Kamisama to Unmei Kakusei no Cross Thesis

It looks like the trademark that Nippon Ichi created a while ago was indeed for a sequel to "Kamisama to Unmei Kakumei Paradox" (The Guided Fate Paradox). This sequel is called "Kamisama to Unmei Kakusei no Cross Thesis" and is set to release on July 24th in Japan for the PS3.

Details about the game

One interesting thing to note is that the game will use 3D chibi instead of sprites. Apparently, people didn't like the sprites in the first game which is news to me. I really didn't see any problems with them. They weren't high-res like the ones in the recent Disgaea games but I still thought they looked good.

Another thing mentioned in the interview was that this game would be easier to play and understand. I didn't think the main story was too hard in the first game but I didn't really feel like doing all of the post-game stuff. The formula just got tiring after a while so I hope they do a better job at keeping this one fresh. It was still a great game though and my first experience in the "roguelike" genre.

Also, I don't know how I feel about having one of the heroins die if I don't choose them.
Forum Image: http://i.minus.com/ibhO7VJwY8jSGE.jpg



Forum Image: http://i4.minus.com/iRHjGTUK0TKni.jpg
Forum Image: http://i.minus.com/iLrXJoASygrNl.jpg
Forum Image: http://i.minus.com/i0cjahCS90zb.jpg

Forum Image: http://i.minus.com/iImEQN3U5vVMk.jpg
Forum Image: http://i.minus.com/ibafeF6X4Biza0.jpg
Forum Image: http://i.minus.com/iba25k7zUOKLjN.jpg

Yeah, so... I'm not really liking the chibi models. I just don't understand why they did this. Did they want to do something different since the majority of their games use 2D sprites or did people really not like the visuals in the first game? I wouldn't say this looks bad but the sprites from the first game were great. Seriously, this image change wasn't necessary at all.

I mean, I'm sure it'll work out but it does look like bit of downgrade. Though, I guess that could make sense since the first game didn't sell too well and the budget for this is probably fairly low. Then again, simply reusing sprites would've been cheaper so I don't know why they decided to go this route.

It kind of looks like Sorcery Saga. I played the demo for that game and liked it but I'd rather have KamiPara stick with sprites. I really liked the facial expressions of the sprites in first game.
Looky-tan Got Megane?
Well... still need to finish the first one xD

I am glad the art designs are still Ito-sama, but like you, the whole save one and the other dies concept irks me. Though the chibis are cute and I like them, but I also don't see what was wrong with the first games sprites.
I also would have liked it if they could have kept with the first game where the female characters were voice by the Love Live! voice actresses, but that's just my fanboyism talking xD
New screenshots and details


I'm really liking the song in this video. I still think that the 2D sprites from the first game better fit the tone of this series. I don't know, I am starting to warm up to the 3D character models though.