How do you feel about PS3's lack of Skyrim DLC?

I personally know that Bethesda put out a broken game for PS3 and I know that they have problems with the PS3's memory allocation, but as I watch games like Dragon's Dogma and the like do it competently I am led to believe that Bethesda just wanted to make sure PS3's version got released without having to push both release dates back. I could put up with it as long as the game wasn't COMPLETELY unplayable as its easy to call Fallout 3 one of the best games of all time. I have personally vowed that if Bethesda doesn't fully support my console of choice I myself cannot support them and will buy their games from here on used.
pissed the fawk off i mean seriously this much time has passed and not even as much as a oh we fuckd up we will discount it for u for bein so patient but nope...njust a royal rub in the face by releasing another dlc and sayin oh btw this one too ull prbly wait for ever for man all my pc n 360 friends are talkin soooo much about it and all i can do is walk away cuz i hate spoilers yet amongst my friends b4 the dlc i was the skyrim wiki for them i knew damn near everything and had 3 char builds all on master all epic and now ive cum to a stand still where i stopped playin even for just fun i finished all mmy trophies ages ago and now am just waiting to play out my vamp and were fantisies and yet huh a big ole sigh of nada but waiting and as u can tell i dont like ta wait if im not told about somethin till last min i prefer it rather than going through another DOOM yeah in light how do i feel...peevd but still loyally waiting for bethesda to shut me up n take my monay
I don't really care either way. Sure, it's disappointing, but I consider the game unplayable because the loading times that make Sonic 2006 look fast. Also, you're not really missing too much, in my opinion. Dawnguard wasn't too enjoyable, and Hearthfire can be a pain in the ass if you don't have the iron/con-something ingots set aside to build with. Although you'd still need to traverse through quite a few loading screens to get the other, new materials as well.
Any pro knows you buy Bethesda games for the Xbox 360.

Because they are open world games built and meant to be fully installed and played off the HDD.

P.S. As far as DLC issues I guess Beth goofed and the coding for Dawnguard was built on 360 tech...