Devs you respect, devs you don't

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FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Which game developers do you respect the most, and which ones do you respect the least? If you want, state why.



  • Sony

  • Sega

  • NIS

  • Naughty Dog

  • Namco

  • Square Enix

Least Respected:

  • Nintendo

  • Capcom
I respect Miyazaki and those that help build Demon/Dark Souls (a little bit for 2), making a very immersive world as well as character you can feel invested.

Hate Capcom for their numerous DLC but also neglecting Megaman.
Also hate Microsoft for butchering Rareware.
Hmm this is going to take some serious time to think of. Let's see what I can say for now:

  • [color=green]Arc System Works

  • [color=green]Sony

  • [color=green]Nintendo

  • [color=green]Capcom (80%)

  • [color=green]Microsoft

  • [color=green]Epic Games

  • [color=green]Namco

  • [color=green]SNK

Least Respect:
  • [color=green]Sega

  • [color=green]EA

  • [color=green]Microsoft

  • [color=green]Capcom (20%)

  • [color=green]Bungie

[color=green]I may update this later along with the reasons why I like/dislike them.
Tough, but off the top of my head,

Have Respect;
Arc Sys,
XSeed, ATLAS, Aksys,
NIS Japan,
Namco Bandai,
Naughty Dog,

Slightly Lacking of;
NIS America,

Arc Sys does a spectacular job with Guilty Gear + Blazblue.

XSeed, ATLAS, Aksys tries to get JP titles translated and localized with JP Audio, albeit their translations aren't perfect, I'm grateful for titles coming over.

NIS Japan, Simply being NIS and having NIS titles. I <3 Disgaea and stuff.

Namco Bandai, mostly for .Hack, Tekken, Soul Calibur and Tales(even if Tales usually don't have JP Audio)

Tecmo Koei, bringing back Deception, one of my all-time favorite games as a kid. They also caused the Dynasty Warriors series to branch out to stuff like One Piece: Kaizoku Musou, and Hyrule Warriors, which are really good titles for people who like that sorta thing. One Piece was a great title because it got a vast majority of the story down and the stuff that mattered for anyone who hasn't read the Manga.

CyberConnect2, but where's CyberConnect 1? Oh wait, they're the original people who made "The World" From the notorious .Hack series story. A small company of less than 200 employees that that work with numerous big name groups like Capcom and Namco to release godlike titles like Asura's Wrath, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm. I used to be really skeptical about Ultimate Ninja Storm until I saw CC2's name on it and immediately bought it. GODLIKE Game, and captures the Story FAR better than the show and even the manga. Asura's Wrath, I have no words for, it's manly as fuck and a feels ride.

Sony, I've been a fan of Sony all my life. What made me love them even more? The E3 Press Conference where they indirectly bashed Microsoft, AND their Partnership with Capcom on SF5 and the $500k prize pool for Capcom Cup 2015. There's no way, Capcom has the money throw 500K into a prize pot, not for the last 2-3 years. Maybe Sony can save Capcom from going Bankrupt.

Naughty Dog, Crash and Uncharted. That is all.

Why I don't respect them?
Capcom, milking DLCs like no other. Asura's Wrath's true ending was in a DLC. A fucking DLC, WORTH, BUT NOT WORTH. Also that abomination DmC which they wasted SO MUCH MONEY ON was fucking awful; slow, unimpactful combat, extremely glitchy, shitty character development(even the creator did not like the direction of Dante's development), the destruction of the Resident Evil series into some generic shoot'em'up game. RE6 was pretty bad, and yet, I felt more enjoyment out of RE:Revelations. Monster Hunter on the Wii and not PS3/4. There's plenty to complain about, like Megaman.

Square, How many times are they going to re-release the same shit FFVII without HD re-textures or reboot. Who the fuck cares about an upscaled game with the same graphics from 1997, people want a new game. It's like Sqaure doesn't even want to drown in money. Before Square Enix was Squaresoft, Titles like Brave Fencer Musashi, and Threads of Fate were a thing.

NIS America, some of the translations were literally done by complete and incompetent hacks. The Guided Fate Paradox which was a complete fucking mess.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Cyndas wrote...
Tough, but off the top of my head,

Have Respect;
Arc Sys,
XSeed, ATLAS, Aksys,
NIS Japan,
Namco Bandai,
Naughty Dog,

Slightly Lacking of;
NIS America,

Arc Sys does a spectacular job with Guilty Gear + Blazblue.

XSeed, ATLAS, Aksys tries to get JP titles translated and localized with JP Audio, albeit their translations aren't perfect, I'm grateful for titles coming over.

NIS Japan, Simply being NIS and having NIS titles. I <3 Disgaea and stuff.

Namco Bandai, mostly for .Hack, Tekken, Soul Calibur and Tales(even if Tales usually don't have JP Audio)

Tecmo Koei, bringing back Deception, one of my all-time favorite games as a kid. They also caused the Dynasty Warriors series to branch out to stuff like One Piece: Kaizoku Musou, and Hyrule Warriors, which are really good titles for people who like that sorta thing. One Piece was a great title because it got a vast majority of the story down and the stuff that mattered for anyone who hasn't read the Manga.

CyberConnect2, but where's CyberConnect 1? Oh wait, they're the original people who made "The World" From the notorious .Hack series story. A small company of less than 200 employees that that work with numerous big name groups like Capcom and Namco to release godlike titles like Asura's Wrath, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm. I used to be really skeptical about Ultimate Ninja Storm until I saw CC2's name on it and immediately bought it. GODLIKE Game, and captures the Story FAR better than the show and even the manga. Asura's Wrath, I have no words for, it's manly as fuck and a feels ride.

Sony, I've been a fan of Sony all my life. What made me love them even more? The E3 Press Conference where they indirectly bashed Microsoft, AND their Partnership with Capcom on SF5 and the $500k prize pool for Capcom Cup 2015. There's no way, Capcom has the money throw 500K into a prize pot, not for the last 2-3 years. Maybe Sony can save Capcom from going Bankrupt.

Naughty Dog, Crash and Uncharted. That is all.

Why I don't respect them?
Capcom, milking DLCs like no other. Asura's Wrath's true ending was in a DLC. A fucking DLC, WORTH, BUT NOT WORTH. Also that abomination DmC which they wasted SO MUCH MONEY ON was fucking awful; slow, unimpactful combat, extremely glitchy, shitty character development(even the creator did not like the direction of Dante's development), the destruction of the Resident Evil series into some generic shoot'em'up game. RE6 was pretty bad, and yet, I felt more enjoyment out of RE:Revelations. Monster Hunter on the Wii and not PS3/4. There's plenty to complain about, like Megaman.

Square, How many times are they going to re-release the same shit FFVII without HD re-textures or reboot. Who the fuck cares about an upscaled game with the same graphics from 1997, people want a new game. It's like Sqaure doesn't even want to drown in money. Before Square Enix was Squaresoft, Titles like Brave Fencer Musashi, and Threads of Fate were a thing.

NIS America, some of the translations were literally done by complete and incompetent hacks. The Guided Fate Paradox which was a complete fucking mess.

I agree with everything you said.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Respected: BioWare, Nintendo, minori

Not: Microsoft, Ubisoft, Sony, Blizzard
Necrophone Games. They gave me Jazzpunk so they're awesome in my book.
luinthoron wrote...
Respected: BioWare


We Ride Together, We Die Together. Niggaz For Life:
CD Projekt Red - For being the biggest bros in vidya.

Looking Glass Studios - R.I.P.

Mah African Americans:
Larian Studios - For making an amazing RPG that's neither retarded nor casual friendly. (Divinity: Original Sin; a.k.a., GOTY.)

R* - For creating good and interesting games that are not GTA. Also for GTA.

Obsidian Entertainment - For fixing Fallout 3 in the form of Fallout: New Vegas. They also made KoToR 2, which was better than Bioware's KoToR. I like what they tried to do with Alpha Protocol; good dialogue system.

Rocksteady - The Goddamn Batman

Random Gang Signs Denoting Respect:
Creative Assembly - Didn't fuck up the new Alien game, making Gearbox look even more pathetic.

Capcom - Not really capcom, but whoever the fuck decided that making Dragon's Dogma was a good idea. I like them. They made a game that not only had better dragon battles than Skyrim, but was better than Skyrim.

Illusion - For reasons.

Naughty Dog - With what they accomplished with The Last of Us, I can see things only going downhill for them.

Platinum - Nanomachines, son.

Actively Disrespect:
Bioware - For allowing EA to assume direct control. At least Inquisition wasn't the piece of shit I thought it would be. Bioware's first good game in years. See Larian Studios for more info on how to make a proper RPG. It doesn't include shit endings or treating gamers like winners of the lobotomy olympics.

Blizzard - Another sponsor of the lobotomy olympics. Diablo 3 is a smrt game for smrt gamers.

Capcom - There will never be another good Resident Evil game. Capcom won't allow it. Revelations wasn't even that good. It just looked good in comparison to RE6.

Ubisoft - Just the shit they pulled off this year alone is enough to hate the fucking company. They're trying to standardize having micro-transactions in $60 games for fuck's sake. Ubishit is the new EA.

Gearbox - Look up "colonial marines demo vs final."
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Rbz wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
Respected: BioWare


Haven't disappointed me yet. Not with the games themselves, anyway, but I guess publishing mistakes should be blamed on EA anyway. Really would have loved that Inquisitor's Edition...
What about the small timers guys? Indies these days are doing wonderful, wonderful things.

  • Supergiant Games: Sheer quality and passion behind their works. They deserve it.

  • Klei: Ambitious and incredibly receptive of their community.

  • Valve: Ingenious games and typically responds to feedback

  • Square: When gamers were more than a statistic.

  • Platinum Games: Responsible for many well implemented PC ports and games that are refreshingly flamboyant like Bayonetta.

  • NIS/Atlas/AKSYS: My favorite Eastern games wouldn't exist in other countries without their hand in porting them. Kudos.

  • Arc System Works: One of the few Veteran companies that hasn't gone senile with the transition to next gen. Their games are great even though I play them for the story.

  • Nitroplus: Gods of VNs. They own Urobuchi. They translate and port VNs to the west. Amazing VN quality.

  • FromSoftware: The most ridiculous comeback in history after almost a decade of failure. Love how they stir up community interaction.

  • Blizzard: Strong mechanics in games*.

  • Kyeriu/Fullflap: Makes people play erogames for the sex and gameplay.

  • Konami/Kojima Production/Team Silent: Tatctical Espionage Action. What is man but a miserable pile of secrets? They popped my cherry.

  • Nintendo: Lesser of two evils*.

  • Insomniac Games: When guns went pchooo! pew! pew! baaaa!

  • Sega/SNK: Overlords of the arcade.

  • Microsoft/Sony: Too busy fiddling with the opposition's cock to realize they're getting it in the bum by Nintendo. Rife with dishonesty and arrogance.

  • Nintendo: *for pumping that bum with centuries of stale cum. Mascots are not saggy prostitutes to shell out during a slow day.

  • Sega: "for pumping that bum with centuries of stale cum". Blatant disrespect for gamers.

  • Blizzard: *with awful online support and questionable long-term goals(HoTS is pointless).

  • Type-Moon: Nasu quit for a reason. Please stop.

  • SquareEnix: When gamers are less than a statistic.

  • Bioware/Bungie/EA/Ubisoft/Nexon: Might as well pay them to play games for me, assuming the full game is even available without DLC and microtransactions. Gross.

  • Riot Games: Cheated TB out of his sponsorship deal. Suicidal bushiness model.

  • Capcom: Shinji Mikami quit for a reason. Please stop. While your at it quit ruining everything else too.

  • Minatosoft: Majikoi A series fandiscs are bull and you know it.

  • GIGA: Baldr Sky Zero never happened.

  • Four Leaf Studios: Katakawa Shoujo was terrible and most people don't realize it because it's colored their experience of VNs.

Probably more. I'll get to it maybe.
WideEyedMan wrote...
  • Riot Games: Cheated TB out of his sponsorship deal. Suicidal bushiness model.

Tell me more. The second part, too. I know jack shit about what Riot's up to.
Rbz wrote...

Capcom - Not really capcom, but whoever the fuck decided that making Dragon's Dogma was a good idea. I like them. They made a game that not only had better dragon battles than Skyrim, but was better than Skyrim.

Despite Dragon's Dogma's repetitive and unflexible combat system(being a player who actively does complex combos in DMC, and Bayonetta titles)was pretty simplistic, but overall I enjoyed it very much. The story was just a total mind-fuck at the end in a good way, and a completely new take on the whole "ye olde dragon slayer" tales was just a plus. I still CANNOT get the platinum trophy for some reason. I've done virtually every quest in the game and then some and still cannot get the one trophy.

Rbz wrote...

Platinum - Nanomachines, son.

"Your dream dies with you."
Seriously if they follow up on a sequel title which I think at this point is inevitable I'm instantly sold. The DLC was absolutely godlike, the entire point of the DLCs were strictly character development and they just nailed it. Fantastic title.

Rbz wrote...

Capcom - There will never be another good Resident Evil game. Capcom won't allow it. Revelations wasn't even that good. It just looked good in comparison to RE6.

The sad part is, Revelations was a port, and Revelations 2 which I've already ordered looks almost identical in terms of CG.

What I'd really love is if Capcom just manned the fuck up, and partnered with Comcept and made another legit Megaman game, or another Onimusha title. Inafune is more than willing at this point to make Megaman Legends 3 if he was given the opportunity. Onimusha Dawn of Dreams, while not the best of the titles was easily one of the best in terms of story and replay value. I'd KILL for another one of these titles.
Rbz wrote...
Tell me more. The second part, too. I know jack shit about what Riot's up to.

Basically Riot had a referral reward system where the highest tier reward grants an expense paid trip to Riot HQ to design a champion. Totalbiscuit reached that tier and they immediately took down the referral system, because they never expected anyone to reach that goal and their solution was to ignore Totalbiscuit's replies. They did the same to four other sponsors when they reached their own respective rewards involving developing a champion.

Riot's business model(apologies for spellcheck) is to keep things in constant flux before people can process them, as you can see by the aforementioned scandal and the constant patching they do. The problem is that because they keep things in constant change there's no reliability and people who expected certain things from them(champions, balancing and rewards) will be furious. I don't like this approach, it screams abuse and dishonesty.
WideEyedMan wrote...
Riot's business model(apologies for spellcheck) is to keep things in constant flux before people can process them, as you can see by the aforementioned scandal and the constant patching they do. The problem is that because they keep things in constant change there's no reliability and people who expected certain things from them(champions, balancing and rewards) will be furious. I don't like this approach, it screams abuse and dishonesty.

Seems like a desperate attempt at remaining relevant and profitable in a competitive market. It's apparently working, too. If by suicidal you meant jumping face first into a pool of cash, then sure.

Rare footage of Riot CEO hard at work:
Forum Image:

  • Valve Corporation (fantastic games)

  • Visceral Games (Dead Space series)

  • Gearbox Software (HL: OPFOR and BS, Borderlands series)

  • Frictional Games (Penumbra, Amnesia)

  • Capcom (Resident Evil)

  • id Software (Quake, Doom)

  • Volition Inc. (Saints Row series)

  • Codemasters (Grid)

  • Irrational Games (Bioshock series)

  • 2K (Bioshock series)

  • Raven Software (before acquisition)

  • Westwood Studios (C&C series)

Least Respect:

  • EA (they created good games back in the day but i completely lost all my
    respect for them after they fucked up NFS series and C&C with C&C 4 TT)

  • Wargaming (they just ignore players)
Cyndas wrote...
Despite Dragon's Dogma's repetitive and unflexible combat system(being a player who actively does complex combos in DMC, and Bayonetta titles)was pretty simplistic, but overall I enjoyed it very much.

Can't go wrong with Arc of Deliverance, the most badass skill in the entire game. Just needed an excuse to link that.

Cyndas wrote...
The sad part is, Revelations was a port, and Revelations 2 which I've already ordered looks almost identical in terms of CG.

As disappointing as The Evil Within was as a survival horror (i.e., it wasn't one), it's the best Resi 4 since Resi 4. Good fun to be had with that game's shooting mechanics.

Also, I fucking hate this bitch:

Forum Image:

An insult to the great sluts of vidya.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
WideEyedMan wrote...

Basically Riot had a referral reward system where the highest tier reward grants an expense paid trip to Riot HQ to design a champion. Totalbiscuit reached that tier and they immediately took down the referral system, because they never expected anyone to reach that goal and their solution was to ignore Totalbiscuit's replies. They did the same to four other sponsors when they reached their own respective rewards involving developing a champion.

I do not want to make an argument from this, but this is information is incomplete or you were missinformed.

Riot decided to change their Referral Reward System because they were seeing a lot of "Not so Legal" Accounts referred. A total of 7 People managed to refer 10.000 or more players, Total Biscuit was one of them.

Riot contacted the 7 players and offered them a trip to the company to do as the Reward said. However, in TotalBiscuit's case, he asked Riot if it was possible to give his Reward to the Child Charity Make a Wish and Riot accepted.

I have nothing to add and I agree with your second paragraph. However, despite I find it bad from a player point of view, I can see the value from a developer point of view.
idmb22 wrote...

Yeah my information was incomplete and it's good they honored their promise later, but the point still stands they did not plan on honoring their promise. I understand you don't want to start and that's perfectly reasonable.

@RBZ Riot feels like it could fall over at any moment with the competition from other MoBAs rising but somehow it still manages to cling to life. LoL will fall one day but that time may still be far off.

Yeah Dragon's Dogma is a good callback to the time when Dragons were more than flying fire lizards(doesn't help that everyone wants to be Skyrim now), even though I didn't play Dragon's Dogma for the story. I felt the combat was pretty nice since I liked doing things Shadow of the Colossus style while setting myself on fire.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Funny thing about Nintendo, Microsoft, EA, Sony, Ubisoft, etc. is that they that they're publishers, and if you're going to judge them as Developers, just them for things they do as developers, not things they did as publishers.

That being said I'm generally neutral towards most developers, and would rather individual developers on individual choices and actions they've taken.
Without a doubt though, I can say I'm pretty disappointed in:
Bioware. They're story telling is extremely overrated, and they're actively trying to isolate old fans because of perceived injustices. They have every right to do that, but their attitude over it is pretty shitty. Plus a lot of their past writers left, and they can't make models for shit.
Gearbox. Duke Nukem Forever? That Aliens game? Hiring Anthony Burch?
DoubleFine: Tim Schafer is a piece of shit who has no problems sending mobs of his fanboys against people who he disagrees with. He also manages money quite poorly and lies often about the money aspect.(hurr it's cost 10,000 to even live in San Francisco a month)
Square Enix. Final Fantasy 13 was a big drain for them. Even if KH3 and FF15 look like they might be decent as publishers they've failed to properly bring games to the west.(BRING DRAGON QUEST BACK THE WEST, ;~;)
Capcom. Micro transactions, on disc dlc, 50 iterations of Street Fighter 4, their decision to have Ninja Theory make a DMC reboot
GameFreak. Where's my battle frontier you chucklefucks?
Nintendo. Stop hiring Sakurai, he obviously doesn't give a fuck about Smash bros anymore, and he never cared about the fans. Also region locking is shit.
Sony. Can you guys keep your and your clients/customer's information safe?
Valve. Can you actually make games and not just sell community made items?
Ubisoft. Stop making Assassin's Creed games.

On the other hand:
Nintendo makes fun creative games and they have so much I'm looking forward to too. They've expressed interest in removing region locking. They also published Bayonetta 2, a big risk that no one else would take. Kudos you glorious bastards. Also most of your DLC isn't horrible or scummy.
Sony. They're doing a lot right for the vita and ps4 despite their hiccups last gen. Paying for Yakuza to come the back to the West was pretty neat. I will probably get a vita soon since you've brought a lot for it despite it not selling as well as the 3DS.
Capcom. You're doing somethings fans want. If you follow through and make updated ports of the DmC game with the DLC and reworked combat, make Deep Down and Dragon's Dogma online great, and not fuck up on SF5 then you'll get fans back.

General thumbs up to:
CD Projekt Red
Retro studios
Intelligent Studios (yeah Sticker Star sucked, but that's Miyamoto's fault)
The Astronauts
Yacht Club Games
Lab Zero
Dennaton Games
Koei Tecmo
Nintendo: Most of their games are system sellers, and that's a feat that I have not seen replicated by too many developers. Besides, I grew up on Nintendo.

Capcom: To be honest I love and hate Capcom these days. Monster Hunter is getting better and better with every game and I'm truly glad to see SF5 in the works.

Namco Bandai: Gundam games are great, Tekken is just awesome, and the Tales series are practically the only RPG series that I actually play.

Platinum Games: The successors of old-school Capcom I'd say. I enjoyed all of their games.

Rockstar: Their open-world games are both great and unique (LA Noire, RDR, GTA Series). I'd really like to see some of their older series come back though (Bully and Manhunt)

EA DICE: They're bringing back Battlefront. Nuff said

Konami: Castlevania has always been a favourite series of mine, and the Lords of Shadow series was a great ride (Mercury Steam I know).

Valve: It's a pity they can't count to three


Capcom: DLCs, Resident Evil has gone to shit (GET RID OF THE GODDAMN AI PARTNERS AND GIVE US BACK THE HORROR AND LIMITED AMMO), Megaman has been forgotten for the past few years (cameos and guest appearances not withstanding), and DmC.

EA Sports: Way too many sports games IMO.

Activision: CoD. A billion games with the same formula.

Honorable Mentions:
Comcept: Mighty No.9. I love Keiji
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