League of Legends (LoL)

Victorious Morgana Skin Preview

Classic Rumble Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/21iXkaP.jpg

Classic Shaco Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/5HfMB2P.jpg
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#ff69b4]So...I'm really loving Kha'Ziz right now.
[spoil]Forum Image: http://puu.sh/c7smw/4b6b82e86c.jpg

Lovely bug getting a nerf to his W damage :
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
been undefeated as Mundo in top lane, all thanks to my Jungler, love you Tsamari
most recent games
6-4-14 (killed myself cause Tsamari told me to)
I like Mundo
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
MrTickTock wrote...
I like Mundo

[color=#ff69b4]>Season 2
You should play Mundo!
I hate Mundo!

>Season 4
loves Mundo

ero-sensei wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#ff69b4]So...I'm really loving Kha'Ziz right now.
[spoil]Forum Image: http://puu.sh/c7smw/4b6b82e86c.jpg

Lovely bug getting a nerf to his W damage :<

[color=#ff69b4]He's always getting nerf in someway. I remember playing mid when his W was so much better and you got tear then level 3 all in. Good times -w-
Royal Club vs. OMG, those games so far have been EPIC!! (no spoilers)

Personally i hope SHRC goes to finals, because Uzi has just become my favorite adc and inSec my favorite jungler (oooor maybe 2nd favorite, because i just gotta support Cyanide from Fnatic).
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Btw, anyone here plays LoL on EUW? I know the majority will be NA based, but I was just wondering. Lately I have been playing "alone" and it is not fun.
idmb22 wrote...
Btw, anyone here plays LoL on EUW? I know the majority will be NA based, but I was just wondering. Lately I have been playing "alone" and it is not fun.

I play in EUW, currently Plat 3. How about you?
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Coconutt wrote...
idmb22 wrote...
Btw, anyone here plays LoL on EUW? I know the majority will be NA based, but I was just wondering. Lately I have been playing "alone" and it is not fun.

I play in EUW, currently Plat 3. How about you?

I am unranked at the moment, I kind of "hate" YoloQ when I play alone. Nevertheless, I am palying my placements matches to see where the God Riot places me, but I am not expecting great things tbh.

I mainly play 3v3, Plat I in that Queue. However, I am just looking for people to play with, does not matter if it is Team Builder, Normal, Normal Draft or DuoQ.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Coconutt wrote...
Royal Club vs. OMG, those games so far have been EPIC!! (no spoilers)

Personally i hope SHRC goes to finals, because Uzi has just become my favorite adc and inSec my favorite jungler (oooor maybe 2nd favorite, because i just gotta support Cyanide from Fnatic).

Those were a lot more entertaining than the Korean semi-final matches. Hopefully the finals will be just as entertaining and not a complete stomp.
Royal and OMG's 3rd game was insane. One throw after another.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Can't wait for the games on the 19th. It's going to be good~
Literally hindering on the border of G2->G1, and I keep getting the biggest retards. People pick Vayne into Lucian and don't realize the first 6 levels will fucking suck.

The funny thing about this game, no matter how much shit I talk about this game, I always end up coming back to it, it really is sad.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Well, I am still doing my placements (7 with 5W - 2L so far) and what really made me laugh is that even I tried to do my best in those 2 games, I felt useless and my impact was null.

Game 1: Top and Mid fed really hard to their opponents (7 deaths before minute 10). Tthe enemy jungler was not gaking, mainly because I was counterjungling him all over the place. At some point the enemy Top and Mid decided to deal with me and I was forced out of their Jungle. I think I spent too much gold on vision, but we reached a point in which we could not even kill the Top and Mid and they will just rape us. We los by minute 30 or so. TF said he was a smurf and he was sorry for the stomp on Midlane, in the case of our Top, he was just bad (not saying it in a nasty or bad way, he was just inexperienced overall, he went trade a Pantheon with a doran blade and lv 5, while Panth was lv 6 with brutalizer XD).

Game 2: Bot lane fed the enemy Corki, and when I say feed, I mean the enemy Corki had 14 kills when he moved out of Bot Lane. He had Trinity + Sorc Boots + IE when he moved to other lanes to pressure and push to win. I do not now if Corki was a smurf or not, but he seems to knew what he was doing, and his Corki mechanics were pretty, pretty good. The game lasted about 27 minutes.

The other 5 games, were normal games, a throw here, a throw there, but overall I did not feel useless like in those other 2 games. xD

Wow, long post rofl.
Tsujoi wrote...
Coconutt wrote...
Royal Club vs. OMG, those games so far have been EPIC!! (no spoilers)

Personally i hope SHRC goes to finals, because Uzi has just become my favorite adc and inSec my favorite jungler (oooor maybe 2nd favorite, because i just gotta support Cyanide from Fnatic).

Those were a lot more entertaining than the Korean semi-final matches. Hopefully the finals will be just as entertaining and not a complete stomp.

S3 trauma much? lol
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Do not like the new Ahri, Jana and Talon Splash... On the other hand I think the new one for Blitzcrank, Kayle, Shen, and Zilean are quite good. The new one for Tristana is just strange... not sure if I like it or not.
Dunkmaster Darius Trailer

Classic Ahri Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/xgqe1MW.jpg

Classic Blitzcrank Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/rnTCbqj.jpg

Classic Ezreal Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/xVorVeg.jpg

Classic Janna Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/O0uFxbG.jpg

Classic Kayle Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/iktydwi.jpg

Classic Wukong Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/RVikrKF.jpg

Classic Shen Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/swVGl0Z.jpg

Classic Talon Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/u6sEyBr.jpg

Classic Tristana Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/isCOnVb.jpg

Classic Veigar Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/Z4DpfTA.jpg

Classic Zilean Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/fDKE9XP.jpg
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I like the new splash arts. I think I like the Kayle one the most, something about the way they drew the ulti.
WOW the new art looks way better than the old ones. The old ones had this kind of childish paint style (if that makes sense) in my opinion, but he these new ones, they just look epic.

I think they have taken a lot of influence from the Chinese ones, because they also looked way better than the westerner ones.
I agree most of the new splash art looks way better than the originals (With the exception of a few like Janna).
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
pls riot pls


Actually she has enough skins, nvm.
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/vo3l0ss.jpg
Monster Girl
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