Dysfunctional Systems

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luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Dischan (developer of Juniper's Knot and, of course, Cradle Song) has surprised us with another new project, it seems.

Dysfunctional Systems is an episodic visual novel chronicling the life of Winter Harrison. Having long become comfortable with her utopian society, Winter is surprised to learn that there are other worlds in other planes of existence. These worlds are quite different from hers, ranging from troubled, to dystopian, to futuristic or fantastical. However, they are all riddled with problems that, if not resolved, may adversely affect her home world. She is chosen to become a "mediator", charged with the maintenance of order in these chaotic planes, and so enters a vocational school for training. Episode 1 details her second shadowing of a seasoned mediator, only a few weeks into her first year. She and her mentor enter a world seemingly much like their own, except for this issue of "poverty" with which Winter has difficulty understanding...

from official website

Episode 1 Opening:



Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1336104-A5T8XUR.png
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1336106-BXETI6U.png
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1336108-DI72CH0.png

Dysfunctional Systems Announcement on the Dischan blog. Release date will be April 4th, 2013 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It will cost $5.

edit: “Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos” Released
Hoho, Cradle Song's demo was pretty well done, and this is definitely worth looking forward to.
This looks... interesting enough. I might get it, I might not. It looks like it might be worth purchasing, though.
Looks interesting.
Still, I wonder how many episodes are they and how they're going to charge payment. $5 for each episodes...?
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Zolnir wrote...
$5 for each episodes...?

I actually asked about this in the announcement post's comments, they promised to clarify in the next blog post.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
A few questions about Dysfunctional Systems answered, as well as some information on the status of Cradle Song and Dischan itself.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Zolnir wrote...
$5 for each episodes...?

Had to ask again since they missed this in the latest blog post, but finally we have an answer - yes, it's $5 per episode.
Yeah, thanks, I've checked out the blog post too. Though the answer was in the comment section. XD
Lawl, they're funny as ever. XD
Bit question: I'm at the part where Winter knows what nuclear bomb is. Is this just a prologue and so the op has yet to play or I somehow missed the op movie?
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
castor212 wrote...
Bit question: I'm at the part where Winter knows what nuclear bomb is. Is this just a prologue and so the op has yet to play or I somehow missed the op movie?

It's still to come.
luinthoron wrote...
castor212 wrote...
Bit question: I'm at the part where Winter knows what nuclear bomb is. Is this just a prologue and so the op has yet to play or I somehow missed the op movie?

It's still to come.

This is longer than expected.
It will still end faster than you'd expect no matter what.
Zolnir wrote...
It will still end faster than you'd expect no matter what.

Haha, it did.

Better than most VN I've come across lately. A bit surprised with the resolution, 1280x720, kinda giving it a professional sense. That and I sure love dem core concept. Those artwork, CG and Background looks really professionally done. I kinda recognize the artwork.

And let's not forget here, my heart went 'kyuuu' when I see her.
Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/165458_533866173323521_867218555_n.jpg

Music too, aint bad. Not stand out too much, it blends quite well with the story and atmosphere. Sure love them BGMs.

Overall it feels like those budget-ed VNs. A very good job, kudos to Dischan. I sure as hell want episode 2.
@castor212 I forgot to mention that Analogue: A Hate Story is one of the five to six Western-made Visual Novels that I approve of. I'm not sure if you would find the format interesting (it is to me as an IT guy) but you should check it out.
Zolnir wrote...
@castor212 I forgot to mention that Analogue: A Hate Story is one of the five to six Western-made Visual Novels that I approve of. I'm not sure if you would find the format interesting (it is to me as an IT guy) but you should check it out.

This is certainly... different.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
“Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos” Greenlit

Soon to be on Steam as well, then, for those who might be interested in that.
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