Pirates "ARRRRRRR"

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As you all know, that theres a rise of pirate activity in the africa region, most notably in Somalia. Recently the rescue of a US merchant captain by Navy SEALS has raised the awarness of this problem and people say that aggresive action needs to be used to stop this activities.

What do you think?
I've been reading a lot about these pirates lately. It's pretty crazy, but what can we do aside from continue to gun down the pirates (It recently Happened after Obama gave the okay to use lethal force). Haha, why not find new trade routes and avoid them though?

Ya know, Southpark recently made an episode involving the pirates. Pretty Amusing, though the issue is serious.

I suppose being everyday, ordinary, citizens, we can't do much but watch & keep up with the stories though.

& those are my thoughts.
True that since were in the developed nations and we dont understand their reasons for piracy. Infact, we mightve been more sympethetic towards them if we do. But since were not we just see them as a major nusisance or threat to be exterminated.
People with actual power were definitely being too lenient about this in the past sitting on their asses and settling with negotiations when another incident occurred.

Makes me glad they implemented some countermeasures and more direct strength recently. These are nothing more that acts of terrorism IMO and you're always fucked the moment you bend to those.
I understand that lives are at stake here and one shouldn't be to careless/hasty with armed interventions against pirates but if you let them act at their own pace, they become even more tenacious and innocent lives will eventually be lost either way.
Besides, I've also recently heard that an attacked freighter crew managed to defend themselves by taking one of the attackers hostage (taste your own medicine motherfuckers) and hold out till backup arrived. Definitely makes you wonder if perhaps the crews themselves shouldn't have more efficient means of self-defense....

BTW -- Click on a white X next to the edit/report buttons in your double topic exterminatus. No point wasting mods time if you can delete it yourself (while no one posted it in yet).
A major problem when dealing with pirates is the fact that they are in international waters. Who would be assigned the task to deal with them since no country has jurisdiction in international water. Another problem is the fact that most trade routes can't be avoided (like the ones near Somalia, Indonesia/Malaysia, Mediterranean). The third problem is corrupt governments who may be turning a blind eyes or worse, assisting in the pirating themselves. Somebody correct me if I am wrong but, I vaguely remember an incident where a military ship was moonlighting as a pirate ship. They boarded the target vessel acting as if they were going to search for drugs, and other things then they took over the ship and murdered the crew and passengers but, I can't confirm this so somebody back me up.

Another problem is that no international treaties or agreements allow for third parties to chase pirates into another country. Currently, the only thing the third party can do is chase them to the sovereign water while telling the other country who has jurisdiction in that area about the pirates themselves. This in turn has another problem, most pirate ships can easily vanish on coast lines since pirates don't really travel that far out to see.

Records say that only an estimated 1% of pirates are ever caught which only serves to encourage piracy since there is little risk and large reward. Some pirates are young kids such as the one who was captured by the American military. Which leaves the question of what to do with them once we catch them?
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I thought they were Pirates from Kenya and were stealing food for their tribles/villages/whatever.

Which is kinda ironic since it was a ship that was donating food?
I think we should send a team of ninjas to fight these pirate imposters.

But, in all seriousness if this gets out of hand things need to be done to stop it.
Trying to stop pirating is like trying to stop gang activity, but harder.

You can crack down with guns and men, shoot every pirate you see, and be generally as mean as you like, but they're just gonna keep popping right back up. Its not going to happen, just like with every gang member they put behind bars, two more join. One pirate ship taken down, two more come up.

its a waste of resources to try to end pirating by taking each one down. Instead, if they just allowed trade ships to be armed for self defense, pirating would naturally come to an end (or, more accurately, slow to a barely noticeable rate) because it wouldn't be as easy as it is now.

Pocru wrote...
Trying to stop pirating is like trying to stop gang activity, but harder.

You can crack down with guns and men, shoot every pirate you see, and be generally as mean as you like, but they're just gonna keep popping right back up. Its not going to happen, just like with every gang member they put behind bars, two more join. One pirate ship taken down, two more come up.

its a waste of resources to try to end pirating by taking each one down. Instead, if they just allowed trade ships to be armed for self defense, pirating would naturally come to an end (or, more accurately, slow to a barely noticeable rate) because it wouldn't be as easy as it is now.


During the cold war piracy actually went down as part of the increase activity of police and military around the world. Put more military ships in those regions and you'd stave off piracy, the problem is you can't have every ship have an armed escort. The cost is just too big. Arming every ship is another option but, again cost is an issue.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Pocru wrote...
Trying to stop pirating is like trying to stop gang activity, but harder.

You can crack down with guns and men, shoot every pirate you see, and be generally as mean as you like, but they're just gonna keep popping right back up. Its not going to happen, just like with every gang member they put behind bars, two more join. One pirate ship taken down, two more come up.

its a waste of resources to try to end pirating by taking each one down. Instead, if they just allowed trade ships to be armed for self defense, pirating would naturally come to an end (or, more accurately, slow to a barely noticeable rate) because it wouldn't be as easy as it is now.


During the cold war piracy actually went down as part of the increase activity of police and military around the world. Put more military ships in those regions and you'd stave off piracy, the problem is you can't have every ship have an armed escort. The cost is just too big. Arming every ship is another option but, again cost is an issue.
Did you see that special on the History channel, or whatever channel it was, about pirates too?
i honestly love the fact that pirates are still around
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
i honestly love the fact that pirates are still around
Well it isn't really a big surprise. We live in a world dominated by materialism. If someone has something and someone else wants it bad enough, whether for possession or profit, they'll go to great lengths to get it.
The Jesus wrote...
Well it isn't really a big surprise. We live in a world dominated by materialism. If someone has something and someone else wants it bad enough, whether for possession or profit, they'll go to great lengths to get it.

then let me pose a question to you: would you ever become a pirate?
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
i honestly love the fact that pirates are still around

The Jesus wrote...
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
During the cold war piracy actually went down as part of the increase activity of police and military around the world. Put more military ships in those regions and you'd stave off piracy, the problem is you can't have every ship have an armed escort. The cost is just too big. Arming every ship is another option but, again cost is an issue.
Did you see that special on the History channel, or whatever channel it was, about pirates too?

My t.v. rarely leaves the History channel unless its the food network for "Good Eats" or for the news. I like learning stuff...
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
The Jesus wrote...
Well it isn't really a big surprise. We live in a world dominated by materialism. If someone has something and someone else wants it bad enough, whether for possession or profit, they'll go to great lengths to get it.

then let me pose a question to you: would you ever become a pirate?
That's a tough one. While I do enjoy material possessions and there are things I want, I doubt that I'd go so far as to resort to boarding a boat with an AK-47 in order to get. Then again, being a pirate does seem like it could provide a life of entertainment and adventure... and action!!!
The Jesus wrote...
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
The Jesus wrote...
Well it isn't really a big surprise. We live in a world dominated by materialism. If someone has something and someone else wants it bad enough, whether for possession or profit, they'll go to great lengths to get it.

then let me pose a question to you: would you ever become a pirate?
That's a tough one. While I do enjoy material possessions and there are things I want, I doubt that I'd go so far as to resort to boarding a boat with an AK-47 in order to get. Then again, being a pirate does seem like it could provide a life of entertainment and adventure... and action!!!

Until you're killed by the U.S. military.
Forum Image: http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o58/jstilley_photos/SexyPirate.jpg

Hurray and Oh shit for Piracy becoming a real profession again? People are getting desperate for money. My question is... how did they afford weaponry in the first place to even fight on par with the US Navy. Use that money towards your damn goals.

Well... I guess I'm a pirate too oh wait I got something to explain that.

Forum Image: http://www.motifake.com/demotivational-poster/0902/im-no-pirate-demotivational-poster-1235457458.jpg

See? I'm not a Pirate. Lol!
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
A major problem when dealing with pirates is the fact that they are in international waters. Who would be assigned the task to deal with them since no country has jurisdiction in international water. Another problem is the fact that most trade routes can't be avoided (like the ones near Somalia, Indonesia/Malaysia, Mediterranean). The third problem is corrupt governments who may be turning a blind eyes or worse, assisting in the pirating themselves. Somebody correct me if I am wrong but, I vaguely remember an incident where a military ship was moonlighting as a pirate ship. They boarded the target vessel acting as if they were going to search for drugs, and other things then they took over the ship and murdered the crew and passengers but, I can't confirm this so somebody back me up.

Another problem is that no international treaties or agreements allow for third parties to chase pirates into another country. Currently, the only thing the third party can do is chase them to the sovereign water while telling the other country who has jurisdiction in that area about the pirates themselves. This in turn has another problem, most pirate ships can easily vanish on coast lines since pirates don't really travel that far out to see.

Records say that only an estimated 1% of pirates are ever caught which only serves to encourage piracy since there is little risk and large reward. Some pirates are young kids such as the one who was captured by the American military. Which leaves the question of what to do with them once we catch them?

For all the reasons you said, in general, the navies of powerful countries have had a very difficult time fighting pirates, especially when trying to use traditional ships, like destroyers. Personally, I think we could do more to arm merchant ships, but ultimately, the problem is only going to seriously be alleviated when the Somalian government actually gains the power to enforce its own laws, or else the economy changes such that piracy is no longer as effective or necessary.
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
The Jesus wrote...
Well it isn't really a big surprise. We live in a world dominated by materialism. If someone has something and someone else wants it bad enough, whether for possession or profit, they'll go to great lengths to get it.

then let me pose a question to you: would you ever become a pirate?

Well i wouldnt be a pirate but if i suddenly found myself with no money and the whole country collapsed to shit, i would [robally resort to criminal or illegal acts to keep me n my family safe.
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