Gamer ID's - Now with Masterlist

PSN - Raven_Freak

I play R2, Fat Princess, and the Lost Planet 2 Demo for now, but i have mvc2,tekken 5 dr, lbp,rock band, and a few others but i dont play them so much. if you add just put fakku as a message cause i wont add ya since i dont remember where i met u XD
Xbox 360: BlackOinky (no i did not make this tag, my older sister did. sadly she does not play anymore and its a waste to leave it alone so ya...)
Morning Star Soba-Scans Staff
Zeph=3 wrote...
Xbox gamertag: putmarlly (i got a mic... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

lol I got a mike too! I can now talk to hime-sama Live!

Xbox GT- G a m e r 2 u
(no spaces)
*Shit I hope I don't regret it...ffuuuck it if get called out I'll deny it left and right.
Server: Bonechewer(US)
Character names: Immaics(troll rogue), Sasin(undead priest)
Xbox LIVE: KeitaroCoS
Steam: KeitaroCoS

Yep, don't play WoW or Eve anymore, so no use using those, and I guess the steam account covers a lot of games.
360: Lovemiser

Feel free to add me.

EDIT: It was misspelled before, but now it's alll good.
SN: Tronix
Srvr: Bladefist

XBL SN: ShawnW420

Add me for COD4/WAW/WAW Zombie mode...i got a zombie clan lolz no voice mssgs only text and say your from fakku or ill senf hate mail haha
XBL Gamertag is lordcole/PSN ID is lordcole
Hey so i was just wondering what people XBL names where mine is bangthatwasme

lol yes it sucks but idc

Selling my 360 down the road, but I guess might as well throw out my GT, which is Tsurayu. I use that name just about everywhere.
Xbox Gamertag BangThatWasMe
Tsurayu wrote...

Selling my 360 down the road, but I guess might as well throw out my GT, which is Tsurayu. I use that name just about everywhere.

Why sell it? Are you bored? I'm keeping my 360 and Wii until the newer ones are announced or something. PS3 is trash. I owned both the fat and the slim and they only lasted 10 days in my house before I returned it saying "It's broken I want my money back."
YO! lol Im

Xbox Id.

[size=15]Lil Sarg3 PwNdU[/h]

Hit me up i gotz the good shit.
Afroman wrote...
Tsurayu wrote...

Selling my 360 down the road, but I guess might as well throw out my GT, which is Tsurayu. I use that name just about everywhere.

Why sell it? Are you bored? I'm keeping my 360 and Wii until the newer ones are announced or something. PS3 is trash. I owned both the fat and the slim and they only lasted 10 days in my house before I returned it saying "It's broken I want my money back."

My friend already has one and we get together all the time anyway, so I figure I'll sell it and get a PS3 eventually and that way the two of us will have more options. And yeah, I am getting a bit bored of it.
My Gamertag is Half Naked.I own almost any 360 game out there,send me an invite.
PSN: GreedyWrath
Mostly play Modern warfare and MAG beta and street fighter, even though im really bad at it.
Gonna be playing Uncharted 2 and MW2 very soon. Send me an Invite, but tell me you're from FAKKU
Steam: Glutt0ny

Yes I have a thing for the 7 deadly sins. A very intimate delicious thing....
lets move on >.>
Just got a PS3.

PSN: a601lbcatfish

Say youre from Fakku though if you send me a FR

Ok PSN Izzy251
Mostly Street fighter 2 Turbo HD and I plan on getting CoD WaW asap.
PSN ID: Echiban (ichiban)
Most IGNs: Hackerjin
Garena ID: iBarfTics

Play some fucking demon's souls with me plox.