Concerning the VN section, seeking a suitable substitute.

Never thought I'd see the day I come back to this forum to see dead and broken links everywhere.

I hate to do this, but does anyone know decent sublation groups or a website where I can find VN updates and all-the-like? Recently got some time off and wanted to just download a dozen VNs to read and I find out the entire section is basically broken.
Fuwanovel seems like a pretty popular english translated eroge dl site. I've never used it since I started reading untranslated stuff around when it got started so I just get stuff of nyaa basically.

There's also erogedownloads. Only has mega download links though. No torrents. I've used it before for the odd thing I couldn't find elsewhere.
1 is your go to for untranslated and translated VNs, trust girlcelly, 1st Dragon and moemoekyun uploads. You can also visit their respective blogs and download/torrent from there.

Erogedownload is competent as well but it's only partially or fully translated VNs. is pretty much a last resort, stuff that goes there is typically on anyways.
Monster Girl
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