Defense of the Ancients 2

--Emiya. I already know that few weeks ago after trained a bit with EarthSpirit.

I prefer Rolling after Magnetic Pull because you'll land ahead the target's position, and use Push to move target backwards. Cool move to gank someone who out from position or too close to your tower.

About LoA, don't attack Abaddon when his ult is active. Just "ignore" or kite him somewhere.

Watched some Korean doto yesterday, this is better than boring chinese farmfest altho the koreans did tons of mistakes lol.

edit : seems like Kaldr (Ancient Apparation) ult is a great counter for LoA.

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Sanada-Kun wrote...
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WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT, so you're telling me AA's ulti cancels out both his shatter threshold and Abaddon's Borrowed Time, but the damage from AA's ulti is still applied?

Also, another quick counter for Abaddon is Naga's Ulti. When Abaddon activates his ulti, use Naga's ulti at the same time, so when the 3/4/5 seconds are up, you can just cancel Naga's ulti and then kill the motherfucker!
Uzumaki101 wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...
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WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT, so you're telling me AA's ulti cancels out both his shatter threshold and Abaddon's Borrowed Time, but the damage from AA's ulti is still applied?

Also, another quick counter for Abaddon is Naga's Ulti. When Abaddon activates his ulti, use Naga's ulti at the same time, so when the 3/4/5 seconds are up, you can just cancel Naga's ulti and then kill the motherfucker!

Aba's ult counts as a regen. AA's ult cancels regen and does dmg. So there ya go.

Still prefer axe over AA though to deal with Aba.
Sanada-Kun wrote...

>Nothing to do and watching EternalEnvy stream
>See Saber mod (Juggernaut)

BTW: A new version has came out with Tamamae no Mai skin.
Medusa probably won't make it into captains mode by TI3
aaand I'm back to maining Rubick. This hero is just too fun.

Force staff in > use stolen echoslam > steal zeus ult > use zeus ult > MILLIONS ARE DEAD.

[size=8]If Rubick can steal the enemy's spells, why can't he steal "borrow" his allies'? Wouldn't that be easier?[/h]

Bump I guess.
>I want to try Meepo!
>lol forget it early abandonment
>Ended up playing Fagnus 2 times, CM, and Bane.

Got a good winning streak but I just want to have fun guys...
also dat feel when you managed to lock someone down with Bane yet everyone is like 1000 units away from you .-.

edit : Fuwaruu.

[size=7]6.99 Aganim upgrades Rubick Spell Steal. Now he can borrow his ally spells. Now I can work at Riot and replace Morello[/h]
Anyeone else here bought the Compendium? I got the Cauldron, btw. And I'm not even a Lone Druid player T__T

Also, massive shitstorm is happening right now in the Dota2 subreddit, mostly due to the Immortal Items and some cosmetics.

Reminder that The International 2013 is coming soon.

Wild Card match at August 2nd. I'm rooting for Quantic.

>tfw I'll be away from internet and dota2 at 8-11th August
I haven't been playing recently. I feel like a few patches about a month ago just wrecked match making. I went from playing with people around my skill level to playing with people who are on my team that have like 3 wins and no idea what the hell they are doing.

Drop from a 60% win ratio to like 53%?

Idk, but I've seen others say the same exact thing about match making on reddit. I don't mind sitting in queue for a few extra minutes if I don't get level 1's with 2 or 3 wins on my team anymore.
Badguy wrote...
I haven't been playing recently. I feel like a few patches about a month ago just wrecked match making. I went from playing with people around my skill level to playing with people who are on my team that have like 3 wins and no idea what the hell they are doing.

Drop from a 60% win ratio to like 53%?

Idk, but I've seen others say the same exact thing about match making on reddit. I don't mind sitting in queue for a few extra minutes if I don't get level 1's with 2 or 3 wins on my team anymore.

Well, the game WAS released from beta a few weeks ago, so the surge of newcomers cannot be helped. But yeah, I wish there would be a seperate matchmaking for them.

Like they could make a matchmaking for those who only have 100 wins below before they can get into normal matchmaking, just so they could get a good grip on the game.

In other news, Preliminaries for The International is TOMORROW! Cannot wait!!
Don't know why Quantic played so bad now. Last draft is just plain stupid.

all int draft with minimum stuns.

1 vs 1 solo mid tourney soon.

also what the hell with OD and Axe.

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So I haven't played Dota 2 for a bit over a month and now I'm hearing there's a new matchmaking system? Did they make the MM more open in terms of skill level?
I've heard people complaining that they get matched with more lower level players. Apparently they did something.
Maybe they should follow HoN matchmaking system (MMR and stuff). Some people said current matchmaking is bad.

Also all of this Razor picks in TI3 Groupstages. I'm so happy.
Sanada-Kun wrote...
Maybe they should follow HoN matchmaking system (MMR and stuff). Some people said current matchmaking is bad.

Also all of this Razor picks in TI3 Groupstages. I'm so happy.

Again, huge surge of new players, so it can't be helped right now. MMR wasn't broken before the release because the game was still in beta and the players were usually veterans (or at least, ones who have endured the game).

It's broken now because the new players are being sorted through which MMR they really are. They could be in very high because they won 2 out of, well, 2 total matches, so it'll take some time before everything readjusts...

But my suggestion is still open though. Make a seperate MMR for those with wins (or total games) below 100.

Also, I see you spotted and enjoyed my post in the dota2 subreddit. The "Ohayo" one :)
Uzumaki101 wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...
Maybe they should follow HoN matchmaking system (MMR and stuff). Some people said current matchmaking is bad.

Also all of this Razor picks in TI3 Groupstages. I'm so happy.

Again, huge surge of new players, so it can't be helped right now. MMR wasn't broken before the release because the game was still in beta and the players were usually veterans (or at least, ones who have endured the game).

It's broken now because the new players are being sorted through which MMR they really are. They could be in very high because they won 2 out of, well, 2 total matches, so it'll take some time before everything readjusts...

But my suggestion is still open though. Make a seperate MMR for those with wins (or total games) below 100.

Also, I see you spotted and enjoyed my post in the dota2 subreddit. The "Ohayo" one :)

At last they could separate the new players based on Levels. HoN MM was really good imo.

I didn't get it from Reddit sadly. Dota2 board at /vg/ 4chan and put them together in a gif.
Uzumaki101 wrote...
Also, I see you spotted and enjoyed my post in the dota2 subreddit. The "Ohayo" one :)

That was your post? I was going to take the PA Rylai one and throw it on my sig but that DOUCHE sanada took a gif of all of em.
nacho wrote...
I've heard people complaining that they get matched with more lower level players. Apparently they did something.

Sanada-Kun wrote...

Some people said current matchmaking is bad.

scrubmycar wrote...

So I haven't played Dota 2 for a bit over a month and now I'm hearing there's a new matchmaking system? Did they make the MM more open in terms of skill level?

Badguy wrote...

I haven't been playing recently. I feel like a few patches about a month ago just wrecked match making. I went from playing with people around my skill level to playing with people who are on my team that have like 3 wins and no idea what the hell they are doing.

They actually improved it. It looks for more than just wins now. It will find your real place after 5-10 games now. Mainly to counter smurfs but it works for old players as well.

Valve is always working on the matchmaking system so expect to see changes in the future to improve it more.
RS, Mouz, Dignitas down. Liquid only USA hope

Also, concept art of Arc Warden and Ember Spirit.
I like Ember Spirit / Xin one

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