that, Men or Women who say they are Bisexual have a border line of them not being able to be sexually aroused to anything other than a human being. Pansexual people seem to be able to be aroused by anything that may crawl.

I, like the OP said, can't fathom how such a sexual connection can be made with anything outside our species.

What? I don't think Tsurayu said anything that involved inter-species mating.

Tsurayu wrote...
2. Pansexuals deny the concepts of only two genders, as Pansexuals are open to relationships with individuals who do not identify themselves as male or female.

How can one deny the "concept" of two genders? That's impossible. Yes, I understand that they are more specifically referring to those people with gender crisis or the transsexual community at large. But that isn't really the point. Whether you identify yourself by what is in between your legs (or the lack thereof) is irrelevant to what gender you really are. You can have an emotional state that differs, but you are a gender. Saying otherwise just seems like some run-of-the-mill political statement to me.

It's the idea of accepting the fact that there are people out there who don't consider themselves male or female, when really your sexuality and 'how you feel' shouldn't involve what is actually between your legs and what's on your birth certificate.

Like I said, to me Pansexual is just a snooty way of calling yourself a "Bisexual"
The difference between "cashier" and "Customer service specialist"
Ziggy wrote...
It's the idea of accepting the fact that there are people out there who don't consider themselves male or female, when really your sexuality and 'how you feel' shouldn't involve what is actually between your legs and what's on your birth certificate.

Like I said, to me Pansexual is just a snooty way of calling yourself a "Bisexual"
The difference between "cashier" and "Customer service specialist"


I just fail to see the difference. Like I said, the idea of loving someone regardless of their gender, but because of their personality, is really quite admirable. However, that alone can't make a person pansexual. That is a bisexual who just happens to be idealistic.

I just don't see the difference between bisexuals and pansexuals.
[font=Verdana][color=green]I find this concept ridiculous. I apologise to any Pansexuals that may be a member of the forums, but like it's already been said, Pansexuality is just an posh way of saying Bisexuality.

It's barely a recognised term; I know for a fact that you wouldn't find this option on any questionnaires that ask this sort of thing. Further proof of this scarce recognition is the little red squiggly line under each and every "Pansexual/Pansexuality" in this post reply section. (Before you ask; it's automatic. I can't turn it off annoyingly).
There are actual scholars that believe that gender is created by the society and that in reality there is no "gender". Of course in an everything-is-political age, there are a lot of concepts in gender that are created by the society, but
personally, I think to say that there is NO gender is a bit much, because there are obvious physical differences in two sexes.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Meowmeow239 wrote...
There are actual scholars that believe that gender is created by the society and that in reality there is no "gender". Of course in an everything-is-political age, there are a lot of concepts in gender that are created by the society, but
personally, I think to say that there is NO gender is a bit much, because there are obvious physical differences in two sexes.

If it weren't for the fact that (naturally) it is required to have a male and a woman together to procreate, I would agree with this. If we truly were 'one' then I don't think there would be specifications on the key going in the hole.
Some cultures accept the concept of a third gender. India, Thailand, Albania.. probably more than i can't remember from the taboo show on the discovery channel.
Clearly there are physical differences between the 2 sexes, but there are cultures that include a 3rd sex. Whether they are born male or female, they live an androgynous life separated from the the duality of conventional sexuality.
Well to be honest, most people gat a small mindfuck when they see a futa girl/boy... Although a futa boy is just a flat chested girl really... Anyway my point is the brain is programmed to categorise people. Futa or the third sex is just a different lable, and all the pansexuals and bisexuals are ocd people who need a lable for themselves or just a way to communicate to people why they like somebody who looks different - and they give a lable like bisexual as a reason even though it doesn't mean anything.

So bearing that in mind, if I got attracted by a cute boy with breasts, and fell in love, I wouldn't care about his sex or my sexuality, I'd just care about my feelings.
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