When Hentai Is Taken To Far?

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Alright im curiuos have you guys ever seen hentai been taken to the extreme?
Like i saw this guy dressed up as Mika Hatsune and he was jacking off in front of a camera..
Now if thats not fucked up im not sure what is.
But people these days are taking there love for Hentai/Anime WAY to far.
I think the point of love and obsession have a fine line between them yet some people cross over and just turn it into something thats completely off the wall.
LifesLoser wrote...
Alright im curiuos have you guys ever seen hentai been taken to the extreme?
Like i saw this guy dressed up as Mika Hatsune and he was jacking off in front of a camera..
Now if thats not fucked up im not sure what is.
But people these days are taking there love for Hentai/Anime WAY to far.
I think the point of love and obsession have a fine line between them yet some people cross over and just turn it into something thats completely off the wall.

Anime is a culture, so no point fretting over this. It does bother me but there is nothing you can do to stop the culture. It will be there until everyone finds anime boring(very unlikely).
I don't think it's fucked up. I draw the line at hurting other people or severely hurting yourself.
Yea in my own search for hentai. I've seen hentai that in my own persnal view was 'going to far'. It was the 2 girls and 1 cup of hentai.I was appalledand yet i could not stop reading.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Genres, I draw the line at gore and crossdressing, so it's safe to say I'm not a big fan of traps, unless the trap has a plethora of girls wanting to fuck him. That way it feels like Lesbian sex, but it's also Hetero sex. Win win situation.

As for IRL, jacking off onto a figurine and "marrying" a 2D character.

People are fucked up freaks. all of them us. that dude dresed up wanking for the camera is no weirder than the people who like feet, or getting whipped, or sniffing farts. what ever floats your boat.
I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say you're fond of furries. Surprising, to say the least, for such a person to say "if thats not fucked up im not sure what is." I have no problem with either furries or crossdressed masturbation. As Koyori put it
Koyori wrote...
I draw the line at hurting other people or severely hurting yourself.

This, +/- a few situational modifiers, is the only line worth drawing.
ryuuhagoku wrote...
I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say you're fond of furries

Its likely we all know at least one person who would say "if that's not fucked up I'm not sure what is" about furries (or any other fetish in existence). There isn't a "too far" in hentai or anything in general. It all comes down to perception, and as long as there are people each and every one of them will have a unique perception. "Too far" for ryuuhagoku may or may not be the same for gravitycat, Mr.Shaggnificent, or myself.

Personally, its "too far" when someone is killed, tortured, or in some way abused and they did not desire it (non-consent).
I don't like how you made the word "guy" be in bold writing for emphasis, as if to say you don't agree with cross dressing or that it's wrong and people shouldn't do it. We live in an era now where things like that are accepted more than they used to be, so you clearly have some kind of conservative ideology or you didn't think about what you just typed.

Also, I agree with this:
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Personally, its "too far" when someone is killed, tortured, or in some way abused and they did not desire it (non-consent).

As long as they aren't bothering anyone else, which is exactly why it's done in their personal time (for fear of bothering people like you who discriminate them), or abusing and hurting people both physically and emotionally, people should be allowed to be indulged in what gives them pleasure in their own way. What's wrong with taking your hobby "too far"? You should be worried about real rapes, murders and war, not what people enjoy doing and judging them based on what they like just because you don't do it.
This is what you call a "Fetish", having a strange obsession with a certain thing. Like I dunno what exactly is the charm of glasses but I don't think its creepy that other people do. Really in hentai, its go too far when it goes to guro, because now it's not hentai, it just a entirely different fetish in which I do not get any enjoyment out of : /.
brok3n butterfly wrote...

Personally, its "too far" when someone is killed, tortured, or in some way abused and they did not desire it (non-consent).

I agree with this, I am perfectly okay with anything people want to do with their bodies and do with their time. When i have the problem is when things are forced upon other people, or it is harming other people.
ryuuhagoku wrote...
I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say you're fond of furries. Surprising, to say the least, for such a person to say "if thats not fucked up im not sure what is." I have no problem with either furries or crossdressed masturbation. As Koyori put it
Koyori wrote...
I draw the line at hurting other people or severely hurting yourself.

This, +/- a few situational modifiers, is the only line worth drawing.

I knew someone was going to go there, and im not a hardcore furry fan, i only prefer the fan art, and hentai provided for me, the whole fursuit shit does take it a bit to far.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Personally, its "too far" when someone is killed, tortured, or in some way abused and they did not desire it (non-consent).

I also agree with this. With that said, the story about a man marrying a videogame character does bother me a bit, only because to me that seems like a failure to separate reality and fantasy. That to me seems more like taking it too far
Koyori wrote...
I don't think it's fucked up. I draw the line at hurting other people or severely hurting yourself.
LifesLoser wrote...
Like i saw this guy dressed up as Mika Hatsune and he was jacking off in front of a camera..
Now if thats not fucked up im not sure what is.

Wow... that's not fucked up to me at all.

Sounds quite normal, in fact. My, I'm weirder than I thought. =P
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Rise-chan wrote...
LifesLoser wrote...
Like i saw this guy dressed up as Mika Hatsune and he was jacking off in front of a camera..
Now if thats not fucked up im not sure what is.

Wow... that's not fucked up to me at all.

Sounds quite normal, in fact. My, I'm weirder than I thought. =P

Hentai logic just took over your mind.
Someone! Please purify Rise-chan here!!!
Rise-chan wrote...
LifesLoser wrote...
Like i saw this guy dressed up as Mika Hatsune and he was jacking off in front of a camera..
Now if thats not fucked up im not sure what is.

Wow... that's not fucked up to me at all.

Sounds quite normal, in fact. My, I'm weirder than I thought. =P

Well Rise, you are a delicious trap.Outsiders cannot perceive the true fragileness of your bequeath grace and as such will try to categorize you as odd. Those who should will against you and your apparent perversions which truly are an attempt to demur from becoming a greyscale clone posed toward societal conquest are those who are truly odd, your figure and person is an art of itself, the art of liberation and acceptance towards that which transciently shifts foward to replace the present with a brighter future.

Oh and on-topic- While I personally would not savor undertaking such activities myself, I find those who oppose it utterly disgusting. What gives any right for you to judge this man for something he believes to possess personalized merit?Is it not enough that a reserved member of our kind gives his certainty in the rightness of such? Even if you cannot see reason, putting clique-esque reasons as to why you would wish to not grant him disparagement is terribly wrong. No fallable being should have the right another of his kind without interpretation that would solve towards his agreement,consent, and well-being. The fact that you base it on a sexist interpretation of what he so chooses to portray is bad enough, I consider turning to a gender-neutral proximity to reason, such people as this gentleman have successfully integrated in your abhorrent and hypocritical society, to oppose him and any who so do follow in suit is morally wrong and must be immediately be held as imperative to face change.
ToyManC Forgot my safe word
Anime and hentai have always thrived on the concept of freedom of expression. So it should come as no surprise that some people will take things a bit too far, but that is why we all come to sites like Fakku because they provide a set of rules that make sure certain guidelines are maintained. I have certain genres I steer away from, and if I see something I don't like then that is why they invented the back button. I feel sure that if something truly offensive were posted here, the moderators would be quick to take action. As for your worries about those who obsess too much about anime and hentai, I think you might find you are in the minority in this forum. XD
the devils are on fire wrote...
Rise-chan wrote...
LifesLoser wrote...
Like i saw this guy dressed up as Mika Hatsune and he was jacking off in front of a camera..
Now if thats not fucked up im not sure what is.

Wow... that's not fucked up to me at all.

Sounds quite normal, in fact. My, I'm weirder than I thought. =P

Hentai logic just took over your mind.
Someone! Please purify Rise-chan here!!!

Thanks but no thanks. I'll end up purifying the person trying to do it to me instead.

Darkhilt wrote...
Rise-chan wrote...
LifesLoser wrote...
Like i saw this guy dressed up as Mika Hatsune and he was jacking off in front of a camera..
Now if thats not fucked up im not sure what is.

Wow... that's not fucked up to me at all.

Sounds quite normal, in fact. My, I'm weirder than I thought. =P

Well Rise, you are a delicious trap.Outsiders cannot perceive the true fragileness of your bequeath grace and as such will try to categorize you as odd. Those who should will against you and your apparent perversions which truly are an attempt to demur from becoming a greyscale clone posed toward societal conquest are those who are truly odd, your figure and person is an art of itself, the art of liberation and acceptance towards that which transciently shifts foward to replace the present with a brighter future.

devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Let's see, it took me quite a while to find a reasonable answer.

Hentai is a place for me so my imagination can run as wild as it can be, because it's not real.
It's not a problem if you have monster fetish, shibari fetish, trap fetish, or any fetish, you name it.
We know it as Hentai logic, right?

The thing is, when we apply it to the real world, is it immoral or not??

For example, you love incest fetish in hentai, it's fine. It's normal.
But, if you fuck your sibling, then you are taking it too far, since everybody knows it's immoral.

There are some limit that you have, like yaoi or yuri, it's fine, since it's not immoral (for some people it is but I am not going to go there).
People's limit may be different, and that will likely cause disputes.

My conclusion is, whatever hentai logic you may have, as long as it's not immoral or it's not putting people down, it's fine.

Correct me if I am wrong, I am open to any suggestion..
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