Why do you enjoy Hentai?

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Like not having the chance to find one of your relatives in a hentai?
Kais86 wrote...
Like not having the chance to find one of your relatives in a hentai?

you say that like a person of experience
i can find something that isn't find in normal porn
and the story is good
Well, in the beginning I used to watch porn now and then, but when you compare it to hentai (animated, not the live action stuff), it seems to have a better quality.

I suppose the main difference is in the storylines. The way the story is crafted in hentai, makes it feel like typical anime with sex, where as porn, well... Basically the producers come up with the lamest excuse they can to get two people to have sex. But don't get me wrong, the storylines in western porn can be well-done, take Beverly Hills Bordello for example. The story is actually interesting and the action is fun to watch.

Then again, there are things in hentai that piss me off.

-Rape scenes: Rape seems to be a common them in anime... or at least in the some of the ones I've seen thus far. Rape really does nothing but make me fantasize about killing, maiming, or in some other way causing extreme discomfort to the rapist. (this will be touched on in full detail later on)

-Censorshit, er I mean censorship: This makes as little sense as pitting a 5-year old against Chuck Lidel in a cage match. I believe the ideal of pornographic imagery is being able to see the precious spots and to be honest, it looks much less appealing. censored hentai looks like two polygons smacking and rubbing against one another.

But why do I watch it? Thing is, I'm one of those guys who try to keep their perversion under control and don't like the idea of being a perv. But, as a male, my hormones like to kick my ass until I do otherwise. So, hentai is a way for me to "relieve" myself without having to put myself through awkward interactions with women who are not interested.... Now that I think about, there's people that is trying to get porn/hentai abolished because they believe its the source of sexual deviant behavior and rape....
elfen lied wrote...
Kais86 wrote...
Like not having the chance to find one of your relatives in a hentai?

you say that like a person of experience

I do? I don't watch real porn very often, usually when I want something different, I would like to think my family is to prideful to get into porn, direct or write maybe, actually participate in it I doubt. I also think they are too mean spirited for it, god forbid one of the other relatives find this porn video, you will pay for that mistake for years, or at least until everyone forgets about it, which probably means they are all dead.
Alright, first off most people will probably say I'm full of shit, but they can all go fornicate themselves with a wooden spoon. I enjoy hentai because of it's artistic value. To be able to effectively illustrate the human body you have to know what it looks like without clothes, before you can draw it with clothes on. Also sexual positions are among the most difficult poses to draw. for the dedicated artist it makes for a good challenge. I would know, Martial arts stances are simple by comparison, I have no problem drawing a woman in the crane stance, however, it's a real bitch trying to draw a chick in the missionary position. (depending on the angle.)
its all about the impossible sexsual things that can happen in hentai
real life porn is too boring at times
its always this and that
in hentai anything can happen adding a twist to sex! :D
I enjoy hentai for the art, the stories, the already familiarized characters, because I am horny, etc.

It has a lot to do with the art though. If I hate the art style I will just drop it and move on to a different one. For example, I hate really sketchy or light lines that I cannot see. I like it when the drawings have dark, clean lines that I can easily see.

A style of art that I really like would be this: https://www.fakku.net/viewmanga.php?view=201

I actually really love this guy's art style. I love how everything looks touchable, like you would be able to feel it yourself. It's not flat and everything is clear and easily visible.

Whereas I hate this and would have to just leave after the first or second page because it would drive me nuts.

So freaking sketchy! @__@ I can't stand it! It's like, clean up your lines dude!

Or this where there is no story and the character is way out of character?

Nice for a quick fap I am sure, but if you're looking for a story, I would never suggest it. Dx

I am picky when it comes to my hentai. xD Good thing there's a lot to read on this website.

Oh yeah and censors don't bother me too much unless they are big thick black ones, or the blurry ones that cover EVERYTHING. Hate that. But other than those I don't care.
I'm just reposting my previous post on why we enjoy hentai.

g-money wrote...
As in the previous forum when this topic was brought up by a guy quite disgruntled with hentai, hentai and anime themselves are for people to have fun, pleasure, and escape in. They provide situations and characters that the audience can relate to and take in pleasure the things they could never do themselves. Fucking your schoolmate, your sister, a widow, your mom, your girl of your dreams, your sex slave are things that most people can never dream of or even visualize it. Hentai does that well and brings out the carnal desire of humanity by putting it in an audio and visual format. That entire concept is called “escapism” and I won’t delve much into that either because anyone can look that up and everyone here has more or less beat that concept to the ground. Now that might just be saying, "You're friggin loser who needs to find a woman and live in reality," but that can also apply to those who watch anime. People ask all the time, "Why do you watch anime? It’s so pointless.” And one might respond in a manner as such, “Why do you watch sports? Why do you watch soap operas or prime-time reality talk shows?” I can’t answer that question adequately, but what I’ll say is that they are a medium for people to put their attention and focus and literally “get lost in” because they maintain a sense of reality but altered for the audience viewing pleasure.

Viewing pleasure. That’s what it’s all about, and for hentai, it’s for those who like sex and focuses on the lustful/erotic aspects of anime that’s not for little kids. Since it's anime, people like it for its plot development and character maturation, and the art that comes with it. (What makes anime/hentai so special is its art form besides from other factors.) Real hentai follows anime format, climaxed with the sex scene at the end or all throughout. I personally like hentai with well-driven plots, not just some crap that has bad character/plot development and random sex all over the place. Hentai is really a different genre of anime except it has adult elements. Music is sometimes a welcome plus in hentai, and is really critical for anime to employ.

Same thing goes for doujinshis/h-mangas; people want to see the main characters of whatever manga or anime get it on. Why? Because sex is great, the characters are doing things that they wouldn't do in the regular series, (the taboo makes people want to break the taboo) and when they do it, it means that they have achieved each other's trust and love to do something so intimate. (I'm a romantic, so sue me.) A lot of the doujinshi I read has situations along those lines, not necessarily from any canon series. Also, since people like these mentally developing, well-drawn characters and the plot that follows them, it is just so easy to slip in a sex scene and BAM, it's fappin time.

The big separator between Japanese style of cartoons (manga/anime/hentai) and American style is the fact that Japanese people like to see the characters grow in maturity and overcome obstacles to achieve that goal; for the most part, they actually have a finite end compared to American cartoons. (X-Men it never fucking ends) Hentai has that closure (at least some of them) that porn doesn't offer, (ever heard of the term "mindless sex?") and what it really is is anime with a sex factor added to it.

If anyone reads this, I'll be impressed. A lot of this was taken from my old posts in a previous forum. Howz this for an explanation why people like hentai? The key point I stress is that people who like anime with a little bit of libido will like hentai.
g-money wrote...
As in the previous forum when this topic was brought up by a guy quite disgruntled with hentai, hentai and anime themselves are for people to have fun, pleasure, and escape in. They provide situations and characters that the audience can relate to and take in pleasure the things they could never do themselves. Fucking your schoolmate, your sister, a widow, your mom, your girl of your dreams, your sex slave are things that most people can never dream of or even visualize it. Hentai does that well and brings out the carnal desire of humanity by putting it in an audio and visual format. That entire concept is called “escapism” and I won’t delve much into that either because anyone can look that up and everyone here has more or less beat that concept to the ground. Now that might just be saying, "You're friggin loser who needs to find a woman and live in reality," but that can also apply to those who watch anime. People ask all the time, "Why do you watch anime? It’s so pointless.” And one might respond in a manner as such, “Why do you watch sports? Why do you watch soap operas or prime-time reality talk shows?” I can’t answer that question adequately, but what I’ll say is that they are a medium for people to put their attention and focus and literally “get lost in” because they maintain a sense of reality but altered for the audience viewing pleasure.

Viewing pleasure. That’s what it’s all about, and for hentai, it’s for those who like sex and focuses on the lustful/erotic aspects of anime that’s not for little kids. Since it's anime, people like it for its plot development and character maturation, and the art that comes with it. (What makes anime/hentai so special is its art form besides from other factors.) Real hentai follows anime format, climaxed with the sex scene at the end or all throughout. I personally like hentai with well-driven plots, not just some crap that has bad character/plot development and random sex all over the place. Hentai is really a different genre of anime except it has adult elements. Music is sometimes a welcome plus in hentai, and is really critical for anime to employ.

Same thing goes for doujinshis/h-mangas; people want to see the main characters of whatever manga or anime get it on. Why? Because sex is great, the characters are doing things that they wouldn't do in the regular series, (the taboo makes people want to break the taboo) and when they do it, it means that they have achieved each other's trust and love to do something so intimate. (I'm a romantic, so sue me.) A lot of the doujinshi I read has situations along those lines, not necessarily from any canon series. Also, since people like these mentally developing, well-drawn characters and the plot that follows them, it is just so easy to slip in a sex scene and BAM, it's fappin time.

The big separator between Japanese style of cartoons (manga/anime/hentai) and American style is the fact that Japanese people like to see the characters grow in maturity and overcome obstacles to achieve that goal; for the most part, they actually have a finite end compared to American cartoons. (X-Men it never fucking ends) Hentai has that closure (at least some of them) that porn doesn't offer, (ever heard of the term "mindless sex?") and what it really is is anime with a sex factor added to it.

If anyone reads this, I'll be impressed. A lot of this was taken from my old posts in a previous forum. Howz this for an explanation why people like hentai? The key point I stress is that people who like anime with a little bit of libido will like hentai.

this is one epic post
elfen lied wrote...
g-money wrote...
As in the previous forum when this topic was brought up by a guy quite disgruntled with hentai, hentai and anime themselves are for people to have fun, pleasure, and escape in. They provide situations and characters that the audience can relate to and take in pleasure the things they could never do themselves. Fucking your schoolmate, your sister, a widow, your mom, your girl of your dreams, your sex slave are things that most people can never dream of or even visualize it. Hentai does that well and brings out the carnal desire of humanity by putting it in an audio and visual format. That entire concept is called “escapism” and I won’t delve much into that either because anyone can look that up and everyone here has more or less beat that concept to the ground. Now that might just be saying, "You're friggin loser who needs to find a woman and live in reality," but that can also apply to those who watch anime. People ask all the time, "Why do you watch anime? It’s so pointless.” And one might respond in a manner as such, “Why do you watch sports? Why do you watch soap operas or prime-time reality talk shows?” I can’t answer that question adequately, but what I’ll say is that they are a medium for people to put their attention and focus and literally “get lost in” because they maintain a sense of reality but altered for the audience viewing pleasure.

Viewing pleasure. That’s what it’s all about, and for hentai, it’s for those who like sex and focuses on the lustful/erotic aspects of anime that’s not for little kids. Since it's anime, people like it for its plot development and character maturation, and the art that comes with it. (What makes anime/hentai so special is its art form besides from other factors.) Real hentai follows anime format, climaxed with the sex scene at the end or all throughout. I personally like hentai with well-driven plots, not just some crap that has bad character/plot development and random sex all over the place. Hentai is really a different genre of anime except it has adult elements. Music is sometimes a welcome plus in hentai, and is really critical for anime to employ.

Same thing goes for doujinshis/h-mangas; people want to see the main characters of whatever manga or anime get it on. Why? Because sex is great, the characters are doing things that they wouldn't do in the regular series, (the taboo makes people want to break the taboo) and when they do it, it means that they have achieved each other's trust and love to do something so intimate. (I'm a romantic, so sue me.) A lot of the doujinshi I read has situations along those lines, not necessarily from any canon series. Also, since people like these mentally developing, well-drawn characters and the plot that follows them, it is just so easy to slip in a sex scene and BAM, it's fappin time.

The big separator between Japanese style of cartoons (manga/anime/hentai) and American style is the fact that Japanese people like to see the characters grow in maturity and overcome obstacles to achieve that goal; for the most part, they actually have a finite end compared to American cartoons. (X-Men it never fucking ends) Hentai has that closure (at least some of them) that porn doesn't offer, (ever heard of the term "mindless sex?") and what it really is is anime with a sex factor added to it.

If anyone reads this, I'll be impressed. A lot of this was taken from my old posts in a previous forum. Howz this for an explanation why people like hentai? The key point I stress is that people who like anime with a little bit of libido will like hentai.

this is one epic post

mnx wrote...
h can do things 3d can't.
it let my imagination run wild.....
and it urge my s-drive in a way 3d stuff can't.

wow lol :lol: someone who refers to REALITY as 3D...no I'm just messing with ya 8) ...but back to the question...I like hentai because in some ways it takes sex (illustration-wise) to another level...(i really enjoy see a couple in love get down...especiallly when it's two characters from your favorite show...(chichi x goku/bulma x vegeta/videl x gohan/tenchi and all 6 or 7 of the girls) the stories are good some of the time especially when i can read the words in english...yeah the fantasy part in hentai is cool but there is some nasty stuff I have problems with(yeah angel blade/bible black i'm looking at you...all that futanari is just gross)(blood/torture/gore in hentai = gross)(girls that look like they're still elementary is wrong and to have it in hentai just makes me wonder how many pediphiles live in japan?)(giving females giant size tumors on their chest and calling them breast doesn't do it for me...all jokes aside can you imagine the back pain? ouch!) sorry for that, lost my train of thought...those kinda things ruin hentai for me and for the most part I don't have to watch out for it when it comes to porn...for me, the quality of porn is in the same place as american comic books ...I'm checking 'em out every once and awhile but i really could careless about them...doujinshi is great as it is illegal...it's interesting to see what people's imaginations put on paper...
we liek hentai so much cuz weve gotten to know the girls/guys so well that is like thinkign about someone you know doing slutty or sexual things

and becaus im a perv XD
familiarity and similarity, the two shitty ity's lol. i dont have to expand upon the ideology much do i? an anime pussy looks like a real one to a good extent, as well as every other feature. the fact that i see more familiar faces in anime then i do in porno flicks is an extra benefit to the fetish too, because if you think about it: angelina jolie isnt get boned on screen for any amount of money anymore, while any respectable mother can be gang banged for several hours in anime without consequence. its the freedom of no reputation bubs, pictures dont have anything to lose so they can have city wide orgies without negative reprecutions haha
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