Best Survival Horror Game?

Name of game:
Reason:(Why you chose that game)

we play as jill valentine who is now trying to escape from raccon city while a she is being chased by the umbrella biological weapon nemesis. this game takes place a wee bit hours after the ending of the second one.

why i choose this game is because their are a whole lots of zombies in one screen at once. a whole ton of monsters, limited ammo, how will she survive? i know run away because thats how i beat the game.

asaforever The Lord of Butts!
Resident Evil 2.
Details: Each two storys for both main heroes Leon S.Kennedy and Claire Redfield who try to escape from Racoon City wheree a virus turned everyone into zombies.

Reason: Because that game introduced me to horror games in general, and Resident Evil was so shoking back then in those years. Its still one of my top3 alltime favourites.

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Ps1 version:
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new Wii version (darkside chronicles):
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Buff_Daddy_Dizzle The True Buff Bizzle
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Amnesia the Dark Descent

I've always been a fan of the survival horror genre even when I was just a kid, but to tell you the truth, the only series that I actually found scary was the Silent Hill series. But lately that seems to be lacking in the game industry. Amnesia however does its survival horror in a way similar to Silent Hill, but they take it further and it makes for an experience that makes you wanna shit yourself.

It's all in first person and there isn't really any way to fight back against whatever the hell keeps trying to kill you in this game, and if you do get close enough to one of these things to get a good look at them, your probably as good as dead. The main focus of this game is immersion, which I think Frictional has done damn well on in my humble opinion, the way you interact with the environment, I actually kind of feel like I'm the one digging through drawers and hiding in the dark from things that go bump in the night.

All and all, I've yet to finish the game myself (school and all) but I recommend this one to any horror fan. You can pick it up for about $20 or so off of steam or Frictional's website.

Frictional Games
Buff_Daddy_Dizzle wrote...
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Amnesia the Dark Descent

I've always been a fan of the survival horror genre even when I was just a kid, but to tell you the truth, the only series that I actually found scary was the Silent Hill series. But lately that seems to be lacking in the game industry. Amnesia however does its survival horror in a way similar to Silent Hill, but they take it further and it makes for an experience that makes you wanna shit yourself.

It's all in first person and there isn't really any way to fight back against whatever the hell keeps trying to kill you in this game, and if you do get close enough to one of these things to get a good look at them, your probably as good as dead. The main focus of this game is immersion, which I think Frictional has done damn well on in my humble opinion, the way you interact with the environment, I actually kind of feel like I'm the one digging through drawers and hiding in the dark from things that go bump in the night.

All and all, I've yet to finish the game myself (school and all) but I recommend this one to any horror fan. You can pick it up for about $20 or so off of steam or Frictional's website.

Frictional Games

Exactly my words. I second that. Great game, great horror(and SURVIVAL!)
Oh yeah, it cost me 349 roubles. In USD it's around 12$ or something.

All i can add is screenshots. :3
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Buff_Daddy_Dizzle The True Buff Bizzle
^^Now this guy knows what I'm talking about, in about 22 hours, expect some rep.
Monster Girl
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