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My fucking god this looks incredible:

Also change the title to GTA V...
>Triple threat
>Character stats are back
>Proper golf because rich fuck
>Tennis because rich fuck
>Running over bankers because greed and hypocrisy
>Playing mad libs with heist missions
>Bicycles are back because bring bring
>Fucking airplanes
>Pimp my ride is back
>Gambling in the stock market

Fuck Skyrim, this is where my second life lies.
Never has a GTA game got me this piqued since...ever. This look like its going to be all kinds of awesome.
TriniDarkSlayer wrote...
Never has a GTA game got me this piqued since...ever. This look like its going to be all kinds of awesome.

It's basically everything grand theft auto 4 was missing.
Im so fucking sad I can't Necropost this one :(
Oh nice well have fun guys.
Gameplay footage (And I mean shit tons of different legit gameplay videos) has just recently been leaked. Some are spoilers but this is just a free roam.

Can't wait until the multiplayer launches. My friends and I have already figured out our crew and decided to go on a bank-robbing spree as if we were a bunch of George Nelson wannabes. Oh and I figure at least one of us is gonna to try to crash a blimp into another.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
Shit is that this game doesent come out for PC at the same time >_>

Id gladly pay 100 € for it.
Not only my body...but also my SOUL!!
Added a vid to the original post ^__^
Keitaro Ito wrote...
Oh nice well have fun guys.
May I ask you a question? Who is that goddess of a woman in your profile pic?
Currently installing the game and figured I should bump this. When GTA V goes online I may fail college.


Steal a 747 Boieng. Do it. NOW!



Well, I guess it's time to buy a new computer.
Got up at 10 this morning. Went to Wal-mart and picked up my copy. Came home, 30 minute install. Just got done playing.

Rockstar has done it again. The driving instantly feels so much better. I honestly didn't want to stop.
I got it too even after waiting for 35mins in line to get it without pre ordering it, but I am waiting for Online first.
Rbz wrote...
>Gambling in the stock market

Spoilers, bitches:

>Invest in lifeinvader (facebook); 100 stocks.
>Story mission has you kill CEO of lifeinvader.
>Sell stocks right before murder just in case.
>Get ~10% return on investment; trophy tells me I'm alpha as fuck.
>Kill hipster cunt.
>Stock loses over 50% of value after a day.

I fucking love this game.
Stole a 747 from Los Santos International Airport, landed it in one piece at another runway, took a fucking selfie with the damn plane.

Seriously one of the best games this year.
GTA 5 is game of the year, period. I know I've changed my mind multiple times this year, but I also indicated that my decision was provisional, allowing later releases to alter my decree. The last game I considered for the GOTY crown was The Last of Us, and while it managed to dethrone Bioshock Infinite, it too, like Infinite, was mostly carried by its narrative. Not only did GTA contain an engrossing character driven story—with despicable, but lovable psychopaths—the diverse gameplay elements and features are what make this game a glorious piece of software. If this was GTA 4 all over again I couldn't in good conscience say this, but 5 is a significant improvement in pretty much all aspects.

Rockstar outdid themselves with this one. I may know jack shit about L.A., but I like to think that once again, like with NYC, R* have managed to distill the essence of the city to give Los Santos a distinct aura of authenticity. The setting is gorgeous and it seems like each street is oozing with detail, indicating how much effort was put into creating the world. R*'s meticulousness is greatly appreciated. I also like the tits. Thanks for the tits and big juicy asses; going to the strip club is actually having the effect it's supposed to for once (but Fufu's a fucking busta, yo). I'd suggest updating the game with higher resolution nipples. You know what, just do a huge resolution overhaul on their entire bodies. I'm sure the Skyrim bod modders can help with that. Fuck the PS3's limits, I want my plot and backstory to be told with impeccable, boner inducing clarity.

The core gameplay is solid and no side activity seems tacked on: golf plays like proper golf, tennis plays like fucking tennis, racing is awesome, hunting is addicting (naturally I take selfies of the kills I'm most proud of), yoga is shit because tranquility can go namaste my nuts, the stock market is bullshit (well played R*), and the Internet is an edifying time sink. Clearly R* didn't want to risk having laziness tarnish the GTA 5 experience. Speaking of racing and cars, it's amazing how GTA 5's vehicular elements outdo some games whose existence is devoted to racing. Not only can you pimp out your ride (clown honk master race), the game's physics engine makes cars behave realistically. As a veteran of various racing games, I greatly appreciate the vehicle variety as well as the disparities in their performance. For example, driving an SUV will feel very different from a sports car. It feels heavier and will perform accordingly (i.e., you have to account for the fat fuck's inertia). Pro tip: unless you're driving a truck, don't fuck with one. Also, the cops are much smarter here and their behavior is reminiscent of the original Need For Speed: Most Wanted's cops. They're very aggressive and took vehicle disabling techniques from their brethren in MW.

Another feature I love is the progressive damage on vehicles. Not only is the vehicle damage in most cases realistic (e.g., if you crash into a pole at a high enough speed, you'll see a huge dent at the point of collision), but as the vehicle takes more punishment, it's performance will noticeably decay: a crooked wheel makes turning more difficult, it can steer you off course, acceleration will be hindered, and it can eventually pop. If your front wheel is fucked up, you've likely beat up your engine. Here's what you've won: difficulty starting the car and audible frustration from your respective protagonist. Keep playing the crash lottery, there's always a winner. If you're extremely lucky you'll be thrown through the windshield.

R* definitely did a wonderful job making the city feel alive. Pedestrians convey the mundanity of their pathetic existence, drivers give you the finger if you wrong them, familiar characters think anyone gives a shit what they have to say on LifeInvader or Bleeter, various news organizations keep track of the day to day events, the stock market fluctuates, and the strip club has day and night shifts. Character models are detailed, their facial expressions seem genuine and emotive, voice acting is impeccable, and the writing is GTA quality.

By far the most impressive feature in the game is the seamless transition of camera angles in real-time. This happens during missions and it's entirely optional. During driving sections, sometimes the game will prompt you to hold a button (circle in my case) which will do things like show you camera footage from a news chopper. You can watch news coverage of your chase and control your vehicle all in real-time. It's like an interactive cutscene (a glorious departure from the QTE shit we sometimes see in cutscenes). Another example is when Franklin meets Michael for the first time. Not only does the game render the world around you and allow you full control of your vehicle, but at the press of a button you could watch a "cutscene" occurring in your car as you drive, with no loading or any interruptions. That kind of awesomeness just blows my fucking mind.

Complaints time. Let's see, uh, well, it's bullshit that Bawsaq doesn't work unless you're signed into R*'s social club. It's also difficult to make money outside of heist missions. I wish I could have the scuba gear I have in certain missions. Strippers need higher resolution tits, but I already covered that. That's pretty much it, honestly.

For me this game is up there along with Deus Ex. I'm not sure I can call GTA 5 my favorite game of all time, but I feel more comfortable than I probably should giving this motherfucker a 10/10. Fuck, I love this game.

Also, fuck ballas. I hate dem niggas. I fuckin' bust a cap in they ass with an rpg, son. My license plate says GANGS7A. Stay jelly, bustas.

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