Stay Disabled Despite a Cure?

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Damienthedevil wrote...
Yes i understand that you guys are putting yourselves in their shoes and saying you would want the cure but you also think from their point of view. They want to stay that way, so let them. The most we can do is give them advice or tell them what you think but if you just keep pestering them about it then you are just nosy not being "helpful". Even if you think you are helping them but they do not want or need the help. They want to stay that way then let them. Like i said, IT IS THEIR LIVES NOT OURS. We can imagine what it is like but we do not know for certain so let those who are in the condition to think for themselves and decide what they want to do.

The trouble is, if all disabilities could be cured, then it would be fantastic if all people agreed to be cured and horrible if not all people agreed.

As it stands, society has to take action so that disabled people have the same rights as able-bodied people. I'm not talking about the right to vote or anything, but the ability to do the same things that able-bodied people can do. If blindness can be cured (and anyone can receive the cure, regardless of age or money), then we don't have to worry about braille anymore. If people don't need to be in wheelchairs, then we don't have to worry about making buildings wheelchair-accessible.
I'm siding with waar on this one, a disease or disability doesn't define who you are, but limits your abilities. Any person who chooses to remain disabled shouldn't be treated any differently than a normal person. They are intentionally handicapping themselves from their full potential. While I personally think it is an asinine choice but, I have to respect their wishes based on my personal principals. Nobody has the "right" to force anything on anybody including treatments. You can still think they are dumber than a sack of hammers for their choice.
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