Bloody Good Time

Tsujoi Social Media Manager

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Bloody Good Time is the latest game from Outlight, the makers of The Ship mod for Half Life 1 and The Ship Source on Steam.
It's about £3.60 / $5.00 at the moment, so well worth the buy for a casual game with friends.

BGT follows pretty much the same pattern as The Ship but you're instead all actors in a slasher film, rather than assassins on a cruise, and must kill your Quarry and Hunter in inventive and horrifying ways.
It also has several silly game modes to break up the Hunt action, such as "Virus" similar to the TimeSplitters game type of the same name, and occasionally just decends into a Free-For-All.


It's $3.75 right now, decided to buy it.
is one unique game
kind of reminds me of 'The Ship'