Digital Devil Saga

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Please tell me I'm not the only person who loves everything about this game. It's got an amazing storyline and character development, the game play is fun yet hard, and some side bosses whom are extremely difficult to beat but give you something to do after beating the final boss.
I liked it. But its been years since I played either game last.
I recently bought part 2. So I'll be playing that as soon as I can, assuming my PS2 doesn't break on me.
I hope it doesn't!
I've just started a fresh file on the first one to show my roommates how amazing it is. I'm about eight hours in.
I found the characters and story progression to be extremely slow and uninteresting. The battles weren't exactly too friendly either. I got till very late in the game, but there was only so much I could take, and I quit playing it.
As a hardcore SMT fan i do have both games.

Killed Demi Fiend in DDS1

Still in airport on DDS2 on HARD first play through.

I really could care less about the story in DDS series as it was kinda bland and unsurprising. But the sheer fun of NOCTURNE battle system and a great skill customization options made my day.
Kuroneko1/2 wrote...
The battles weren't exactly too friendly either.

You should probably expand on your point here. Because otherwise it sounds like you were having difficulty playing with a battle system that is barely a couple steps above Pokemon. And this game didn't have the "main character death = game over" problem either.

Just beat DDS2:
Time: just under 27 hours
Mode: Normal
Level: 62
Deaths: 9 (2 from regular battles, 7 from bosses)

The reason I did normal mode was because I wanted to get through it quickly and Hard Mode wouldn't really change any strategies. I liked how the old Law and Chaos alignments came to be personified in Madame and Angel. The revelation at the end with Seraph and Schrodinger was amazing. I also did not expect that cutscene right at the start actually took place after the game. I thought it occurred well before the Black Sun incident.

In terms of dungeon design, DDS2 was far worse. That's not to say that the dungeon designs of DDS1 were good, but they were at least better than this dark and dank corridor-fest. Not even DDS2's final dungeon matched the more interesting locales of DDS1.

The fight with Brahman was really dull, but at least it was quick unlike those 2-3 hours I put into defeating P3's Avatar Nyx and wasn't as unfair as Erebus.
Aai FAKKU Ass Master
I actually just got this game, I'm pretty happy I did buy it too :]
Monster Girl
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