religion, oh god... gods!

AzureKaos wrote...
They can't just edit it out because the old testament is the Torah for the Jews.

And? What the hell is that supposed to mean? If Jesus made everything in old testament irrelevant, what use is it? If evolution was disproved tomorrow, then we would change or edit the science books about evolution.

AzureKaos wrote...
"I am not breaking any taboos by trying to increase your knowledge of the world". You are doing exactly that when dealing with people of faith and trying to diminish their own beliefs and shoving yours down their throats.

First of all, i don't even believe in any taboos so i can't break them.

Second, i don't shove anything down anybodys throat. If somebody publicly tells their opinions and ideas, i have the right to answer him/her with my own opinions and ideas and possible have a debate (just like i am doing to you currently). People who keep their stupid beliefs and ideas to themselves i have no problem with, but the people who publicize their beliefs and try to change society according to them, absolutely i can respond to that. There is nothing 'taboo' breaking about it.

AzureKaos wrote...
The intense lack of separation of church and state is a completely different problem.

The underlining problem here is still religion, because people take their incoherent 'holy words on page' more seriously than they do their countries constitution, and that happens on very high levels of government (in USA).

AzureKaos wrote...
Religion is just scripture - words on a page. The bigots who take only certain pieces of the text and ignore the rest are the real problem.

Without religious words on pages there would be less problems. The religious bigots who take the scriptures seriously would still more than likely focus their attention into some other stupid idea like tribalism, but without anybody taking religious words seriously there would be without a doubt less problems in the world.

AzureKaos wrote...
...and yet a faith empowers a single religion of over 2 billion people claiming to all have the same experiences that science cannot touch. Faith is most definitely not useless, it is probably the most powerful thing that has ever been described.

Usually people who fall into the argument of popularity and numbers in the issue of faith and religion consider for some reason human beings to be some how highly evolved. Yes, in comparison to other species on planet earth we may be, but in general, i think not. What difference does it make if 5 billion or more people had this experience? All it would show is how illogical and irrational our species is.

AzureKaos wrote...
You can't possibly fathom something like this because you are bound by empirical evidence and outright reject the possibility of something else going on here.

I don't reject the possibility of something else going on here, i wait for the evidence before i claim something is there.

AzureKaos wrote...
You and I are literally just pebbles being thrown into the sea and hoping that we'll make a splash that can be seen for miles. You claim that 2 BILLION people are all illogical and lack common sense, when a lot of scientists believe in some sort of higher power. That right there is a prime example of why Athiests get a bad rep.

People who truly believe we are governed by an biblical or quranic entity, yes, they are illogical and lack common sense. Surely many of those are indoctrinated into the religion, so i don't fault them that much, because i know it is hard to let go a belief that has been forced down your throat before you could even walk.

If truth, logic and rational give you a bad rep, ill take it.

AzureKaos wrote...
The funny thing about your argument is in your interpretation of the Bible's texts. You take them as literal fact and use them to bash on the religion. That's not Athiesm, that's Fundamentalism.

As a person who doesn't believe in the bible, all i can do is read it and interpret as it is written. The issue here is not that i take it literally, the issue is the magical and clever way how you and other religious people (i guess moderates) supposedly interpret the bible to be non-violent and non-dogmatic. In order for a literate person to think that the bible or quran are non-violent or non-dogmatic books, you have to purposefully read it like that and that raises the question, if you have to do all that clever juggling to interpret it as a 'nice' book, why read it in the first place?

AzureKaos wrote...
I agree, you can take more quotes out of context and it will definitely paint a violent picture of the Bible and it's teachings.

I see, the books are only promoting violence because i interpret them wrong.

Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire. (Matthew 18:8)

So when Jesus tells the people this nice and good advice to cut off their hands and feet if they offend his imaginary god, i am simply interpreting it wrong? It is not about what it actually reads, you have to read it in a clever way so you don't interpret it as violent?

AzureKaos wrote...
The Old Testament is STILL part of the Bible.

So?? Jesus made the old testament irrelevant, why not edit it out?

AzureKaos wrote...
The Old testament is not a collection of bullshit, and you cannot just edit it out.

Why not?

AzureKaos wrote...
Tell that to the scientists and scholars that believe in some religion and provide meaningful criticism.

Being a scientist or a scholar doesn't make you immune to faith based beliefs.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
AzureKaos wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
AzureKaos wrote...

Religion, for me is a BASE from which good behavior is derived. I don't consider myself catholic but i stick to the 10 commandments like glue because to me, it feels like common sense. Don't kill people? Sure. Don't steal? Do you know what they do to thieves in some countries!? I quite like my phalanges. They are useful for...things. I won't deny that religion played an important part of my life because without it, i'd probably be a god-hating heathen that lost his humanity years ago.

But good behavior is something evolution kind of installed into us to increase our survival chance. Cooperation, compassion, love, egotism, all of those existed before any of the Abrahamic religions begun. Codes of ethics and morals were implemented local communities and in greater empires.

Have you questioned why some of these values are "common sense" to you? How about the people during the creation of these guidelines? Do you genuinely believe that they can't exist in the absence of belief in a higher power? Religious institutions were not the creators of the 10 amendments or common law, there were enforcers.

I was actually waiting or someone to bring this up.

I don't feel bad saying i agree that evolution played a part in how we act today, but it doesn't have me completely convinced. If you look at evolution at a macro level, survival of the fittest eliminates the need to act accordingly in a society. You only need to be able to pass on your genes efficiently. Being nice to others may lengthen your life span but seriously, when these rules were put into place, the life expectancy was not very long. Looking at how things are today, it's very easy to say that people can live without the presence of a higher power as many people do already.

But back in the days where Catholicism was the only accepted religion in many parts of Europe and what's now the United States, politics and religion were basically the same thing. During the first Council of Nicea, the only accepted form of Roman Catholicism was agreed upon and overnight, thousands of people became heretics. So to that, i would agree that religion institutions were enforcers.

Evolution has more than "a part". If you look at evolution at a Macro level, the most successful species are those who are able to co-exist with each and other species around them. There are powers in numbers. Not to undermine the achievements of thousands but no human has really done anything worth of notice completely on his/her own.
God is your concept and people can have it as their lifestyle, we've created literature because of religion. Realise that without opinion and belief. Because of the good acts of biblical figures, we have decided to involve in the foundation of morals we act within everyday.

But I depart from religion and never talk about it. People thought I was an Athiest when I said I don't want to talk about christianity and title me as so. I think it's a unfair deal that I'm idolised for being an atheists but I have done nothing bad to them. Biased people don't know where to think and what to observe.

I go my way and they go their way. This is a matter of perception, not objectivity and logic. Post-modernist literalist. After world war, there was the attitude of people accepting the worst without depression and glorify what they wanted. People can still go through that now because of domestic problems and influence of historical figures and events.
KozWanderer wrote...
God is your concept and people can have it as their lifestyle, we've created literature because of religion. Realize that without opinion and belief.

I doubt we have literature because of religion. There are many ancient civilizations that had literature which didn't have anything to do with religion and some of them didn't even have any religion to begin with.

KozWanderer wrote...
Because of the good acts of biblical figures, we have decided to involve in the foundation of morals we act within everyday.

Religion gets its morals from us, not the other way around.
Coconutt wrote...
KozWanderer wrote...
God is your concept and people can have it as their lifestyle, we've created literature because of religion. Realize that without opinion and belief.

I doubt we have literature because of religion. There are many ancient civilizations that had literature which didn't have anything to do with religion and some of them didn't even have any religion to begin with.

KozWanderer wrote...
Because of the good acts of biblical figures, we have decided to involve in the foundation of morals we act within everyday.

Religion gets its morals from us, not the other way around.

Now that you confronted that we made literature ourselves, your pretty much right. But religion brought us the development of literature, vikings who engraved words and pictures about gods had much influence in today. Christian facilities hold numerous scrolls and had education as well. Religion pretty much made the usefulness of literature. Folk tales, fairy tales and mythology also changed literature but not as much as religion ever since this and that.

On the second part:
Biblical figure, if you consider all the practices of the religious acts. Your attention may go to good will practices, many people fought for it since they had no where to go. The crusaders and arabians showed how undeveloped people's logic were until aftermath giving wisdom and reason to question why is this or that. Christianity, Buddha, Hinduism were all big parts of the world's culture in the East and West which had a branch of philosophical influence.

Our society revolved much around religion and ideology which makes it worth saying that religion is a undoubtedly incredible progression up all the way through present day. It was involved in the biggest parts of society until the last few hundred years where it was more about civilisation progressing.
KozWanderer wrote...
Now that you confronted that we made literature ourselves, your pretty much right. But religion brought us the development of literature, vikings who engraved words and pictures about gods had much influence in today. Christian facilities hold numerous scrolls and had education as well. Religion pretty much made the usefulness of literature. Folk tales, fairy tales and mythology also changed literature but not as much as religion ever since this and that.

For sure religion has been an important part in our development of literature and still is today, but we don't have literature because of it. On a side note, whether religion has been an important part of human literature or not has absolutely nothing to do with its validity.

KozWanderer wrote...
Biblical figure, if you consider all the practices of the religious acts. Your attention may go to good will practices, many people fought for it since they had no where to go. The crusaders and arabians showed how undeveloped people's logic were until aftermath giving wisdom and reason to question why is this or that. Christianity, Buddha, Hinduism were all big parts of the world's culture in the East and West which had a branch of philosophical influence.

Our society revolved much around religion and ideology which makes it worth saying that religion is a undoubtedly incredible progression up all the way through present day. It was involved in the biggest parts of society until the last few hundred years where it was more about civilisation progressing.

I am not denying that religion has played a huge role in the history of our species and still does, but all the progress religion supposedly has made, a lot of it was done by progression outside of religion. Religious morality has improved because of secularism, not because of religion for example. Religion has its place in our history, but i don't think it has any usefulness in our present time or in the future.
Coconutt wrote...
KozWanderer wrote...
Now that you confronted that we made literature ourselves, your pretty much right. But religion brought us the development of literature, vikings who engraved words and pictures about gods had much influence in today. Christian facilities hold numerous scrolls and had education as well. Religion pretty much made the usefulness of literature. Folk tales, fairy tales and mythology also changed literature but not as much as religion ever since this and that.

For sure religion has been an important part in our development of literature and still is today, but we don't have literature because of it. On a side note, whether religion has been an important part of human literature or not has absolutely nothing to do with its validity.

KozWanderer wrote...
Biblical figure, if you consider all the practices of the religious acts. Your attention may go to good will practices, many people fought for it since they had no where to go. The crusaders and arabians showed how undeveloped people's logic were until aftermath giving wisdom and reason to question why is this or that. Christianity, Buddha, Hinduism were all big parts of the world's culture in the East and West which had a branch of philosophical influence.

Our society revolved much around religion and ideology which makes it worth saying that religion is a undoubtedly incredible progression up all the way through present day. It was involved in the biggest parts of society until the last few hundred years where it was more about civilisation progressing.

I am not denying that religion has played a huge role in the history of our species and still does, but all the progress religion supposedly has made, a lot of it was done by progression outside of religion. Religious morality has improved because of secularism, not because of religion for example. Religion has its place in our history, but i don't think it has any usefulness in our present time or in the future.

I can't disagree to what your saying.
Monster Girl
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