Growlanser Series

Well I didn't see a thread for this already, and though I've only played games II and III released through Working Designs. Probably the main reason I began playing these games was due to Satoshi Urushihara's art work in them. You might have seen his work before Lady Innocent, or even in Nosebleed section Satoshi Urushihara's art work.
My friend unfortunately didn't play the games because it had Urushihara's art work which I personally upset with, but anyways.

Any one else a fan of these games, to the best of my knowledge there are 6 games and 3 of which were released in the USA. I could go on about the quality of the English release, yet I only liked the gameplay story and art, since the game only had English Dub I was quite depressed but I digress.

I've only played 2 and 3, while I considered playing the 5th but the change in combat made decide not to play it at the time, I'll prob try again some other time.

My favorite is 3, I really enjoyed the overall story and game play.
Here's the OP for the 3rd game.

What about the rest of us, ever heard of these games? Played them before?
Yes. I'm a big Urushihara fan, and this was one of the reasons why I plunged into the Growlanser games. It also helps that Working Designs brought The Sense of Justice and The Dual Darkness over to the states, as I've owned nearly every game Working Designs released, sans their Turbo Grafix 16 games.

The fifth game (the recent one released stateside) I bought the day it came out. I enjoyed it fairly well, but I'll admit after I cleared it a few times it has just been collecting dust.

I read rumors a while back the original Growlanser that was ported on the PSP may come stateside. That would be nice, considering I believe it was revamped for the PSP when it was ported in Japan.

I'll have to admit I have a soft spot for Charlone. She's one of my all-time favorite characters.
Fiero88Formula wrote...

I read rumors a while back the original Growlanser that was ported on the PSP may come stateside. That would be nice, considering I believe it was revamped for the PSP when it was ported in Japan.

Yea it was ported for PSP a while back, it'd be nice if it came over to the States. I think now after all this I'll give V another try.
I have only played the 5th(picked it up on a whim) but it got me into the series also I do love Urushihara type of art. Interested in the series now in the process in trying to get the 2nd&3rd set. Didn't know combat is different compared to the 5th to the 3rd how is different in what way?
megablue9 wrote...
Didn't know combat is different compared to the 5th to the 3rd how is different in what way?

They're very much different. The 2nd/3rd's combat system is more real time strategy based. Essentially, all your characters and enemy characters are presented with time gauges (that can vary on length of time depending on levels and items equiped). The gauges fill up, and when they fill, you can commence an attack. While doing this, you direct the characters around the battle field, while having to engage enemies.

The 2nd game is rather short in story. However, there are a multitude of endings you can get, including some really awesome ones that I won't spoil (don't read any of the walkthroughs until you beat it normally). The 3rd game is a bit longer and more involved, with slightly higher difficulty.
Interesting thanks for letting me know, really liked the gameplay of the 5th one if I have to sum it up about that one is simlar to Final Fantasy 12 with slightly more strategy and a more engaging story.
I think the rpg Chaos War that I played (and greatly enjoyed) has some characters from this... hmm... recheck later.
I'm a big fan of Satosho Urushihara works so its kinda natural that I will play games that feature his artworks.

Unfortunately I only played Growlanser 1-3 and that was the special collection edition for the PS2 I think? I need to replay those games again. Also I was kinda surprised when I get the bad ending in the game since the character are drawn all bloody and messed up.

Oddly enough there are official H artworks of the characters from Satoshi Urushihara. Surprised that the Shining series didn't go that way with Tony Taka.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Temcor wrote...

Oddly enough there are official H artworks of the characters from Satoshi Urushihara. Surprised that the Shining series didn't go that way with Tony Taka.

Maybe some sore of respect to not defile your own creation that was intended for SFW. Doujins are different matter... lol

But until now,
I HAVE NEVER SEEN Growlanser: Heritage of War "H-Version"
well, we do have Sherris X Krious... But I want to see some Fannile or even Melvina
(Fannile has one with Korin, but it's SFW) or did I miss something...


The only one that I played seriously was Growlanser: Heritage of War(GL V), I didn't have enough motivation ATM to play my Undub GL 3 and the remake of GL 1.
Kaimax wrote...
Temcor wrote...

Oddly enough there are official H artworks of the characters from Satoshi Urushihara. Surprised that the Shining series didn't go that way with Tony Taka.

Maybe some sore of respect to not defile your own creation that was intended for SFW. Doujins are different matter... lol

But until now,
I HAVE NEVER SEEN Growlanser: Heritage of War "H-Version"
well, we do have Sherris X Krious... But I want to see some Fannile or even Melvina
(Fannile has one with Korin, but it's SFW) or did I miss something...

Honestly I'm thinking more of that T2 is bound by the contract by Sega as is Raita with Valkyrie Chronicles series not to draw H artwork of any of the character he drawn for Sega. The most I saw him go are pantsu shots. I have to admit he does have problem drawing H artwork for character that he kinda have respect for.

Haven't played Heritage of War yet. What console is it on?
Kaimax Best Master-San
Temcor wrote...

Haven't played Heritage of War yet. What console is it on?

PS2, well heritage is a nice one. It's just that the 3D-ness makes it look so slow~~~
Thanks for the reply Kaimax.

I wish there were some sort of PSP port for the game. Makes my life a little bit easier and I already sold my PS2 :(
Kaimax Best Master-San
Temcor wrote...
Thanks for the reply Kaimax.

I wish there were some sort of PSP port for the game. Makes my life a little bit easier and I already sold my PS2 :(

Go for the latest PS2 emulator. :D
Kaimax wrote...
But until now,
I HAVE NEVER SEEN Growlanser: Heritage of War "H-Version"
well, we do have Sherris X Krious... But I want to see some Fannile or even Melvina
(Fannile has one with Korin, but it's SFW) or did I miss something...

Urushihara has not done many works for Growlanser V as he did for the prior Growlanser games. He even has some Growlanser VI (the latest game) H-stuff already out there, but GL V is rather miniscule.

There is a nice manga work by Urushihara of Elessa and Ziekwalt. It's a doujin of his own work he's done. It can be found on the net on most image sites. First few pages are below.

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That's one of the great things I really enjoy about Urushihara. Not only does he do outstanding character designs, but he's also not afraid to put his own characters in sexual situations even if they weren't intended to be there in the first place.
Monster Girl
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