Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

I didnt see it on the masterlist so i made a topic for it

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is a upcoming single-player rpg.

Is there really no active thread for this game?

I'm really falling in love with this game. I'm a sucker for character creation and customization, so I enjoyed that a lot, but the plot and setting are what really got me. For all the fantasy games we've played I haven't seen one that really centers on the fae. They get shuffled through when you need interesting-looking guys to fight, but I've never played a game where they are the focus.

I like how the them of fate is represented as roles that the fae see themselves playing over and over, like they're characters in a story that needs to be acted out. I had heard that the fate stuff was heavy handed, but when you get to start becoming part of these old stories it reminds me of every time I've read a book and wished I could insert my own character and interact with the characters.

I really hope that this game does well enough to give us some good DLC and sequels.

Is anyone else playing this game? What do you think of it?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager

Actually pretty fun to play. Story isn't all that great, gameplay is where it's at.
dumbface wrote...
Is anyone else playing this game? What do you think of it?

I am playing as a mage/rogue and so far i am loving it. Both story and combat but i hate the camera panning sometimes. Its just to bad that my main quest bugged. Argath wont give me The hunters hunted quest.
I played it for 32 hours(total) until I decided to stop. Got way too repetitive for me. The gameplay is fun. But it's just way too much of the same questing and crappy dialogue. Likely that I won't finish it before I send it back to GameFly.
A friend has it and is saying it's great. Everything that Fable should have been. Honestly, I played the demo only to get the unlocks for ME3 and was reminded so much of Fable while doing so, but probably will get this in the future.
You know, I just got this game and really liking it alot, but I got this weird feeling that something is missing. There is definitely alot here to keep a guy busy, and the combat is probably the best I have seen in an action RPG, not to mention the graphics are awesome and the lore was written by my favorite fantasy author but...there seems to be a missing component here to complete the package.
But besides that I really like this game being about 10 hours in (just got it yesterday). I am in the process of experimenting with different destiny types...I'm thinking about going straight GreatSword/Chakram combo throughout the rest of the game.
The game looks nice and I hope I can save enough to buy it.
I instantly fell in love with this game.

I'm only level 14 at the moment but it's amazing so far. The graphics, the main storyline, the mini-storylines behind quests - all are very interesting. It's probably one of the few games I actually bother reading the quests. It was worth every cent.
I find that there are parts of this game I like more so than others. I could make the same case for every video game I play but none so clearly when playing this one. And you know what? I think I found the problem, I find myself completely bored when playing through the main quest, in fact, I get massive amounts of enjoyment when playing through the abundance of side missions to do rather than progressing through the main story, which to me is actually a bit dissapointing considering R.A Salvatore had a hand in developing the games plot, so I kinda expected a bit more from this game as far as story progression goes. But maybe I am just setting my expectations to high.

But then again, i am only about 12 hours into the game with only about 4 story missions under my belt, so things could change for the better. I am keeping my fingers crossed, but for now I'll just get lost in the Kingdom of Amelur by partaking in this games extremely interesting sidequests. At the moment I am in this place called WebWood and I am enjoying this place immensely.
I'm about fifty hours in and still loving this game. And that doesn't count my first character, which I made look like a drow, and then started over because I had sold off all the magic equipment that I needed for a respec. But looking like a drow was a lot of fun. My 2.0 character is blue. I really like the Chakhrams. Chawkroms. What ever.

And the faerie lore! I've never played a game before that gave me this side of the fae. I really hope this game will be a big success.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Saw some walkthrough videos, got interested in the more action-y 3rd-person gameplay. Reminds me of Fable. Definitely more interested in this than I ever was in Skyrim (wasn't all that interested in that anyway).

Also, dem fateshifts...
Whenever I tell friends about this, I describe it as "the real Fable 2." It reminds me of what the first Fable did right, and has nothing that (in my opinion) the second Fable did wrong. The only thing that I could see people finding fault in is the "Go to this dungeon and kill this troll/rescue this person/get this trinket for me" style of questing, which, to be honest, I have no problem with. I love dungeon crawling.

On a side note, I just finished it. The ending is definitely something to look forward to.
I played the demo for this and it really impressed me. I wish i had the money for it
I playing the game and i gotta say i sure do love it, it got a great story and fighting system, the few downsides to me are the camera and the lack of shortcuts for all your moves.
The games battle system is definitely what stands out the most when i picked it up, i just find that the game has a lack of characters that you really can't get attached to, which is understandable for a game with such a huge world like this, but it would have been nice to add more fleshed out chars.