League of Legends (LoL)

Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Tegumi wrote...
Revelation wrote...
Finshed my placements and starting in Silver V. Pretty good considering I was told I would end up in Bronze IV by a certain Senpai who shall remain *cough*mrticktock*coughcough* nameless.

iirc you're a relatively new player, right? The friends who taught you should be pretty proud you didn't place into Bronze, and congrats. :)

[color=#9400d3]I'm just happy when he ults.
Revelation wrote...
It was 2 months of them yelling at me to ult.

I know the feeling. My one friend who got me into league STILL yells at me all the time to ult. We should queue up sometime. If you're silver we're probably at similar skill levels. I need new friends.
Revelation Defender of DFC
Cpl. Nyu wrote...
Revelation wrote...
It was 2 months of them yelling at me to ult.

I know the feeling. My one friend who got me into league STILL yells at me all the time to ult. We should queue up sometime. If you're silver we're probably at similar skill levels. I need new friends.

Name is RevelationF if you want to add me. I'm on NA
Kalista Champion Spotlight

Poro Rider Sejuani Skin Preview

Snowday Malzahar Skin Preview

Blood Moon Elise Skin Preview

Blood Moon Thresh Skin Preview

There is also Winter Wonder Orianna, but I'll wait for the video of it.

So, we have a full Blood Moon team now.

Blood Moon Shen (Top)
Blood Moon Akali (Mid)
Blood Moon Elise (Jungle)
Blood Moon Kalista (Adc Bot)
Blood Moon Thresh (Sup Bot)
I think I've figured out the jungle. After about 30 minutes and alone time in the jungle, I figured out Elise's optimal path.

Finished level 4, 4:10, Extremely healthy WITHOUT A LEASH.

Krugs(S), Razorbeaks, Red (S), Murkwolves, Blue, Grump(S). (S) = Smite

So the optimal way to jungle from my test run just now is that you start small camp and smite that shit ASAP to get the CD back ASAP. Granted this is Elise so expect different optimization routes. Krugs gives you tons of downtime on camps so you can regen back much health. Always let your spiders tank, more downtime means more regen and more mana to swap back to human form to birth more baby spiders.

I gotta say I'm real excited for tomorrow/today. Also, permaban Warwick, that fucker is literally the most unfun thing since LeBlanc when she had her silence. Skirmisher's Blade is just as broken as I imagined. WW was like 5/5, Devourer Skirmisher machete, and a Wit's End and he smite+ult+Qs me for 100-0 as an ADC, this shit was a problem even in the PBE.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
I have not tried the new Jungle (or even the new Patch) yet.

I am considering purchasing that Sejuani Poro... just... cute... reasons. *_*
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Cyndas wrote...
I think I've figured out the jungle. After about 30 minutes and alone time in the jungle, I figured out Elise's optimal path.

Finished level 4, 4:10, Extremely healthy WITHOUT A LEASH.

Krugs(S), Razorbeaks, Red (S), Murkwolves, Blue, Grump(S). (S) = Smite

I wonder if routes like this will catch on or if it will be too susceptible to invades/steals.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Tsujoi wrote...
Cyndas wrote...
I think I've figured out the jungle. After about 30 minutes and alone time in the jungle, I figured out Elise's optimal path.

Finished level 4, 4:10, Extremely healthy WITHOUT A LEASH.

Krugs(S), Razorbeaks, Red (S), Murkwolves, Blue, Grump(S). (S) = Smite

I wonder if routes like this will catch on or if it will be too susceptible to invades/steals.

I remember back in season 2 that it wasn't uncommon for junglers to start wolves before the buff.

AD junglers seem to have gotten the bigger boost from what I've seen.
Tsujoi wrote...

I wonder if routes like this will catch on or if it will be too susceptible to invades/steals.

I think it'll take some time to see if early level 1 invades will occur more frequently because I suspect Riot to tone down the jungle just slightly, but in its current state, failing an invade will be catastrophic.

That's what I find incredibly interesting about this season though. You aren't HEAVILY required to take EXP from buffs in order to really level, this opens up more flexible patterns, but so far, it's just turned into a gimmick for me. The reason is entirely because of Ranger's Trailblazer.

Trailblazer gives clear-time out the butthole. In fact, I've jungled Alistar, Taric, and Shen, surprisingly, Taric can work very well given how smite works now.

With Shyvana I'm able to hit level 4, and give away my first blue buff all while staying on par with levels and most of the time, staying ahead.

Trailblazer HEAVILY outweighs its usefulness vs the other machetes because of the fact it's on a reduced CD AND it has AOE+Stun. I've been playing Shyvana and Elise almost all day today, and Trailblazer lets me just clear almost instantly while staying ahead of almost all lanes in levels. To top it off, I've been "stealing" smite buffs at the enemy side of the map, most particularly, Razorbeaks + Murkwolves. This allows me to deny vision and to keep an eye on their side of the map.

This item is most DEFINITELY getting nerfed.

Of course, I've been looking at Reddit to see if anything interesting popped up and apparently Nightblu3 posted an excel spread, to sum up the entire excel sheet.

TL;DR, Ranger's Trailblazer.
Winter Wonder Orianna Skin Preview

Poro's are invading.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#9400d3]END GAME FANTASY!
Played Master Yi today in the jungle for shits and giggles. Got FB at level 1 at like 1 minute, invade/cheese strat.

Went back, and bought Ranger's Trailblazer got back to the jungle at 1:49.
Cleared the jungle at a ludicrous rate and counter jungled the entire game.

This is where it gets sad. I was 2-3 levels ahead of everyone, the entire game because of that First Blood. Simply by smiting my jungle camp for every CD smite came off immediately. Almost got a 1v5 penta if LB didn't W->R away.

There's gonna be so much that needs to be changed this season.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Cyndas wrote...

There's gonna be so much that needs to be changed this season.

I hope new meta is that everyone takes Smite and Flash now.
I've seen top lane push lane and FB jungler at blue. Pretty great to watch.

Revelation Defender of DFC
So I'm going to start a YouTube series called Adventures in Ranked and it's going to be a montage of how ridiculously fucking stupid everyone in ranked is and how much I hate everyone.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I wish there were 3 spots open for teams to join NA LCS.

Nien and Maknoon stealing each others pentas.
The double poppy pick.
I wonder how much better/worse they would of done with Gleeb there.

FSN is extremely fun to watch as Maknoon gives negative fucks.
CST and CA had cleaner games tho.
Revelation Defender of DFC
I'm done with League.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Revelation wrote...
I'm done with League.

[color=#9400d3]Ok. See you in two days.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
Top lane Warwick with smite is so broken op. Try it out, get a skirmishers blade(juggernaut), and blade of the ruined king then go tanky. smite the enemy champ then ulti, you will always win the trade.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
MrTickTock wrote...
Top lane Warwick with smite is so broken op. Try it out, get a skirmishers blade(juggernaut), and blade of the ruined king then go tanky. smite the enemy champ then ulti, you will always win the trade.

Revelation Defender of DFC
Tsamari wrote...
Revelation wrote...
I'm done with League.

[color=#9400d3]Ok. See you in two days.

Oh, sorry let me rephrase that. I am done with jungling in League.
Monster Girl
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