Whats YOUR new years resolution?

Don't really have one, but I'm gonna make this year an awesome year for me.

But whats yours? Discuss!
raise my GPA :roll:

oh God please let this year to be a good year for me :cry:
I don't have one at all, as I'm fairly happy with me and my life right now! Sure, there are areas to improve, but I evaluate myself every now and then to see what I can do to make myself better. So I kinda have an as I go thing going on.
I can't really think of one.

Anyway, whats an GPA?
GPA= Grade Point Average. basically the better u do in school the better the number is.

My New Years Resolution is to finally propose to my girl. (Going to start living with me in 3 weeks)
Mine was to work harder and play harder. I spent a lot of time just doing jack all last year and I need to get my shit together for university.
Well not much try to dwell deeper into anime and games.... yeah thts all (including not getting into an intimate relationship dun ask why cuz i also dunno why)
To pwn more noobs than last year


Get another dog

Go to Japan
Well... I suppose I got a few (though it's doubtful that they will be met >_> )
1) Pass driving test 1st time
2) Finish college with decent grades
3) Grow some bullocks and ask for a part-time job in the nearest Game shop (For gap year)
To either get a better job or get a raise.
1. Get a Job
2. Get a Girlfriend (It's about damn time)
3. Rake in some nice grades
4. Get a Wii
5. Get BRAWL!
6. Get my Monk to 99/50
7. Achieve 3000 posts
<<<< get a life.. ^_^
Noutakun wrote...
1. Get a Job
2. Get a Girlfriend (It's about damn time)
3. Rake in some nice grades
4. Get a Wii
5. Get BRAWL!
6. Get my Monk to 99/50
7. Achieve 3000 posts

Oh yeah get myself the Wii and SSBB, been looking for one since like October. Fucking campers.
David wrote...
Fucking campers.

Watch it, I'll be doing my first campout for Brawl.
1. Lose 20 pounds
2. Get some friends
3. Get my life together

I suppose. :roll:
Dont have such a bad morning mood (as it is now no one whants/or dare to go near me in the morning not even our cat)

get fakku elite

Be able to take on 6 men at the same time instead of my regular 5 men (non sport thai boxing)and my goal is upp to 7

get yellow belt in karate (this one will be easy)

and as for some others get brawl
Monster Girl
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