Battlefield 3

Adapt? how are you supposed to do that when you die from 2 rounds being fired in your general direction? they should just take the Frag rounds out altogether for the USAS. but I digress. I think the weapon I'm best at is the UMP and the EMR (I think its called that) its a sniper rifle but you take the scope off and it works just like a m14 would.

I'm at my best when I play with SEMI-AUTO weapons. I'm sort of boss with a tank though. I think its hilarious that when people drive tanks and they see you they chase after you. with me If i know I'm not gonna get you I'll drive off and forget you. When I'm in a tank if I'm in a firefight and a tank comes hauling some serious mail into the fight I get the hell outta dodge.Cuz I know 75% of the time I'll lose against it.

plus if I'm in a tank and theres Engineers firing rockets at me non-stop I'll drive away and live to fight another day, same applys for when I'm getting fired at. most people stop and turn around to shoot back, me? hell no I keep running cuz I'm all ready half dead to begin with
Dejitaru Ryuu wrote...
I had a lot of fun yesterday with the stationary anti-air thing.

Squad was spotting targets in the air or guided them toward me so I could mow them down. Had a few funny ground kills with it as well.

The thing is... it's indestructible. At a certain points I was getting attacked by 2 tanks but my 'health' wasn't dropping and I destroyed both thanks with it.

its destructible, I remember taking it out with TV missiles, but it does take a lot to take it out, bests not to bother shooting at it

Kaimax wrote...
Please don't change the topic to USAS, I've had enough reading qq/rages/noooby threads in battlelog forum.

Learn to adapt.

will do!'s still a "good" game, little things will piss people off but it happens, each person has their own play style, I know I piss a lot of people off and they do the same to me, so at the end of the day as long as you have fun, all good

and it's sad I have yet to unlock anything for the jets hahaha im really really bad at shooting in those things

also, feel free to add me on battlelog as well, we can make a platoon just for people on here so we can compare stats if anyone is interested
TheBookie wrote...
also, feel free to add me on battlelog as well, we can make a platoon just for people on here so we can compare stats if anyone is interested

sound interesting...can battlelog cross video game services? like can you play pc and me play ps3 and still see stats and such?
idk, I'm pretty sure it doesn't, I'm on xbox so it will only show xbox comparisons for stats, i.e. show the meter that will tell you if you are doing better or worse than so and so player

but if you add me, I know I can still look at your stats for PS3, it's just we won't have the easier comparing ability
Kaimax Best Master-San
Hildedge wrote...
Adapt? how are you supposed to do that when you die from 2 rounds being fired in your general direction? they should just take the Frag rounds out altogether for the USAS.

The only thing that's a problem is the ROF, and probably the splash damage. Besides that, USAS is no good for medium-far range.

"But they're shooting at me from a distance"
Those are the ones that have "skills", that knows how bullet drop works.

My USAS is my 2nd most used weapon, but the chances of me dying in a CQB is the same as using any kind of weapon.

-Don't run and gun in maps like seine and metro
-use a longer distance weapon, if you find an enemy using one. Like ARs or LMGs. UMP is obviously close range, and the USAS will still outclass it even when it uses a buck or flecchete.
-Level up and use it yourself.

Honestly, people should stop saying OP OP OP and nerf nerf nerf. Adapt to the situation and condition.

Battlelog forum user wrote...

You know what's overpowered?

Nerf whiners. Your incessant whining over nerfing everything that kills you is overpowered and needs to be nerfed because it seems that DICE actually responds to the few of you who got their feelings hurt everytime you get owned.

Maybe you need to nerf your emotions so your feelings don't get hurt so easily. Its just a game, its not like you're dying in real life here.
of course ROf is a problem the damn thing caps off more rounds then it should. to be honest the USAS is a medium range weapon with enough practice. Most times when I'm on metro I use shotguns, running and ducking between walls and nooks is the way to go, always keep moving. if you stay in one room too long your gonna get swamped or a grenade is gonna wipe you out. I use the UMP for close and medium ranges. I use no scope's on any guns, all they do is mess me up unless I'm sniping.

USAS is a shotgun of course If i'm ontop of the dude I'm gonna get blown away but even if i switch over to the 870 or DAO its still no match for the USAS's ROF. I don't plan on using the USAS even when I do unlock it, if I'm right I think i got like 20 more ranks till I get it. I'm more into getting the p90, I'm going to abuse the hell out of that gun.

I'm not to terribly fond of LMG's either. most have horrble recoil, but as always practice make perfect.

-edit- I quit games when I die more then 6 times from the same person, thats just how I'am so if theres 2 people using the USAS of course I'm gonna rage its only natural.

-edit YET AGAIN!!- look at us arguing over a video game :D
Kaimax Best Master-San
Hildedge wrote...
I don't plan on using the USAS even when I do unlock it,

Pride is your worst enemy. Honestly there's nothing wrong about using it. Seriously use it when you can for the sakes of a "new perspective".

I use it because it can really compensate my slow reaction time. (I averaged at 305.8. which is slow)

and honestly, you don't use another shotgun, against another one who clearly has superior ROF and it's automatic. Point is, don't go close range if you find a guy with an USAS.
Kaimax wrote...
Hildedge wrote...
I don't plan on using the USAS even when I do unlock it,

Pride is your worst enemy. Honestly there's nothing wrong about using it. Seriously use it when you can for the sakes of a "new perspective".

I use it because it can really compensate my slow reaction time. (I averaged at 305.8. which is slow)

and honestly, you don't use another shotgun, against another one who clearly has superior ROF and it's automatic. Point is, don't go close range if you find a guy with an USAS.

almost impossible if you swing around a corner and red laser beams come flying at your face

it told me my reaction time was an avg of 273
Hildedge wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
Hildedge wrote...
I don't plan on using the USAS even when I do unlock it,

Pride is your worst enemy. Honestly there's nothing wrong about using it. Seriously use it when you can for the sakes of a "new perspective".

I use it because it can really compensate my slow reaction time. (I averaged at 305.8. which is slow)

and honestly, you don't use another shotgun, against another one who clearly has superior ROF and it's automatic. Point is, don't go close range if you find a guy with an USAS.

almost impossible if you swing around a corner and red laser beams come flying at your face

it told me my reaction time was an avg of 273

my reaction is 323.4 SLOW as SLOW comes, but reaction is only 1/4th of the battle, the other quarters are imagination, plan of attack, and flexibility

basically : plan what you wanna do, imagine how other player will react, react to the situation in front of you if plan goes awry, and then have enough flexibility to do whatever it takes to get you're original goal done.....
TheBookie wrote...
Hildedge wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
Hildedge wrote...
I don't plan on using the USAS even when I do unlock it,

Pride is your worst enemy. Honestly there's nothing wrong about using it. Seriously use it when you can for the sakes of a "new perspective".

I use it because it can really compensate my slow reaction time. (I averaged at 305.8. which is slow)

and honestly, you don't use another shotgun, against another one who clearly has superior ROF and it's automatic. Point is, don't go close range if you find a guy with an USAS.

almost impossible if you swing around a corner and red laser beams come flying at your face

it told me my reaction time was an avg of 273

my reaction is 323.4 SLOW as SLOW comes, but reaction is only 1/4th of the battle, the other quarters are imagination, plan of attack, and flexibility

basically : plan what you wanna do, imagine how other player will react, react to the situation in front of you if plan goes awry, and then have enough flexibility to do whatever it takes to get you're original goal done.....

Does anyone plan to make a BF3 Fakku clan or anything?
Kaimax Best Master-San
Renovartio wrote...
Does anyone plan to make a BF3 Fakku clan or anything?

There's arlready one for the Xbox I think.

I don't think there's a Ps3 or PC platoons yet.

Haven't been playing since my internet took a freefall. Need to file a complaint to my ISP directly.
I love how if you stab someone just right they can't fight back. I literally ran up to a guy and knifed him while he was shooting me. I took a quick side step to his back and got a kill. Knifing is just as fun as getting headshots with a sniper.

Had this game earlier where I joined a rush game with a map with medium sized buildings. Used MAV to get on top of one and just took out people with just headshots. Of course I got found after getting 10 kills. Wasn't able to do it one more time so my deaths started to stack up.
The biggest thing for me when I play this is I have to remind myself it isn't MW3 so I can' just spray half a map away and get kills. The second thing is I don't know how much bullet drop I have to compensate for at various distances, any tips on the latter?
Bartre wrote...
The biggest thing for me when I play this is I have to remind myself it isn't MW3 so I can' just spray half a map away and get kills. The second thing is I don't know how much bullet drop I have to compensate for at various distances, any tips on the latter?

Unless you have a suppresser and a famas with a foregrip, spraying across the map is bad idea, you probably won't hit the guy and you'll give away your position. Learn the maps, best advice i can give you.

With bullet drop, im assuming you mean sniper rifles. I personally use the L96 and kick ass at ranges 200 and under, using a 12x scope. I just aim a cm above their head, but i learned the feel from practice.

100< aim at the top of their skull

200< aim just a half a cm above their head

300< basically i only counter sniper at this range, but i aim about 1 cm above head.

anything longer, if personally believe yous should be knifed and teabagged. PTFO
deadsx wrote...
Bartre wrote...
The biggest thing for me when I play this is I have to remind myself it isn't MW3 so I can' just spray half a map away and get kills. The second thing is I don't know how much bullet drop I have to compensate for at various distances, any tips on the latter?

Unless you have a suppresser and a famas with a foregrip, spraying across the map is bad idea, you probably won't hit the guy and you'll give away your position. Learn the maps, best advice i can give you.

With bullet drop, im assuming you mean sniper rifles. I personally use the L96 and kick ass at ranges 200 and under, using a 12x scope. I just aim a cm above their head, but i learned the feel from practice.

100< aim at the top of their skull

200< aim just a half a cm above their head

300< basically i only counter sniper at this range, but i aim about 1 cm above head.

anything longer, if personally believe yous should be knifed and teabagged. PTFO

The M40 is comparable to the L96 in terms of bullet drop, range, accuracy and damage. Personally, I prefer sniping at a range of 300+. To me, that's true sniping. I don't think there's any real trick to figuring out how much you have to adjust for bullet drop. You'll just get a feel for the rifle and would eventually be able to make educated guesses as to where the bullet would hit.

Anyone else notice how the AN-94 has an unusually slow burst fire? Considering that the gun was specially made so that it can fire a two-shot burst fast enough that you won't feel the recoil until AFTER both bullets have left the barrel, you'd think that the AN-94 would be able to stand tall with the KH2000 and FAMAS as a respectable battle rifle. Instead, it feels like the burst option is more of a handicap, if anything.
a patch it seems will be introduced this feb with a possible dlc. I read in battleog forums they will be taking away teh ablilty to use mavs as elevators also.
GamingNerd wrote...
a patch it seems will be introduced this feb with a possible dlc. I read in battleog forums they will be taking away teh ablilty to use mavs as elevators also.


That shit was helping me take out bitches.

makes it a whole lot easier finding good spots to take out unsuspecting foes. Well shouldn't be too much a of problem for me. Since I only do it on 3 different maps.

@deadsx wow only 300 meters... thats stupid... thats like semi-auto snipers mid range. Bolt action should be able to reach aeound 1k meters. So saying that you should only shoot up to 300 is retarded. Though I do understand that most battles should be fought around 500 m. However saying that its the only way you should snipe is pretty dicks. I want to try maxing out my longest Headshot score. It's not like I don't help out the team. I still spot hostiles and keep the enemies busy. I only do it in games where my teams will most likely win.
I once caught a 452m headshot on Kharg Island, and I was pretty proud of that shot, the guy had no idea what hit him. There was another time where I got a headshot from @330m on a sprinting target. I had to double take because I didn't believe that I'd actually made that. I like to describe snipers in BF3 as one of three different types

Serious: Uses M98B, the thing has so little bullet drop it's hilarious

Fun: Uses any of the other bolt action snipers, I like the L96 because of the sound it makes.

LOL I TROLL U: Semi-auto snipers. I admit, I've done it a lot, because it's just so unfair. You can slap on a 12x scope and readjust range so fast that the only trade off is that it takes two or three shots to down someone.
oneshott wrote...
I once caught a 452m headshot on Kharg Island, and I was pretty proud of that shot, the guy had no idea what hit him. There was another time where I got a headshot from @330m on a sprinting target. I had to double take because I didn't believe that I'd actually made that. I like to describe snipers in BF3 as one of three different types

Serious: Uses M98B, the thing has so little bullet drop it's hilarious

Fun: Uses any of the other bolt action snipers, I like the L96 because of the sound it makes.

LOL I TROLL U: Semi-auto snipers. I admit, I've done it a lot, because it's just so unfair. You can slap on a 12x scope and readjust range so fast that the only trade off is that it takes two or three shots to down someone.

I use Semi-auto for maps with inclose buildings, they're good for crowd control. I use them when I know that I will be in situations where higher fire rate is needed over single precise shots. Though I can use Bolt actions on pretty much any type of map. Been using the M98B a the past few days due to the decreased bullet drop, but is't the L96 and M98B about the same?

also *cough*
Monster Girl
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