I need some FPS recomendation. Not COD or BFBC2

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Right, Borderlands is a game that intrigued me. Although it didn't seem like it was fast paced or has competitive multiplayer. But that's alright, I'll get to it eventually.

I play left 4 dead 2 sometimes. But i didn't buy it. I got it for free. Some of you may have heard about random people playing MW2 getting banned by Valve's Anti-Cheating System AKA 'VAC'. I was among that list and i still find it absurd how even then people were trying to convince me that VAC "Doesn't make mistakes" and that its "perfect". But that is a different story all together. Point is i play left 4 dead 2.

Its pretty fun although i only playing campaign mode on easy because i decided to play a higher level one day and some douche-bag just killed the entire team and then left. Before asking, no i don't have many steam friends.
Deus Ex, System Shock 2 two of the best games ever made imo (SS is much slower pace but you can spec your character in DX to be run and gun).
Quake 3, Unreal Tournament series, STALKER series.
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